Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to inform you that there are people out there that lie on a regular basis.  They can’t seem to help themselves. They will lie about big things, and they will lie about trivial things, all with the same nonchalant air.  
Some people are sociopaths, and they can’t help it.  There is a disconnect in their brain, and it is part of a bigger problem.
Some people have just never been taught that it is wrong to lie.  They were raised that way, and lying to get what you want or to get out of trouble is the quickest and easiest end to a means.
Some people are just so insecure with who they are that they lie to make themselves feel more important or part of a clique. That never ends well.
Some people lie because they have been victims of abuse, and they got into the habit of lying to protect themselves from some erratic and dangerous parent or partner.  They have serious trust issues, and probably a whole host of other issues that need a professional to help them with.
The point is, there are a lot of liars in the world.  As the stars have pointed out, most of them have a reason, but having a reason doesn’t always make something right.  If you have someone in your life that lies to you often, the stars advise you to get that person out of your life as quick as you can.  If it is a family member and you can’t get them completely out of your life, you should lower the impact they have and not let yourself get caught up in anything that can burn you in the end.  
As humans, we want to believe that there is good in everyone.  We want to believe that people could not be that horrible that they would lie to our faces, looking us squarely in the eye.  That is what liars depend on, for us to do the dirty work for them.

The stars want to make sure you understand that makes us the most dangerous liars in the world, because we are lying to ourselves.  


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that if you want to write, just write. If you want to sing, open your mouth and sing. If you want to draw or paint, just do that. The more you do it, the better you will become and the easier it will get.
If you find you like it, there are plenty of teachers that will give you lessons to learn how to do it better, or learn how to play an instrument to accompany you while you sing. Or maybe you just want to play an instrument.
If you want to blow glass, or throw pots, or sculpt, there are places where you can go and learn to do that. If you want to act, there are places you can do that too.
If you're not finding a movie or a play or a TV show that speaks to a certain part of you, you can make your own. That might be a little bit harder, and you’re going to need others to share in your vision, but it is certainly within your reach.
What the stars are trying to tell you is, if you want to create, just start creating. Sure, there may be obstacles in your way at times, but as usual, the biggest obstacle to overcome will be yourself.
We are our own worst critics. We constantly tell ourselves what we do isn't as good as what others do. When it comes to art, we are inspired and intimidated by what we admire. We tend to compare ourselves to our heroes, but what we forget is that our heroes are far into their journeys, and we are just starting out.
Chances are, whatever you try to do the first time is not going to be great, but most likely there will be something in there that you can be proud of, or at least intrigues you. So if you like it, keep doing it. You can't be afraid of failing.
You have to first learn to be comfortable with what is coming out of you, and not let your own insecurities stifle you.  Even if no one else is seeing what you do, humans have a way of limiting themselves because we think no one will understand it, or it’s too far out there.  Sometimes we fear it because it is too personal, but if you’re not prepared to let people see a part of you that most keep hidden, you may not reach your full potential as an artist.  
Ultimately, no matter how many people may love your creations, art should be something you do for yourself, so don’t worry about what others think.  Just go ahead and do it if you want to, in your time and on your terms.  You might find that you want to share yourself with the world.
Even if you never let anyone see or hear it, you can have something unique and part of you that’s just between you and the stars, and you will feel better because of it.  Besides, I happen to know for a fact that the stars will love it.

After all, they’re all about creation.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to think about the last time you did the one thing you felt like doing. When you did something purely because it brought you unmitigated joy. Maybe even just something that brought you a little happiness without all the guilt and doubt we associate with everything we do.
We tend to deny ourselves or talk ourselves out of things that we truly want. Fear, in the guise of reason, gets in our way, and we end up collecting another regret.
We will never be at peace with ourselves until we admit what it is that we truly want. Even if it's something that we can't have right now, at least we will know who we are at our core.
Sometimes there is a good reason to deny ourselves the thing we want, but not as often as we think. So we end replacing what we want with a diversion, be it self inflicted pain or a moment of hollow ecstasy that quickly fades and leaves us in the exact same place.

So the stars want you to ask yourself: what is it you truly desire? Until you can answer that question honestly, you can't even get started on a path to happiness.

Friday, March 24, 2017


Today's Horoscope
All signs:
The stars want to ask: what if none of it truly matters? What if your God is fake? What if all your efforts to change the world fail and all your pleas fall on deaf ears? What if giving all your love and effort to someone doesn't mean they will love or care for you?
What if no one hears your song or sees your painting or reads your words and it all ends up in a box in the back of your closet? What if everything you love has an end, if no matter how much you try to hold on to something it will eventually slip through your hands?
What if your job made no real impact, what if no one remembers you from high school, what if the people you know are just those you randomly met by virtue of your social caste and geography and love is a chemical reaction?
Does all that mean that the wonder we've experienced, all the love we've shared, the things we've accomplished, that all the things that really mattered to us should be discounted? Does it somehow mean that life is somehow not worth living?
Or would you still go on, because regardless of whether any of that's true or not, there are a million other things that still make it worthwhile, and no one can argue that.
And what if it's true that many of us will die alone, with most of our dreams unfulfilled?
The stars want to know if in your last minutes, will you deny your lips the smile that comes with memories of the dreams you managed to achieve?

