Monday, December 4, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to once again remind you that everything is most likely going to be okay. That said, they also advise you to hold tight to those you love, and hold tight to yourself. Even though it will be alright in the end, it still might be sheer hell getting there. You've done it before though, and you'll most likely have to do it again a bunch more before you're done.
Just hold tight. 

Sunday, December 3, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
It's Sunday. If you have the day off, and if your responsibilities are relatively taken care of, relax. Take a little time to do something for you. If you want to be lazy, be lazy. If you want to have an adventure, go out and have one. You don't have to do it alone; in fact it's usually better if you have someone you care about to share it with.
Most likely nothing is stopping you besides your own feelings of guilt or shame of doing something frivolous. Maybe you think you'll look foolish if someone sees you. Maybe you feel you don't have the right to do something selfish because you live your life worried about everyone else's feelings and needs.
The stars want you to understand that while we all should be considerate of others and supportive of our loved ones, we can't be that all the time, especially at a detriment to ourselves. People perceive you as what you present yourself to be. If you present yourself as someone that sacrifices your own happiness for someone else's, then that's what the world will see you as and expect of you. Then that is what you'll expect of yourself.
That is what you'll be.
The stars live for billions of years, and they feel as if that is not even close to long enough. Even after countless millennia, they still feel cheated. They see us, with our tiny lifespans, and cannot understand for a second why we would sacrifice any of it depriving ourselves of happiness or true love.
So why do we do it? It's Sunday, after all. Go find something that makes you happy.

Friday, December 1, 2017

12/1/17 Friday Bonus

Today's Horoscope Friday Bonus

All signs:
The stars want to congratulate you on getting through another week, and with the holidays coming up. Just what you needed, more stress!
As a holiday gift to yourself, the stars think you should remind yourself of your good points more than your bad. There are plenty of people out there that see all the good things in you, why shouldn't you be one of them?
In our lives we meet enough people willing to love us unconditionally, but if we don't love ourselves we are simply wasting their time and ours.

Love yourself already.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars just want to tell you that they're proud of you. Maybe you don't think you did anything to warrant pride, but the stars know better.
Maybe you didn't give in to temptation. To go back for seconds when you're trying to lose weight, or pass on going out when you have responsibilities at home. Maybe you didn't have that drink that always leads to another. Maybe you didn't give in to the urge to call that person you know is bad for you. Maybe you just didn't spend an hour berating yourself for trivial things they you know shouldn't bother you, but they do.
Maybe you helped someone in some small way, and you are trained not to feel pride in yourself because since you were a child you were told to be humble and not pat yourself on the back. As well meaning as that advice might have been, the stars think you should pat yourself in the back every chance you get.
Maybe you kept your calm instead of starting an argument. Maybe you put your ego or pettiness aside, and kept your mouth shut when you could have cut someone down just to make yourself feel better. Maybe you put someone else's needs ahead of yours, no matter how tiny and inconsequential it might seem.
Maybe you gave someone a compliment or praise, or listened to their troubles, and lifted their spirits. Perhaps you made someone laugh, or just took their minds off the heavy load we all have to bear. Maybe you listened to yourself, and gave you what you needed for a change.

Maybe you simply made the world a tiny bit better instead of making it a tiny bit worse, and for that the stars are proud of you. You should be proud too.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that you don't have to be a superhero to have powers. You have powers if you have anyone in your life that respects you or is influenced by you or cares about your happiness. You have some control, and with that comes responsibility.
If you have children, you have powers. If someone loves you, you have powers. If someone admires anything about you, you have powers. If you are a pet owner, you have powers. If anyone at all depends on you for anything, you have powers.

