Tuesday, November 28, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you to live your life. So many times we allow anxiety or insecurities to stop us from just living in the moment and enjoying life as it happens.
We spend our moments neurotically wondering if we're looking foolish, or offending someone, or simply feeling uncomfortable in our own skin to fully appreciate what we're doing. We find ourselves wishing the experience was over in the middle of it because we are worried about what we have to do later or at work tomorrow or just the ride home.
Sometimes we get so worked before leaving for a vacation that we spend the first few days simply settling in and relaxing, then spend the last few days lamenting that it will soon be over.
We let dread of the future or memories of the past take us out of the present, and that's a shame. We can't even devote ourselves to a simple conversation at times because our mind is chattering away with distress or judgement or an exit strategy.
We sometimes get separation anxiety from our friends and family, our lovers, our homes, our pets, even our couch. We leave for an adventure, already consumed with the thought of getting it over with and being back home.
The stars want you to simply enjoy your life as it happens. Live in that moment, feel all the love or wonder or exhilaration without the anchors attached and the baffles on.
The stars want you to understand that the experience of the now is life, pure and simple, and you're doing yourself a great disservice by lowering your expectations beforehand and stifling what you get out of it during it.

Live in the moment to the fullest of your ability, and if you can't, learn how to do that, or you will be left with nothing but regrets and memories of how you came so close to what you wanted and went home empty handed yet again.

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