Tuesday, February 28, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to understand that you are living in a universe that exists in perfect harmony with the laws of nature, maintained and ruled by the cold indifference of logic and reason, simple cause and effect.
The stars want you to understand that you are part of a wondrous and amazing species that possesses the capability to understand perfectly the rules of this universe, and logic and reason.
But you and the people around you are ruled by emotions, and fear and insecurity, so all your understanding of logic and reason will get you in relation to each other is frustration and heartbreak, and crushing disappointment.
It's not fair to any of you, so you have been blessed with love, which will frustrate and disappoint you and break your heart more than anything else.
That's the price we pay. We get something so big and so wonderful that it makes a mockery of the things that help us keep it all in any kind of order,then expect us to make sense of it all.
The stars wish you all the luck in the universe with that.

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