Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to let you know that there comes a time when you have to stop making excuses and move forward.
We sometimes pause on the edge of happiness and fulfillment because we are afraid to make that final plunge. We justify our inaction by saying we are just being smart or cautious, but that's usually just fear and insecurity and being afraid you'll fail or find out that you're not good enough.
It's scary to finally arrive at a place where there is no turning back. Where you are out there, and it's time to find out if you really have what it takes or if you're nothing special.
The thing is, everyone has something special about them. Several things, in fact. You can't compare what you do to anyone else anyway, because that's been done already. What will make you stand out is the new and different thing you bring to the party.
We often see the differences between us and the people we admire as deficiencies, but they are really our strengths. The people we admire most stand out from the crowd, and they got to be your heroes by being different and flying that flag high for everyone to see.
So when that time comes when you are over analyzing something, or blaming someone else for holding you back, realize that you are the one holding yourself back. No one has that power unless you give it to them.
Take a deep breath, and remind yourself who you are, then be that person. Show the world, and the world might just love you for it.

You might just love you too.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that you can't have everything, but you can have everything that matters. You just have to do the work.
And don't kid yourself, it's a lot of work.
But billions of people have done it, and most likely so can you.
So think about what you want, and what matters, and get up tomorrow morning and start working.
What else have you got to do and what do you have to lose?


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that there's no such thing as karma, at least not in the sense that it's a vehicle for revenge, or some cosmic force balancing the scales of life.
Karma is our own doing. It's simply our crappy behavior coming back to bite us in the ass. Not very eloquent, but that's all it is.
So if you want good karma, be kind to others and yourself. Empathize with others. Give others the respect they deserve, try to be understanding. Most of all, work on figuring out what is wrong with you so you don't go sabotaging everything you try to do, so there's no reason for “karma” to come and send you back to start all over again.

The stars want to remind you, that like most things, karma is all you, so only feed it good things. Otherwise you will find yourself dealing with yet one more monster you've created, and we all have enough of those already.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to point out that if you're reading this, you got out of bed and are facing another day. Or maybe you're still lying in bed, but you woke up this morning and you get another chance at getting it all right.
That's more than a lot of people get. The stars assume you know many dearly departed loved ones that you would give anything to spend just one more day with; to laugh, to hug, to just be in their presence.
So honor them. Get out there and move forward and make some memories with the people that are still here, and make them miss you when you're gone.

Because the stars know that one day the simple act of waking up can be taken from you at any moment, so you better make it count while you still can.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to understand that you are living in a universe that exists in perfect harmony with the laws of nature, maintained and ruled by the cold indifference of logic and reason, simple cause and effect.
The stars want you to understand that you are part of a wondrous and amazing species that possesses the capability to understand perfectly the rules of this universe, and logic and reason.
But you and the people around you are ruled by emotions, and fear and insecurity, so all your understanding of logic and reason will get you in relation to each other is frustration and heartbreak, and crushing disappointment.
It's not fair to any of you, so you have been blessed with love, which will frustrate and disappoint you and break your heart more than anything else.
That's the price we pay. We get something so big and so wonderful that it makes a mockery of the things that help us keep it all in any kind of order,then expect us to make sense of it all.
The stars wish you all the luck in the universe with that.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose. Sometimes the wins are effortless, sometimes the losses take everything you have and you still come out on the short end.
The frustrating thing about life is that it is a crap shoot at times. All your hard work and sacrifice can mean nothing, and some wonderful things just fall into your lap. There's a rhyme and a reason, but we're not privy to it, so it seems like chaos, and that's frightening.
The stars see it all, and they went to help, but most of the time they just can't figure out a way to explain the universe in a language we understand. So they see us doing the best that we can and they love us for it, but they still feel melancholy because they constantly watch us end up heartbroken.
That doesn't mean we should stop trying though. Because no matter how random it seems, our hard work does pay off. Just the way the secret machinations of the universe disguise our defeats until they're upon us, they often don't let us see our victories when they occur.

The stars want you to know that our hard work does matter, and they can see it, and they love us for it. It isn't much, but unfortunately sometimes that's the best we can get.

