Tuesday, November 28, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that most of the things you waste your time and energy hating or being angry about aren't worth it. In fact, anger and hatred themselves are useless reactions most of the time.
They have their place, and are sometimes justified, but never in abstract or general. Specific things can provoke anger, and certain people can earn your hatred, but it's almost always an over reaction. All it will accomplish is making your life and everyone around you miserable.
So instead of wasting a lot of time and energy and misery being mad about something when your anger won't solve anything, try looking for a way to make things better. Rather than hate someone for some small infraction, try to understand why they felt or acted some way and make your peace with it. If you hate something, try to change it rather than let it make you act like someone you're not.
If something or someone continually upsets you, walk away. Why be caught in an antagonistic relationship and waste your life that way?

The stars know that it's not realistic to react to everything in your life with love and patience and a calm demeanor, but in most cases it's a lot easier than you think. And that will make things a lot easier on everyone, including yourself.

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