Today's Horoscope
All signs:
The stars just want to tell you that they're proud of you. Maybe you don't think you did anything to warrant pride, but the stars know better.
Maybe you didn't give in to temptation. To go back for seconds when you're trying to lose weight, or pass on going out when you have responsibilities at home. Maybe you didn't have that drink that always leads to another. Maybe you didn't give in to the urge to call that person you know is bad for you. Maybe you just didn't spend an hour berating yourself for trivial things they you know shouldn't bother you, but they do.
Maybe you helped someone in some small way, and you are trained not to feel pride in yourself because since you were a child you were told to be humble and not pat yourself on the back. As well meaning as that advice might have been, the stars think you should pat yourself in the back every chance you get.
Maybe you kept your calm instead of starting an argument. Maybe you put your ego or pettiness aside, and kept your mouth shut when you could have cut someone down just to make yourself feel better. Maybe you put someone else's needs ahead of yours, no matter how tiny and inconsequential it might seem.
Maybe you gave someone a compliment or praise, or listened to their troubles, and lifted their spirits. Perhaps you made someone laugh, or just took their minds off the heavy load we all have to bear. Maybe you listened to yourself, and gave you what you needed for a change.
Maybe you simply made the world a tiny bit better instead of making it a tiny bit worse, and for that the stars are proud of you. You should be proud too.