Thursday, March 23, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars realize that humans want to belong, to be part of something, to be accepted. People want to belong to a tribe, and that’s ingrained in our DNA from the time we were living in the trees.  It is a strong urge, and few can deny or ignore it.
The thing is, many times people will conform to the tribe rather than wait for or form their own that better fits their personality or desires.  Part of that problem is that most of us are not leaders, most are content to follow.
So often what happens is some charismatic or divisive or egomaniacal person will come along and one or two of their ideas will seem to jibe with yours.  The next thing you know you are in a tribe, and that tribe doesn’t accurately reflect who you are.  That doesn’t matter anymore.  You are who you associate with, at least that’s the perception, and perception is all that matters in most cases.
Worse yet, you may start to become the person that fits that perception.  Many of us want to go along, and many of us are easily convinced.  Many times we are not even convinced, we are just afraid of speaking our mind and appearing different and we won’t risk becoming an outcast.
Then you will find you are leading a conflicted life, or worse yet you will block all those thoughts out and not realize what you’ve become at all.  You will sacrifice who you are at your core just so you fit in.  Like anything else, once you start doing that it becomes easier and easier.  You should be aware that sometimes a tribe is made up of just two people, so if you’re not the leader you’re the lowest person on the totem pole.
The stars want you to be careful of who you associate with and who you follow, so pick your tribe carefully.  Better yet, be yourself and live the way you want to live.  
You just might find that the tribe forms around you.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Today the stars want to suggest you take inventory.
Take inventory of yourself first.  Are you still carrying around resentment and spite that you should have let go of a long time ago?  Are you still wasting time and energy on things you can’t control?  Are you paying attention to the things in your life that need paying attention to?  Are you taking care of your responsibilities?  Are you moving forward or sliding backwards?
What about the people in your life?  Are you devoting too much time to people that don’t give anything back?  Are you helping someone that really needs and appreciates your help and is trying to do better, or are you pouring resources down a hole that only gets bigger and brings you no return?  Are you taking the time to be there for the people that need you and deserve it?  Are you putting an effort into being around the people that are good for you and weeding the ones that are bad for you out of your life?
Are you keeping track of the good things in the world and not just focusing on the bad?  It’s easy to do.  Sometimes in trying to fight for the things that are right we tend to only see the things that are wrong.  Take a moment to lift your head out of the trenches and remind yourself what you are fighting for in the first place.
The stars want you to remember that there is more good than bad, and no matter how badly you may have screwed things up, there is always a path back to the light. They want you to know that there are people that will use you, manipulate you, and take way more than they give, but you are the one that ultimately has control over that and no matter how they may have fooled you at first, at some point it becomes your responsibility to put an end to it.
The stars want to remind you that you have control over so many things in the world affect you negatively, so why are you giving that control away?


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that if you don't tell the people close to you how you feel and what you're doing, their vision of what's up with you is going to be a whole lot worse than most anything you're actually doing. It's all downhill from there.
We are terrible mind readers, so why leave it to chance?


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you to always be kind, always be charitable, always do whatever you can to help, always give all you have to save another person.
Just don't be stupid about it.
Sometimes you're just enabling, sometimes you're just helping them hurt themselves, and sometimes you're letting them drag you down with them.
Only give what you can afford to lose, and always make sure that you're taking care of yourself in the process. You're no good to anyone if you can't even help yourself.
The stars know you're not stupid, they just know that you care too much and you want to find an answer.

But be advised that it's hard to find an answer when the rules and the question is in constant flux, so be careful out there.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars way to remind you that even though you're smart and intuitive, you can't foretell the future. There are so many times that we talk ourselves out of doing things because we think we know how it's all going to turn out and it won't be worth the trouble. Usually it wouldn't be any trouble at all in the first place.
The point the stars are trying to make is that yeah, not everything is going to be the best time in your life. More often than not, you're not going to go out and meet your soulmate or discover the thing you are meant to be doing, but sometimes those things are waiting in the one place you never thought you'd find them.
The stars want you to just go out and live your life already and see what might happen, because no matter what your brain is telling you, you aren't a psychic.

