Today's Horoscope
All signs:
Today the stars want to talk about sacrifice. They want to remind you that you wouldn't be who you are, or maybe even exist, without someone making sacrifices along the way.
Your parents sacrificed a huge part of their lives to give you the things that you needed. Time, money, their own dreams perhaps, to ensure that you are who you are today.
Friends, lovers, teachers, so many people that have given up a part of themselves, or something they wanted, to be there for you when you needed them.
Self sacrifice is one of the noblest and most important things a person can do for another, and there are many times when it goes unnoticed. Sometimes it's because we have just come to expect it from the people in our lives. Sometimes it just seems like the thing that they are supposed to do, but that doesn't make it any less noble.
And sometimes we don't even see it. Sometimes it happens long before we're born, by people we will never know.
Sometimes it is a soldier, in a ditch, or on a beach, or in a jungle, drawing their last breath in a far away land, protecting the ideals that define who we are and ensuring our way of life. That is the ultimate sacrifice, resonating through history to give you and your children a gift that you can never repay, except to make that sacrifice worth it. The stars know you set aside one day a year to honor them, and that is certainly something they deserve.
They want to remind you though, that it is your duty every other day to live up to that sacrifice, to safeguard your freedoms, to do your civic duty, to make the most of what you can given the advantages your country provides you, and to make that gift they gave all of us actually mean something.