Today's Horoscope
All signs:
The stars aren't going to lie to you. There's a lot of really bad stuff going on in the world right now. It is very scary, and it is demoralizing when you see what your fellow humans are capable of. It is a punch in the gut when people you thought you knew start climbing on the bandwagon of the enemy.
Evil and ignorance go hand in hand, because those that don't truly understand the nature of the problem or see the wolf in sheep's clothing enable their own destruction.
In some ways we are done in by our weakest link. We have no control over who hands their power over to charlatans, and sometimes it leaves us all vulnerable.
The thing that frustrates the stars most is how much time and energy we waste hobbling ourselves and learning the same lessons over and over. They see now that we are sabotaging ourselves again, and they are enraged that the ones that have done the work and have progressed now have to suffer and toil to drag the lazy and hateful members of society along with you.
It's never easy, but it is how we work. Throughout history, and very recent history, the world teeters on anarchy and seems poised to collapse.
But it doesn't.
Because people that know better come off the sidelines and fight for what is right. They refuse to let the world become what despicable people would make it. They don't accept it, and they push back. They refuse to bend to the popular whims, or succumb to hate or exclusion.
So they revolt, and overthrow governments and become countries that are beacons of freedom. They fight, and they sacrifice and win world wars and topple demagogues that commit genocide and attempt world domination.
They resist and they become leaders themselves.
Sometimes though, they teach the world lessons through dignity and by rising above and leading by example. Sometimes the pen is mightier than the sword. Sometimes kindness screams louder than cannons.
Sometimes victories come from quiet corners of humanity no one thought much of. A face in a photo that bears the horror we can't feel first hand, the words of a child in a diary, the essay or speech that turns tides and gives us strength. The quiet desperation that drives a million tiny cogs in the machinery that topples tyrants.
So the stars keep shining as well as sighing as they watch us go through our growing pains once again. They how hard it will be, they know how much we will suffer, how much we will lose. But they know that we will overcome, like always. They know we will gain back what was taken, with interest.
They know that because they know who we are, and they know what we can do. They also know that most of us have a tendency to put off what we should do until we absolutely have to do it. Then we do it. We always have, and the stars have faith that we will do it again.
The stars want you to know that folly is part of your nature, so get used to it. They have resigned themselves to it millennia ago, but that doesn't make it easier.
So here is your horoscope:
The immediate future is very dark, and there will be much suffering. Don't blame the stars, they are not the reason you are in this mess. It is all you. The stars can also see a day in the not too distant future when everything will be good again. Don't credit the stars with that either. It will come because of great sacrifice and toil from people that care.
And when everything is better and you have become enlightened on a global scale … you will do it all over again.
That is your horoscope.