Monday, June 12, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that love is love.  It doesn’t matter at all, as long as it’s between two consenting adults.
It doesn’t matter how you think your God feels about it.
It doesn’t matter what your parents think about it.
It doesn’t matter what politicians think about it.
The stars don’t understand why anyone would care about who anyone else chooses to love, as long as it is not abusive or hurting anyone. .
And if it does really bother you when you see any relationship that isn’t a man and a woman, then you might have to start asking yourself why that is and what it says about you.  

Then maybe you can stop hating by learning to not hate yourself.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that everything you do has long lasting results. Whatever action you take, whatever words you use, it will have long reaching effects into the future. For yourself, and for the people around you, and for future generations of people you will never know.
Always keep that in mind, especially if you are dealing with a child, because you can make or break a person with how you treat them and what you instill in them at the beginning. You can give them the keys to the universe, or cripple them and doom them to a half life of misery and self doubt.
The universe was set into motion nearly 14 billion years ago, and everything you see, from the stars and galaxies in the sky, to the motion of the planets, to the very makeup of your being, is a result of it.
You create your own universe around you every time you interact with it.
Choose wisely how you go about it.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Sometimes, on paper, life seems like a lost cause. It appears that when you look at it logically, there's no point to it. There's more pain than pleasure, there's more moments that can break you than moments that can save you.
Sometimes it can all seem unbearable.
But still you go on, because you know it will get better. You know that it's an illusion, this wretched existence. There are more good things than bad, maybe not right now, but in the balance sheet of life.
The stars want to tell you that they're proud of you, because you have endured some really horrible shit during your time on the planet, and you're still here.
And for those who of us that couldn't endure it, they hold no judgment and weep for you, and the joy you missed out on. Because there's always joy to be found, you just have to want to seek it out.

The stars implore you to never stop searching.

Friday, June 9, 2017

6/9/17 Friday bonus

Today’s Bonus Friday Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to take a moment to tell you to enjoy your weekend.  You deserve it.  Well, most of you, but let’s not point fingers.
They also want to remind you that you most likely already know the answers to most of the questions you have, it’s just a matter of admitting it and doing something about it.  That’s the hard part, but the stars know that you’re more than capable of it.
So head into the weekend and the rest of your life knowing that you already have the knowledge and the fortitude you need to fix things and move forward, whenever you’re ready to face it.  

The stars didn’t raise no fools!


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you yet again that just because you can't see them during the day, that doesn't mean that they aren't still there, watching over you.
In fact, the only reason you can't see them is because another star, the sun, is shining down on you. It's bringing you life, energy, warmth; it's keeping your planet alive.
Even if you were deep beneath the earth, in a lead bunker, billions of particles from the stars would still reach you, still pass through you every second, and connect you to the universe.
It's a bit like love. Now matter where you are, or what you're doing, someone loves you, whether you want to admit that or not, no matter how hard you make it on them. You can't stop someone from loving you just because you want to deny yourself that. Sometimes it just makes those people love you more.

So remember, just like love, the stars are with you, always and forever. It's your choice whether you want to embrace it or not.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars understand that some days you don’t have time or just don’t feel like analyzing your actions and life and trying to better yourself.  You need a break once in awhile.
They know that you can’t always go out of your way to help everyone you meet, to be a therapist for all the damaged people you know.  
They know that you can’t always be there for every other person, can’t change the world or undertake any other herculean tasks all the time.
They understand that sometimes you just have to get some mundane stuff done, or decompress, or just binge eat and watch reality TV and shut your brain off.

The stars are okay with all of that, but they want you to know that no matter what, you should still always try to not be a dick.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
There are times in your life when you feel that you helped the wrong people. Maybe you were there for them when they needed you, and when you need them, they can't be found. Maybe you invested a lot, but got very little return.
Perhaps they're selfish, or they never really cared, or maybe they were just messed up. Maybe they even lied and used you and are laughing about it somewhere. They might be so damaged that they don't know what they're doing, or they might just be evil jerks.
Point is, you expended energy on people that couldn't give it back, so you are bitter or put out.
The stars want to remind you that you don't just help people because you expect something in return, at least you're not supposed to. You helped them because you cared, not because you want to hold it over their head.

When someone proves that they are incapable of giving back, then you might decide they aren't worth the trouble, but don't get hung up on what you might have lost. If you let the fact that you were good enough to help someone purely out of love and you aren't getting anything out of it consume you, you're losing more than the initial outlay of time and energy, and that's your own fault. The best thing you can do is let it go and move on, and be there for the people in your life that don't make you question your kindness.

Tuesday, June 6, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars see how broken some of us are. So many tiny pieces, sometimes more pieces than there are stars in the sky.  They know that so many shattered and lonely people are just hoping that someone will come along, and somehow put the complicated jigsaw of their life back together again.
To be sure, there are people that might come along and save you, spend a lifetime turning and pressing the fragments into place. Chances are though, you are going to have to do the hard part first. Only you know where the pieces went, and where they fit, if not exactly, at least a close approximation.
Because putting something back together with no help and no clue as to what it looks like when it's finished is damn near impossible, and completely unfair to the person trying to make you whole again.

So there might be a savior waiting for you, that will come along and help you make it alright, but you have to give them something to work with. Otherwise you're dooming both of you to be forever picking up the pieces and you're always going to be incomplete.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know they you've earned the right to be bitter. They know the times you tried, but the world still worked against you. They know the effort you put forth and how it didn't get you anywhere. They know the kindness and love you showed, and how it didn't seem to matter.
They understand that we all get a raw deal now and then. Sometimes it seems that's all we get, but perspective and time always shows you that's not the case, if you just hold on long enough.
The stars can't fix it, but they can let you know that they see it, and they feel your pain. They know how it feels when you are so hurt that you can't even put it into words, and they want you to know that you've earned the right to be as bitter as you can.
But just because you've earned it doesn't mean you have to do it. That hard earned pain is where wisdom comes from, it's what heroes do on their way to becoming heroes. They don't give up, and they don't let the bad choices and circumstances of the world get them down. They keep moving towards something better, towards happiness.
The stars want to remind you that you always have a choice. They also want you to know that even if you make the wrong one, there's always going to be someone there to bring you back.

