Thursday, January 19, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know that there were times you should have been stronger. They know that there were times you could have done the right thing, but you chose not to. They know that sometimes you thought you were doing the right thing, but you really had no clue what the right thing was.
The stars know that just loving someone, or wanting something, or needing it to work out is no guarantee that any of those things will happen.
The stars know that more often than not you are going to mess your life up royally. They know that we will choose people that will mess it up for us.
You will disappoint your friends and family. You will disappoint the person that needs you most.
You will disappoint yourself.
You will despair, and you will think you have led yourself to ruin. You will think you've exhausted every bit of strength you have, burned every bridge, run off everyone that could ever love you.
The stars want to tell you that you're wrong.
The world will keep turning, and there will be a new day to start again, and you might be beaten, and you might be bloody, but you will be stronger and wiser.
And that is how your life will go, until figure it all out and get what you need or you burn yourself up because you just can't accept it. But that's how it will go.
So the stars implore you, find yourself, figure out what you want, and then run towards it like your life depends on it.

Because it does.

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