And like a superhero, you should use those powers for good, because if you don't, that makes you a villain.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to realize that to live in this world, you need to make some allowances for other people. Their cultures, their beliefs, their sense of humor and morality, their ideas of taste and sophistication, a bunch of little variables that make them who they are.
We get into trouble when we start making allowances for damaged, broken people and their destructive behavior. We end up trying to overlook serious problems, not just minor character flaws. Before you know it, you end up shackled to an abuser, or an addict, or some other type of sociopath. Someone so lost and twisted that they are nowhere near ready for a relationship with other human beings.
When someone is that damaged, you can't save them unless they want to save themselves. You might think it inconceivable that they want to live that way, hurting themselves and everyone around them, living in torment; but a strange corrupted part of them want exactly that. Some of them are incapable of seeing it at all.  They need to decide they don't want to live that way, and many of them never figure that out.

That's not to say you shouldn't try to help people, but you shouldn't fall in love with them. If you end up with a partner that is damaged and living a life full of holes, you are simply filling your own life with damage and soon you will have all kinds of holes of your own.

Tuesday, November 28, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Some of us are very good at helping others. Some people can put others on their backs, and carry them when they need to. Many of us can find strength and resolve we never knew we possessed when our children or family members or any loved ones are in crisis.
Yet so many of us struggle at times to do the simplest things for ourselves. We procrastinate, we make excuses, we ignore the things we need to make us happy. But why?
Why is it we won't give up and we won't back down when it comes to helping others, but we constantly let ourselves down again and again? Sometimes we give our all to people that only hurt us or take advantage of us, while treating ourselves so poorly.
The stars can't tell you why that is. There are so many reasons that we are harder on ourselves than we are on anyone else. There is guilt and sadness and trauma and anger and so much self hatred at times, and usually for no reason or fault of our own.
Perhaps we think we can redeem our crimes and broken hearts by selflessly giving only to others, but if you aren't being kind to yourself in the process you will never be satisfied.

The stars advise you to help yourself first, then you can really help others work towards the light you've already found, because you'll already know the way.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Some days there are no grand answers or a poetic turn to inspire you. Sometimes you have to straighten your back, find some resolve, and just put one foot in front of the other and keep moving.
Forcing yourself to grind through the day when it seems everything in the universe is telling you to quit takes a monumental effort, the stars know this. They are proud of all of us when we do it, because it's so much easier to lay down and give up.

They also know that there will be inspiration and poetry again soon enough to buoy you up, and you may be surprised to find that it just might come from within yourself.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that most of the things you waste your time and energy hating or being angry about aren't worth it. In fact, anger and hatred themselves are useless reactions most of the time.
They have their place, and are sometimes justified, but never in abstract or general. Specific things can provoke anger, and certain people can earn your hatred, but it's almost always an over reaction. All it will accomplish is making your life and everyone around you miserable.
So instead of wasting a lot of time and energy and misery being mad about something when your anger won't solve anything, try looking for a way to make things better. Rather than hate someone for some small infraction, try to understand why they felt or acted some way and make your peace with it. If you hate something, try to change it rather than let it make you act like someone you're not.
If something or someone continually upsets you, walk away. Why be caught in an antagonistic relationship and waste your life that way?

The stars know that it's not realistic to react to everything in your life with love and patience and a calm demeanor, but in most cases it's a lot easier than you think. And that will make things a lot easier on everyone, including yourself.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
People sometimes develop a negative attitude towards a group of people, or a gender, or a culture. They look for any example, no matter how small, and crow about how it proves their point. They love to paint with a broad brush because they have their own agenda based on hate or insecurity or envy.
While there is nothing wrong with pointing out the faults or misdeeds of others at times, it is unhealthy to have tunnel vision and only focus on what we perceive as bad behavior. That is how we are tricked into believing lies and propaganda that plays to our fears.

The stars think that instead of only searching for examples that support our negative connotations, we should also look for things that refute them. That is where understanding comes from. That is how we grow, and learn tolerance and acceptance rather than blind hate.

11/23/17 Thanksgiving

Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that no matter how bad it is, if you take a moment to look, there's still always so much to be thankful for.