But they want to be clear: that's your choice too.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today the stars want to let you know that it's okay to know when you're beat. Everyone extolls the virtue of never giving up, but winning at all costs isn't always virtuous.
There are many situations we come across when we want to best someone, or get revenge, or just show them how it feels to be treated the way they treat you.
Usually this involves betraying who you really are. Doing things that you aren't particularly proud of. Perhaps it might just mean sticking to an argument that you already lost but can't let go of.
That's your ego again, driving you into unfamiliar territory and leaving you out to hang. If winning or proving you're right, or teaching someone a lesson requires actions that go against who you really are, then you're not winning anything.

The stars want to warn you that oftentimes you give up more than you gain.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that humans are storytellers. For thousands of years we passed down our beliefs, our skills, our history, through stories, told around a campfire or in ceremonies.
We are all storytellers, and we all have stories to tell. Good stories, bad stories, stories of love and heartbreak, triumph and failure, and stories full of humor and warmth.
All of our stories have meaning, all of them have a point, even if the point is that some pursuits are pointless. Every story you have inside you is something that shaped you. Every story is a chance to learn about yourself and to teach others, to bring us together and help us understand who we are.
Stories bond us, they inform us, they make the world a little smaller while expanding our universe. Not an easy trick, but that is the magic of storytelling.
So the stars implore you: tell your stories! Share them with everyone, and relive them as you do.
And don't worry that no one might want to hear them. Even more than being storytellers, humans are listeners. We find comfort in other’s words, we want to feel a kinship, we want to discuss and analyze. We want to learn. We want to grow.

We want to hear people's stories.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today the stars want to talk about sacrifice. They want to remind you that you wouldn't be who you are, or maybe even exist, without someone making sacrifices along the way.
Your parents sacrificed a huge part of their lives to give you the things that you needed. Time, money, their own dreams perhaps, to ensure that you are who you are today.
Friends, lovers, teachers, so many people that have given up a part of themselves, or something they wanted, to be there for you when you needed them.
Self sacrifice is one of the noblest and most important things a person can do for another, and there are many times when it goes unnoticed. Sometimes it's because we have just come to expect it from the people in our lives. Sometimes it just seems like the thing that they are supposed to do, but that doesn't make it any less noble.
And sometimes we don't even see it. Sometimes it happens long before we're born, by people we will never know.
Sometimes it is a soldier, in a ditch, or on a beach, or in a jungle, drawing their last breath in a far away land, protecting the ideals that define who we are and ensuring our way of life. That is the ultimate sacrifice, resonating through history to give you and your children a gift that you can never repay, except to make that sacrifice worth it. The stars know you set aside one day a year to honor them, and that is certainly something they deserve.

They want to remind you though, that it is your duty every other day to live up to that sacrifice, to safeguard your freedoms, to do your civic duty, to make the most of what you can given the advantages your country provides you, and to make that gift they gave all of us actually mean something.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Every so often in your life, you arrive at a point where things just aren't working anymore. You've lost interest in the things that used to make you happy, you realize you've been neglecting the little things that help you grow and flourish. You get stuck in a rut, and everyday can come to seem like a repeat, the same movie you've seen a thousand times before.
When this happens, we sometimes tend to blame the other people in our lives. We feel like our partner or our friends, even our children, are somehow holding us back, keeping us from leading a fulfilling life, and that's just how it is.
The stars want to remind you that this is usually misplaced blame. Unless someone is abusive or controlling to the point that they won't let you have any life separate from them, and if that's the case, get help immediately.
The fact remains that ultimately it is your life, and you have a responsibility to yourself to shape it into something that makes you happy. So if things aren't working anymore, then you should be the one working. Working towards figuring out who it is you want to be, and becoming that person.

The stars marvel at how much time we waste, holding onto things that have already passed, going through the motions because that's what we're used to, sitting idly by while life ticks away. You only get one life, you might as well get the most out of it that you can.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to point out that most of the plans you make for yourself in life are going to involve other people. While you may know what you want, or at least think you do, that doesn't always matter. That can all come crashing down because the other people in your life have different ideas. Or maybe they had the same idea once, but that changed.
Maybe you changed. Chances are good that you could wind up the monkey wrench in someone else's life.
The point is, people may or may not always think the same way they did years ago. Sometimes their circumstances change, or they have epiphanies, or they just wake up one day and their brain chemistry has changed and they aren't the person they were.
Then you need to decide whether or not that changes your plans, and if that's acceptable, or something you can handle. Then you make your decision and try to live with it.
Don't spend your life beating yourself up over it. Life is hard if you can't adapt, and frustrating or heartbreaking when someone else can't manage it either. Life is scary and fluid and unexpected and can deal you some crushing blows, but it can also hand you some wonderful opportunities.

You just need to learn how to differentiate between the two.


Today’s Horoscope

All signs:
The stars understand that whenever something horrific happens, and innocent civilians are attacked and murdered, you will be tempted to see that as proof that the world is poisoned and evil and there is no hope.
The stars want to remind you that you should also look at the way everyday people stand up and do all the selfless and amazing things to help, the deeds that illustrate how wonderful most of us are.
There is your proof.  There is the reason we don’t give up hope and we don’t let the poison overcome us. For every dark and terrible reason you can cite, there are a thousand beautiful reasons that shine a light.

You decide which you want to lead you.