Trust them.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know that the universe is a huge place. Unfathomably huge, even to them. But they know that everything is interconnected. Gravity and spacetime, dark matter and energy, everything they do affects the rest of the universe in some small or large way.
The same goes for you. Your actions have consequences, not just for you, for everyone around you. People you don't even know or will ever meet in some instances.
That's why you have to keep that in mind always, and evaluate every choice you make, because it might not just be your life you're screwing up.
The stars want you to live an examined life, and your decisions are the thing you should examine most.

You owe it to yourself, you owe to the people you love, you owe it to the world in general, and if you deny that fact you are making the worst decision of all.

Monday, March 13, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars get it.  You’re all different.  It is seemingly impossible to get you to agree, even within your own groups.  You are forever branching off, finding things to separate you, alienate you, divide you, until strong branches peter out in small twigs, easily snapped and thrown in with the kindling.
Part of you wants a tribe, and part of you abhors being part of a tribe. You cannot even agree with yourself on some things.  Your own mind is a duality, and those two factions are in turn dualities, and so on and so on.
So many people, so many opinions, informed and haphazardly borne out of spite.  There is no way we can come together and achieve anything because we are all individuals and we exclude and categorize each other over any perceived difference.   
Yet, still we accomplish, still we achieve, still we build monuments and topple dictators.  Still we band together and get done what needs to get done, and don’t let anyone tell you anything different.  
Our individuality is one of our strengths, just like community is.  They can work hand in hand, as they have throughout history.  Very few people have accomplished anything entirely on their own.  
Your enemies want you at each other’s throats, infighting and unstable, ineffectual as your energies are wasted on trivial disagreements and straw man arguments.  Yet, even with all this chaos, we have still managed to rise above it, and we will keep on rising above it, because that’s what humanity does. We coalesce around a leader or an ideal when it is finally defined. Have faith in what has helped your species hold on and thrive.
We are all different, but we are all the same, and we will all recognize that again and continue to achieve the impossible, just as we always have.

We just await the rallying cry.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Maybe there is or was someone in your life that smiled at you in a way that was only for you.
Surely you have had moments with another person where it seemed like you two were the only people in the world at that second that understood what it was all about and that you were in on the joke before that feeling flitted away again, and you were left with nothing to do but smile that aforementioned smile.
Those times when you looked across the room, and caught that person's eye and your souls connected again, and the feeling never got old. Then came that smile again…
That person that you had such a shared intimacy with, that you felt so complete with, that you trusted with everything you had. The person you felt was an extension of you.
Hopefully, that person is still with you, and fate, or death or addiction or mental illness, or some other cruel trick hasn't taken them from you and ripped your world apart.
But the stars want to point out that even if that's the case, when you read the first part of this horoscope, they are willing to bet that same smile from the past was on your lips.
Take that smile with you and go find someone else to smile with, because although there are more stars in the universe then there are people on this planet, you still can't count them all.

Some other smile that's just for you is waiting for you to come along so it can show itself. Don't leave them waiting for too long.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to know that sometimes you can achieve the impossible and sometimes the simplest things are forever out of reach. You never know how it will work out.

But that's not a reason to never try, that's the exact reason why you should never stop trying.

Friday, March 10, 2017

3/10/17 Friday Bonus

Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that the universe is unfathomably huge.  The stars have been around almost since time began, and they have seen a lot, and even they know that they haven’t seen it all.  Even they don’t know everything.
So while it is good to be sure of what you do know, remember that you only know a very tiny percentage of what there is to know about the universe, and that most people walk around with a universe within them that they are only beginning to discover.  Everyone is a mystery, even to themselves, no matter how much you would like to think otherwise.
Keep that in mind when you are talking to others tonight.  
None of us really know very much at all.  


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars just want to tell you that they know there were times when you thought the pain or the heartbreak or loneliness would kill you, but you're reading this, aren't you?

Give yourself some credit for being a badass, and go keep on doing it.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to let you in on an important equation.

Hate = jealousy/unfulfilled desire/fear = attempts to control = failure

If you are trying to control someone it means you are not the one with the power, and God help you when the people you fear come to that realization.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to know that you're probably right, some of the stuff you do doesn't matter. No one notices your grand gesture, your advice falls on deaf ears, people will not accept your help. You can't save everyone.
But some of it does matter. Some of it can mean the difference between life and death for someone, and there's a good chance you might never even know it.
That's why you have to do it all. That's why you can't pick and choose the good deeds and shared wisdom you impart on the world, that's why you can't withhold love or mercy on a whim.
That's why you should be the best you can be whenever you can, and give it your all with no expectations of a reward, or basing your self worth on how someone else reacts to what you know to be right. If it's the right thing to do, you do it.
You never know what's going to go unnoticed and what's going to change the world. Maybe not THE world, but someone's world.