The stars want you to keep sight of that fact, and to be thankful.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to you to have faith. Some of us have faith in an all knowing entity, a God or belief system that may defy logic. Some of us believe in a reason and order to the universe, whether or not evidence exists to prove it. That is their right, but that's not the kind of faith the stars are talking about.
We all have faith in a million little things. We have faith that the things we take for granted are always going to be. We have faith that the government and society is going to still be in place when we wake up in the morning. We have faith that our families and loved ones are relatively safe and the structure in our lives we hold dear is constant. We have faith that the earth won't crumble beneath our feet and the ocean won't wash over us and the sky won't crack open in wholesale destruction, and if it does, there will be help to rebuild. Many people of the world don't live with that reassurance.
We have faith that our jobs and our wealth and our belongings are secure. We have faith that there will always be something to do, or watch, or listen to, or read, something to entertain us and occupy our time. We count on authority figures and soldiers to defend us, our legal systems to be just. We believe that others will do their part to keep the whole thing going.
We also have faith in the people we love. We expect our parents to protect and guide us, our friends to support us, and our partners to love us. We believe in the promises people make, and the declarations of love and forever.
The stars know that many times that faith is tested or shattered. They know that others cannot always live up to their promises. They know that we can't either, and we betray ourselves along with the people that depend on us. They know that one day you might wake up to find the person you counted on is gone forever in the random lottery that is life and death.
You might find that the one person you always thought was true and real and you could always count on is gone, whether it's cruel fate or just cruelty, and you're alone again.
That's where true faith comes in. When everything you had is now tested, when your world is shattered and you find yourself at square one, at rock bottom. These are the moments when we tell ourselves all hope is gone and nothing matters, that it will never be good, and you'll never allow yourself to be hurt again.
The stars know that this is the point where you have to work and strive to have hope, to believe that you can try it all over one more time. You need faith that all people aren't like the ones that let you down. That all the best things in life aren't tainted. That there is a chance at happiness, and that your love and trust will be rewarded.

You have to have faith that if you put the effort in, it will be good again.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know that we all have something hidden away, something that no one understands. A secret, a thing we can never forgive ourselves for, even if it's not our fault. We still feel we should have been able to fix it, or overcome it, or somehow make it right or die trying.
Only we didn't die. We didn't fix it either. We have to live with that, and somehow learn to go on.
And when those voices in your head start bringing it all up again in the middle of the night, you need to push them out and roll over and go back to sleep. When it hits you out of nowhere because a song plays or you hear a name, you need to shake it off and keep going.
If you don't, it will cripple you. It will pull you under and it will erode who you are until you're nothing but a shell.
And for what? All that pain and self inflicted misery that doesn't help you or anyone else. Sorrow helps us heal, but only up to a point, then it's just self-flagellation.
So you tried and tried again, and you came up short. It is what it is.
The stars implore you, forgive yourself, forgive anyone that put you in that position or hurt you. Forgive the universe, because the universe doesn't keep track of what happens to you. You're the only one doing that, and you can't be impartial.
Take a deep breath, and let the weight you are so frightened of letting go roll off your shoulders, and start moving forward again.

It's either that, or stay in the darkness and the deep water and hope you don't drown in a pit of your own making. Aren't you worth more than that?


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you to live your life. So many times we allow anxiety or insecurities to stop us from just living in the moment and enjoying life as it happens.
We spend our moments neurotically wondering if we're looking foolish, or offending someone, or simply feeling uncomfortable in our own skin to fully appreciate what we're doing. We find ourselves wishing the experience was over in the middle of it because we are worried about what we have to do later or at work tomorrow or just the ride home.
Sometimes we get so worked before leaving for a vacation that we spend the first few days simply settling in and relaxing, then spend the last few days lamenting that it will soon be over.
We let dread of the future or memories of the past take us out of the present, and that's a shame. We can't even devote ourselves to a simple conversation at times because our mind is chattering away with distress or judgement or an exit strategy.
We sometimes get separation anxiety from our friends and family, our lovers, our homes, our pets, even our couch. We leave for an adventure, already consumed with the thought of getting it over with and being back home.
The stars want you to simply enjoy your life as it happens. Live in that moment, feel all the love or wonder or exhilaration without the anchors attached and the baffles on.
The stars want you to understand that the experience of the now is life, pure and simple, and you're doing yourself a great disservice by lowering your expectations beforehand and stifling what you get out of it during it.

