Tuesday, January 3, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to wish you happy holidays and they want you to remember that they aren't the same for everyone.
For many people, the holiday season is about family and friends, great times and making memories that will last you the rest of your life.
For others, all they have left are those memories. The holidays are just a bittersweet reminder of what they had and have lost. They are reminded of loved ones that are no longer with them. Of special moments that every year feel a little more distant, and the knowledge that they will never have another chance to make any more with those people.
It's hard when every year they are forced to go through the motions while in their minds they find a moment of comfort in the past followed by an excruciating spike through the heart of the crushing desire to see the ones they lost just one more time. To relive those cherished memories one last time, but they know that's not to be, and that's what Christmas means to them.
Still others lost someone at the holidays, and every year is a time when the wound feels fresh and new again. All the end of December brings them is a chance to relive one of the most horrible moments of their lives.
But the stars want to tell you that it doesn't have to be that way forever. Every holiday season is a time for you to have new experiences and to fill it up with good and happy times. It's not easy, and you may not be ready to try it just yet, but eventually you will have to pick yourself up and do some of the work required. The beautiful holiday moments are always there, waiting for you to join in, but you have to want it. You have to ready and receptive and a full participant, and that is not always an easy thing to do.
So take a moment this holiday season to notice what others are going through, and do a little something to help them make new memories. You will make some new ones of your own in the process, and maybe they will buoy you in the future when you need something precious to help you hold on.
The stars love you all, each and every one of you, and they want you to bring the happiness back into your life because you deserve it. They want you to have a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, and that is always a possibility, if not right now, then someday soon.
So toast the past, but look towards that glorious future, always.

The stars will light your way.

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