Today’s Horoscope
All Signs:
Today the stars want you to learn how to settle. I know that seems like terrible advice, and the exact opposite of what people tell you, but it’s really not.
There are many good reasons not to settle. Do not settle for anything less than real love, don’t work at a job you hate, never just accept a subpar life because you think you can’t do better or you don’t deserve it.
When the stars say settle, they mean recognize what you have and cherish it. There are many things we take for granted that are rare and wonderful. Stability and trust are vastly underrated in this world. Life is not meant to be lived in one extreme or the other. Moderation really is the best way to go for almost everything in life.
Life is long, if you’re lucky, and you can’t have excitement and craziness 24/7. You need to dole that stuff out in small doses, and maybe you will find contentment.
But there are some of us that can’t be happy that way, and it is a shame. Some of us can’t see when they have a good thing going, and they constantly feel like there is something missing. They throw good money after bad, they hang on way too long and feel everything so much deeper. Sometimes it is because they are too smart or imaginative for their own good, sometimes because they are just damaged and incomplete, and they are aware of it and it is a constant struggle trying to figure out which one it is.
They continually drive down dead alleyways, and zig when they should have zagged, out of some ideal of being a hopeless romantic or because the real world just bores them to tears. These people end up either being revered as geniuses or more often vilified as fools and dreamers.
Either way, they waste many of the good things that come their way, because they are never satisfied. They cannot appreciate what they have, no matter how hard they try. They will let you down over and over, they will drive themselves crazy, simply because they will never learn to accept the world as it is and be happy with what they have.
They are larger than life, but in many ways so small and so disconnected from the world. If you know someone like that, let them go. You will never be able to make them happy, they will never be satisfied or content. The best they can hope for is that they can deaden enough of themselves so that they can bear to live day to day and not think about all the great and amazing things that they see but no one else can. In many ways these people strike a chord in us because they give voice to some of the vague dissatisfaction in our daily lives, but then you go to work or your kid’s ballgame or get some ice cream and forget it. These people can never forget it, and they live it 24/7.
Who can say if those visions of the way it all could be are even valid? The problem with visionaries is that some of the best things you can envision can never be. The world doesn’t work that way, there are too many variables, and those variables are people, all with their own free will and dreams and paths to destruction.
If you can’t reconcile what you want with what you can have, you can never settle. Settle into a life that brings you happiness and contentment. Security and love, joy and fulfillment, where you can sleep through the night at least a few days a week, happy knowing that you know what you know and can let all the other things go and stop tilting at windmills and searching for imaginary treasures.
So the stars want to offer their condolences and send their love to the unsettled. It is a sad, lonely life in many ways, and although it has it’s rewards, those rewards can be a curse.
But even the cursed deserve our love and pity.