Live in the moment to the fullest of your ability, and if you can't, learn how to do that, or you will be left with nothing but regrets and memories of how you came so close to what you wanted and went home empty handed yet again.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that all of us are living a mystery. We are all existing with no real clue as to how we got here, or even where “here” is. We live our lives every moment with the knowledge that we don't have any answers to the really big questions, and the best that we can hope for is that we might get some information after we die. Even that seems unlikely.
It is something that most of us try to keep in the back of our mind, to ignore or hide from it. Sometimes those evasion tactics manifest themselves as addiction, or other self destructive behavior, and we spiral downward. Some of us can't stop thinking about it, and it drives us mad. Still others so desperately want any kind of answer that they sell their individuality or their control, their very morality to anyone that will provide them comfort, no matter how implausible.
But no matter how we try, the doubts and questions are always there. Why are we here and what is the grand purpose? All of us, uneasy and incomplete, searching for our own answers and never finding satisfaction.
The stars want you to understand that there may not be a grand purpose, and even if there is, you will most likely never know it. That doesn't need to scare you, though. It shouldn't, because when we are scared, we make bad decisions. It might be the one thing we aren't meant to know, and we have to make our peace with it.
The stars wonder if that's the whole point of the fable. Man and woman in a garden, and one piece of forbidden fruit, which they could not keep themselves away from. So of course, they eat it, because they can't be happy with all the other gifts they've been given, and set a course of misery for the rest of humanity.
The stars know that there never was that garden, but there still are all those wonderful things, and there still is that fruit that drives us to destruction in front of us.

We humans are so fallible at times that we can't see that we never even had to have a bite of it to lose it all.

11/17/17 Friday Bonus

Today's Horoscope Friday Bonus

All signs:
The stars want to congratulate you on making it through another week. It's Friday, time to kick back and relax, or go do what you want, rather than what you have to.
The stars also want to once again express their amazement of how humans can overcome so much. All the pain and torment and adversity life throws at them.
The stars also want to point out that just because we can overcome all the bad things we encounter doesn't mean we should have to.

Have a nice weekend, and try not to make anyone's life worse by instigating or becoming something that they have to overcome. Make people's lives easier, not harder.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars love you, and they don't really need anything in return. They're stars, and there's not a whole lot you can do for them anyway.
But you should give something back to the people who love you, even if it's just some small acknowledgement that you recognize that love. Most people aren't looking for any great reward for their affection, but ignore anyone long enough and they will grow to resent you or lapse into indifference. All you need to do is put forth the tiniest of effort.

Ignore the people who love you at your own peril, because you might look around you one day and find them gone.

