Sunday, October 2, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to know that we all need anchors at times. We all need to be tethered sometimes, to wait out a bad storm and rough seas.
When times are hardest, it helps to have a safe harbor where we feel protected and we can regroup. At these times we cling to what we know, the familiar, the comfortable. We regress a little, often retreating to a time or a place where things made sense.
That's fine. It's one of the ways we deal with trauma, or the feeling of helplessness or frustration.
The problem comes when we stay anchored for too long. We find ourselves unwilling to pull up the chains and set sail again. What ends up happening is that our troubles find us there, too. Our comfort masks the fact that we are are slowly taking on water again, but it's so gradual that we don't notice until it's too late.
We then find that we trapped ourselves in situations that are harming us and we can't see it, and even if we can, we can't or won't pull up anchor and move on. We've become mired where we are, held fast by delusion and excuses.
We often imprison ourselves in scenarios that are no good for us or the people around us, yet we refuse to walk away. Stay too long, and immobility seems like safety.
Immobility is not safe, not productive, not the way we should live our lives. We stop growing, stop experiencing life, we cease learning and throw away our chances at true happiness, simply because we fear the unknown.
So the stars want you to look at your life, and take notice if the scenery has changed at all lately. Have you taken any real chances? Have you shaken up your routine in any way? Are you learning, growing, feeling satisfied and accomplished? Or are you simply treading water, expending your energy inefficiently, just to stay afloat?
It might be time to haul in your anchor and get moving again. If you've been stuck for so long that the anchor is mired too deeply, cut the rope and let the wind fill your sails and live without an anchor for awhile.
You might find that it's exhilarating, being free to go where you want, or just letting the wind take you. There are a million places for you to get a new anchor when you need one.
We live in the midst of an ocean of stars. They are all out there, shining, calling to you, just waiting for you get moving again.

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