Friday, February 17, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
If you go outside tonight, whether it’s out to see friends or a band or even just to take the trash out, the stars want you to take a moment and look up at them.  See as many of them as you can as you take in the night sky.
They want you to think about the fact that you can only see a tiny portion of them, and there is a whole universe of things that you can’t see and that even our most sensitive instruments can’t even detect.  
Now think about how all of it, and this includes you and everyone and everything you know, fits together in some chaotic yet harmonious symphony.  The things that you can’t even see are all working hand in hand with everything else to keep the universe moving along.  
We are all connected, we are all part of something bigger, whether we’re talking about the universe, your family and friends, or the people you work with or interact with on social media.  Everybody.  All of us, in it together, and usually doing a pretty bad job of working towards our own best interests.
We tend to sabotage others and ourselves, because we can’t or won’t think of the collective whole and the others in it.  
We should start, because one of us succeeding doesn’t always mean another has to fail.
So look up at the stars, and think about that for a moment, and let it sink in.  Then silently thank the stars for forming the galaxies and being part of the push and pull of gravity and mass that binds everything together.  Thank them for providing sunlight and warmth for whatever planets and life forms might orbit them, or for providing navigational signposts that brought distant ancestors to new places and on the path that eventually led to your life now.  Thank them for doing their part in keeping the whole universe going.
Then go out and do your part.
Be like a star.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Today is Valentine’s Day, and the stars want to remind you that they love you.  There are all kinds of romantic notions of love connected with this day, and that’s fine.  That’s what the day is about, after all.
Some of us might not be in some hot and sweaty romance right now, and that’s fine too.  Some of us might even be in a safe, comfortable romance, and this day gives them an excuse to turn up the flame.  Good for you.
No matter what kind of relationship you’re in, or if you’re not in one at all, you should keep in mind that you usually get the love you deserve.  Make someone feel loved, and you will get that love back to you.  Try to control or abuse the person you are with, and you might get the appearance of love, but that is all.  
The best kind of love is born of mutual respect, and the desire to see the other person prosper and succeed, without petty fears and insecurities getting in the way. It’s about trust and sacrifice and work as much as it is about passion and sex and romance.  
The stars realize that most relationships are not perfect.  Not anywhere near it in fact.  So if your relationship isn’t perfect, just do your best to make it a little better everyday.  That usually involves making yourself a little better everyday, so it’s a win/win situation.  
If you don’t have anyone today, that’s okay too.  You can still work on bettering yourself.  Instead of worrying about not having someone to love, think about the people and things in your life that you do love, and celebrate that.
Better yet, go volunteer and help some down and out people that have it worse than you on Valentine’s Day.  Go to an animal shelter and help the animals that have no companions to love them.  Nothing says love more than providing basic needs to anyone or anything that has no other means to get them.  
And that will make you a better person, and then you won’t really care if you have someone that loves you and gives you some candy or a flower today.

Because you will love yourself, and that’s much more than enough to get you through the day.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars marvel at us humans, the same way we marvel at the stars. They see that two of the most outstanding qualities we possess are our endless adaptability and our tenacious determination.
They also marvel when we get it absolutely backwards. We refuse to adapt the times we should, and we refuse to let go when there's nothing worth holding onto any more.
We do it all the time. We grow older, but not necessarily wiser. Pride will not let us admit that there are some things we cannot do now that we did when we were younger. We end up looking foolish or getting hurt, because we can't accept things for what they've become. We won't allow ourselves to ask for help, or hire someone else to do it.
We stubbornly refuse to change and grow, and the ones we love pass us by because they refuse to stagnate with you.
Yet we allow ourselves to adapt to situations that are not good for us. We grow accustomed to abuse and control, and soon we come to believe that it is how it's always been. And so it goes.
We cling to things that are bad for us, because we are afraid of being alone or unloved. Afraid that instead of the flaws we see in those around us, there is something wrong with us, and we adjust our self esteem accordingly.
At the same time we will give up on the things we truly want because indecision and doubt make us think we are wrong, and guilt and insecurity make us feel we are not worthy.
Most of our lives, frittered away on being too compromising or not compromising enough.
The stars are amazed by us, but sometimes they are amazed how wrong we get it. They are truly amazed at the precious things we waste, because in our hearts we all know what is true. But still, we go on denying it.