Thursday, November 16, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The Stars know the holidays are coming up and sometimes people can get depressed. You might be alone this year, you might be thinking of people you miss that are no longer with us, you might just hate Christmas, but that doesn't mean the holidays have to be bad.
There is no rule about how you have to spend the holidays.  If you are alone, make it all about you.  Eat whatever the hell you want for Thanksgiving.  Buy yourself some presents for Christmas.  Go somewhere you always wanted to go.
Often if you have no family around for the holidays, friends will invite you to their house for the holidays, and we tend to refuse those invitations a lot of the time.  We don’t want to intrude or be a burden, but these are your friends and they wouldn’t ask you if they didn’t want you there.
If you are missing a loved one that’s gone, celebrate the holidays by celebrating them.  Keep them close to your heart, and realize that they would want you to be happy.  You are keeping their memory alive, and even though it might still sting, you can find some solace in knowing that a part of them is still with you.  Cherish the love they gave you and let it give you strength.
If you have no plans or nowhere to go, remember that there are a lot of people worse off than you that also have nowhere to go.  Volunteer to help the homeless for the holidays, or visit people in the hospital or nursing homes that have no one else.  There are a lot of children with no families, that would love some little toy or some of your time.  If you’re not a big fan of people, there are plenty of animals that need help, too. There are charities that take treats and toys to shelters for the animals with no home on the holidays.
There are so many options besides sitting by yourself and feeling bad, but the stars know that all that is easier said than done.  They understand that even if you know all about the things you could be doing instead, sometimes you just can’t do it.  Sometimes your brain keeps you frozen, and no matter what your good intentions, you just might ignore all the things that would be best for you.
And that’s fine, too.  Don’t beat yourself up over it.  If you just can’t, if you just want to wallow and feel sorry for yourself, well, go ahead.  Just don’t let it overwhelm you and cause you to do something foolish.
The stars know that at moments like these, we might think that killing ourselves is a good option, but it really isn’t.  In those moments we tell ourselves that we are alone because we deserve to be alone. We don’t want to bother anyone or ruin their holidays with our problems, but that is nonsense.  The worst thing you could do to those that care about you is to check out during the holidays. If you are in crisis, the people you know would consider it the best present in the world if you reached out to them and they could make a difference.  They will care, and they will fight for you if you don’t have the strength to fight for yourself.
Or you could be selfish and be a bad memory for those you love to deal with every year on the holidays, and why would you want to do that to someone you love?

1-800-273-TALK (8255)

Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want you to take a break.  Sometimes we have things in our lives that continually trip us up.  We attempt to fix them over and over, and at some point we get tunnel vision and we try the same solutions that haven’t worked the first ten times.  We get into a pattern and we simply repeat behavior that doesn’t help us at all.
So the stars want you to think about it this way.  If what you’re doing isn’t working, you obviously need to try something else.  If it isn’t working, not doing anything isn’t going to make it worse, you can accomplish the same result by not doing anything at all.  
So try something new, and not necessarily something new in relation to what you’re dealing with. Try anything new, to break your patterns that aren’t bringing you any satisfaction.  Giving yourself some breathing room from what you’re trying to fix will recharge you and maybe give you perspective.
You might even find that after awhile you aren’t even worrying about the original problem in the first place.  People tend to hold onto things, whether they are good or bad.  We find comfort in the familiar, and that trips us up because our brains don’t always know if that familiar thing is bad for us.  It just knows patterns and repetition, and that’s what brains like.  
So if  you change your patterns into ones that are better for you, you will replace the old patterns that were getting you nowhere.  
The stars want you to understand that some of the things that cause you pain are things that you shouldn’t even be doing at all.  Some of them don’t even exist in any meaningful way, and you are the only one giving them their power. So walk away from them for a bit, and see if they are there when you get back.

Or maybe you should just keep walking.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars know that people can be casually cruel.  They can hurt you and tear you down as efficiently as any villain in a movie or a soap opera.   
The stars know that really does a number on you, and they feel bad for you.  They also want you to know that most of the time the people being cruel don’t even realize that they are doing it. Most of the time they are simply oblivious, to their carelessness or whatever strange issue or insecurity is occupying their brain at the time.
Unless you are friends with a bunch of psychopaths(and that is a possibility, so make sure you’re not), the people in your life are as cruel to themselves as they are to you.  They act out of compulsion, from jealousy, fear, insecurity, or just because they are so wrapped up in whatever is tormenting them that they carelessly cut you and don’t even see it.
Even though it might hurt your feelings, it can be forgiven.  
That is unless it becomes a pattern.  It can still be forgiven, but you might want to reconsider if you want someone so thoughtless or selfish in your life.  If you point it out, and tell them how you feel, but they keep doing it, it may be time to move on.  You can understand why someone treats you badly, and you can forgive them for it, but you don’t have to put up with it in your life.  
The stars think you shouldn’t have people in your life that repeatedly make you feel bad, intentional or not.  Even if there is no real intent or malice, it is still bad behavior.  That’s the risk you run when you fill your life with people that are not self aware.  They will continue their selfish ways, always causing drama and bad feelings.  Why put yourself through that?
Malicious or careless, if the result is still the same, does it really make a difference?


