Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to take a break today. These are very stressful times we are living in, the tension is palpable.
Make no mistake, we all have a lot of work to do, but that work will be there when we come back.
So whether it's your relationship, your job, your life, or your country that's falling apart, just catch your breath.
Even if you can't stop completely, slow down for a while, and if nothing else, review and revise the situation and adjust your plan accordingly.
The stars worry that you are pushing yourself too hard, and while you sometimes have to do that, most of the time we get caught up in emotion and don't work as smartly as we could.
They also want to tell you that if it's at all possible, don't do it on your own. There are people in your life that can help. We sometimes tell ourselves we don't want to burden others with our problems, but that is usually an excuse because we are embarrassed to admit what we've done. If there are others willing to help, let them.
The same goes for trying to fix the country. It is an ongoing fight, with an army of soldiers, you aren't doing it alone.
The stars can't stress this enough: just step back now and then and breathe. The simple act of exchanging bad air for good does wonders. If you get in the habit of taking the time to notice it, you can regain focus before you open your mouth and do more damage. You can take that moment to differentiate between the battles you've already won and the battles you can't win, and hit the reset button and start focusing on the ones where victory is still in sight.

And then, when you're recharged and replenished, you can get back to the fight. Because there's always work to be done.

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