But we all know, and we can never forget it, even after the chance is gone.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that not every situation is cut and dry, and has a simple, immediate fix.  People want quick answers to everything, and while that might work with dishwasher repair and credit card approval, it is usually impossible when it comes to any kind of dealings between two human beings.
People are complex.  Sometimes they are not at all complex, which oddly enough, makes things even messier.  
Some people are takers, and some are givers, and to a certain degree that’s how relationships work.  Ideally, it is 50/50, but that is very seldom the case.  Some people like drama, they equate it with love.  Some people like abuse, they equate it with love.  Some people like to be dominated and controlled, they equate it with love.  
Point is, there are a lot of weird things that people equate to love, because people are messed up from the moment they are old enough to think.  They are influenced by their parents, their peers, TV and movies, Madison Avenue, pretty much everything that they come in contact with.  Then  you top all that off with their own fears and insecurities, it is a recipe for disaster.
When we see someone we care about seemingly being taken advantage of, we try to offer advice or fix things for them, but there is no fixing something that in their eyes isn’t broken.  
We are all guilty of it.  We all do things that are not best for us, but we can’t seem to help it.  It is such a fine line between helping and enabling, caring for someone and letting them damage you, love and manipulation.  
There is no definitive line, and the people that try to draw one often end up cutting themselves off from life in the process.  You either play the game, or sit on the sidelines, and neither is really a great option.
Life is treacherous, with minefields and tests to navigate constantly, but as long as more than one person is involved, that’s just how it is.  It is up to you to decide what you want, to figure out who is manipulating or lying to you, who has your best interests at heart, and when to fight harder or to walk away.  

Again, the stars want to remind you that there is seldom a simple formula for working these problems out, so if you keep hoping to find one, you are chasing your tail.  More importantly, if you think you found one, chances are you are fooling yourself and missing out on the whole point of life in the first place.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to take a break today. These are very stressful times we are living in, the tension is palpable.
Make no mistake, we all have a lot of work to do, but that work will be there when we come back.
So whether it's your relationship, your job, your life, or your country that's falling apart, just catch your breath.
Even if you can't stop completely, slow down for a while, and if nothing else, review and revise the situation and adjust your plan accordingly.
The stars worry that you are pushing yourself too hard, and while you sometimes have to do that, most of the time we get caught up in emotion and don't work as smartly as we could.
They also want to tell you that if it's at all possible, don't do it on your own. There are people in your life that can help. We sometimes tell ourselves we don't want to burden others with our problems, but that is usually an excuse because we are embarrassed to admit what we've done. If there are others willing to help, let them.
The same goes for trying to fix the country. It is an ongoing fight, with an army of soldiers, you aren't doing it alone.
The stars can't stress this enough: just step back now and then and breathe. The simple act of exchanging bad air for good does wonders. If you get in the habit of taking the time to notice it, you can regain focus before you open your mouth and do more damage. You can take that moment to differentiate between the battles you've already won and the battles you can't win, and hit the reset button and start focusing on the ones where victory is still in sight.

And then, when you're recharged and replenished, you can get back to the fight. Because there's always work to be done.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to tell you that there are times in your life that you just have to walk away. It's not easy to cut your losses and move on, but that's your only option sometimes.
Sadly, the more losses you have invested, the harder it is to walk away.
The stars want to remind you that they are not investments, they are just time and energy that you threw away on something you believed in. They are already gone, you can't reclaim them.
So once again, you are going to have to find a way to ignore every bit of bad advice your brain is throwing at you and move on.
The stars understand how hard that is, and they wish they could do more, but they can only impart some of their wisdom and love you from afar.

And rest assured, they will never walk away.

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know that people have disappointed you along the way. They have let you down and they have broken your heart. It never feels good.
The stars ask you to think back if you have ever disappointed someone yourself.
They bet you have. How did you feel?
Did you feel regret? Did you berate yourself?
Did you feel like you not only let the other person down, but you let yourself down as well?
Maybe the person that disappointed you feels the same way, and if you love them you should tell them that and let them know it's okay and to try better the next time.
The stars are completely against punishing someone that is already punishing themselves. You would do better to just walk away forever rather than make both of your lives more miserable.

The stars want you to know that compassion is not weakness.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Perhaps you have been dealt a blow. Perhaps something was taken from you, or maybe the world just got a little bit darker. It could be that you lost something or someone and you'll never, ever get it back, and it's heart wrenching.
The stars want you to remember that tomorrow you'll wake up and the world will still be spinning. One or more good things may be gone, but all the other good things will still be here, along with infinite possibilities to create more.

And that's enough.