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know how all of us see a way that the world could work and everyone could get what they need and be happy, and they realize how frustrating it is that we can't all just do that.
The truth is that our individual solutions are never going to work for all people because as empathetic as we may be, we will never be truly able to understand exactly what it's like to be anyone else. We will just have to take people's word for it that what they believe is important is actually important to them, and work from there.
So the stars know it's enough to make you disillusioned with everything and feel like there's no way to win, and that's understandable.

But they also want you to take solace in the fact that people are still concerned about making the world a better place. As long as that's happening, we still have a chance, and that's enough.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you think about what a lifetime of being unaccepting, angry, and full of hatred gets you. Usually, it's just a chorus of other maladjusted people, shouting along with you. A chorus that will rise up against you the first chance they get, the moment you do anything that irks them.
Try tolerance and acceptance, it gets you tolerant, loving people that actually care about you.

The choice is yours.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars just want to say that it's hard living in a world that doesn't respond to logic and reason, especially when everyone's ideas of what's logical and reasonable differ so radically.
So you're going to have to accept that from your vantage point, the world is going to seem to be made up of delusional and obstinate idiots, and that there's nothing you can ever do to change that. Otherwise you're just going to be unhappy most of the time, trying to control something you can't. So ignore the ones that seem too far gone, and work on being okay with letting the rest be imperfect.
Until you realize that you're the delusional and obstinate idiot in everyone else's life, you're going to just to be banging your head against the wall most of the time.

The stars think you have better things to do.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars often tell you how you need to examine yourself, and how you need to love and respect yourself. They continue to press you on the subject, to remind you that self worth and self reliance is so important to overcome the fears and insecurities that trip you up and sabotage your life.
And that's all true.
The stars want to also let you know that it's okay to be overwhelmed and frightened, and sometimes it all seems like it's too much to overcome. You aren't alone, and you don't have to do it all yourself.
We are each surrounded by those that love us, whether we want to believe it or not.
Let that love wrap you up and bring you comfort in those moments when you don't feel like you can love yourself.
Let the strength of others bring you strength when you feel like you can't keep going, or you want to be self destructive.
Let the light of others, and even the stars, guide you when you lose your way from time to time.
Yes, you need to learn to love and rely on yourself, but that does not mean that you're alone. You are never alone, that is just something your brain tells you in those times you wrongly convince yourself that you deserve to be.

You are swaddled in love and well wishes, bathed in light and promise, if only you open your eyes.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to give you a bit of advice: become more self aware!
The stars have the luxury of seeing all of us from the outside, where it's easy to take everything in. From in the inside looking out, it's harder to see sometimes.
It takes work to monitor your actions and responses. Emotions and insecurities and misunderstanding often guide how we act. It takes a real effort to train your mind to be cognizant of what you're doing.
It takes asking hard questions of yourself, and admitting the real answers you want to ignore. It takes having the courage to say you don't understand something and ask somebody for help. It takes looking your faults in the eye, and to stop defending what you know is wrong.
It is accepting that you are fallible, and that there's nothing wrong with that, instead of doubling down and looking like a fool.
The stars want you to know that ignoring the parts of you that make you look like a hypocrite, a fool, or a bully can only make things worse. Refusing to see how your actions not only present you to the world, but poison your relationships with everyone you come in contact with is not going to make your life better. Not noticing how selfish you are, and how tone deaf you are to opposing ideas is only going to isolate you.
One of the most important things you can do for yourself and the world around you is to become more self aware and understand who you are and how you could be better.

The stars suggest you get on that, before you completely lose track of you.