So you need to do it all.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that if you feel pessimistic at times, that means you feel optimistic at other times, or you wouldn't notice the difference.
If you're capable of hate, you're capable of love.
If you get angry and frustrated, most likely it is because there is a good and gentle part of your soul that knows everything can be better, and you have a goal.
If you get down on yourself and disappointed in your actions, then you know better, and are capable of greater things.
If you are dissatisfied, you have a vision for a greater world.
The stars want you to see that many of the negative attributes you beat yourself up over are in fact natural reactions made possible by the positive attributes you possess. It is harsh living in this world sometimes, and when you feel like you don't belong, it's because you have grander expectations for life, and can't accept the things you know don't make sense and are backwards and upside down.
In many instances, the things that bother you upset you because you are human, and the fact that you still maintain your humanity makes you beautiful.

The things you think are faults and deficiencies are only possible because you are so much more than that, and sometimes they make you blindingly spectacular and a beacon to others. They make you a star.

Friday, March 3, 2017

3/3/17 Friday bonus horoscope!

All Signs:
As you head into your weekend, the stars want you to be aware that some people have issues that go way beyond what you are capable of dealing with.  You can try and try, and give it everything you have, but if you are dealing with an irrational mind, you will most likely fail.
There are people out there with some pretty severe damage, or chemical imbalances, or a multitude of other psychosis, and they are not dealing with it at all.  You should definitely pity these people, and help them if you can, and treat them with kindness and respect.
The thing you should not do is get involved in any kind of romantic relationship with them, because it will never end well.  They are not capable of love, or trust, or compassion, at least not for very long.  They are wrapped up in their own problems, which usually involve being terrified and confused most of the time.  They are full of doubt and self loathing, and they will transfer all that onto you and they will resent and hate you most of the time.
You will question yourself, because that’s what these people are good at.  They manipulate, they accuse you of things you don’t do, they abuse you mentally and emotionally, and sometimes physically.  They are scared because they can’t trust themselves or feel they have any control over their own lives, so they will try to control yours.  They are convinced you will hurt them like everything else in their life has, and they end up working around the clock to ensure that never happens.  They will tear you down, they will try to cajole you into complacency, they might even end up hurting or killing you in extreme cases.
So you end up becoming something you are not, and you settle for less and less as they take over your life and ruin your confidence and make you question who you are.  It is all smoke and mirrors, and it is not real.
It is not their fault in most cases.  They are sick, and they need help, so while you can’t expect them to treat you fairly, or even rationally, you also shouldn’t retaliate or try to punish them.  You wouldn’t want to exact revenge on someone because they got cancer, would you?  It’s the same thing if someone wronged you because they are mentally ill.  In most cases they don’t know better, but you should.
The thing that makes it hard is that there will be good stretches, where they are lucid and seem like the person you want them to be.  You will find that they can’t maintain it for long.  They will slip back into being the person that they really are.  And that person is fractured and not in control of their emotions or actions.  You can’t outsmart them, or beat them at their own game, because it isn’t a game.  It is the torturous existence they are living with as they try to cope with living in a world that makes no sense to them.  All the time, it will erode your confidence and make you question yourself.
So what you have to do in these instances is just walk away.  
It might be one of the hardest things you have to do, but once you do, the fog will start to lift.  You might find, to your shock, that you have started taking after them.  You will most likely find that they dragged you down and you didn’t even notice, or if you did, you tried your best to ignore it.  You might find that you have been living your life in accordance to ridiculous and irrational motives, and wonder just what the hell happened to you.
Because unless these people get the professional help they need, you are not going to do them any good.  You will enable them, you will stunt your own life, you will give everything you have, and instead of raising them up, they will pull you down.  
So walk away, before you hurt yourself and enable them to further destroy themselves, or before you snap and your love turns to cruelty.
The stars want you to know that it never ends well. That might sound cruel, or defeatist, but it is the truth, but if you don’t walk away you will end up chasing your own tail and most likely alienating yourself from the people in your life that truly care.  
So walk away, and walk back towards the light and who you really are.
The stars will be there, waiting for you as always.  


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you to choose wisely when you choose the people you are going to need to lean on someday. Make sure you can trust them with your life. Make sure they have only your best interests at heart.
Then cherish them.
Because you are going to need them someday, and if you choose the wrong ones, you are going to find yourself alone and much worse off than you were just a moment earlier.
By the same token, be that person for others or you have no right to expect it from them.
The stars can't stress enough that this is one of the most important things you will need to do in life.
So go get that done.

Thursday, March 2, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to reassure you that the end times are not near and Armageddon is not around the corner. No flaming swords or horsemen or nuclear annihilation to spectacularly end mankind.
It doesn't work like that.
But rest assured, the demise of your way of life or your particular take on civilization could already be upon you.
Not because of ancient prophecy, or an antichrist, or evil dictator.
The end most likely is drawing near because of complacency and ignorance, and because the ruling class has taken too much from the working class. We are winding down, a slow unspooling of everything we once gained, a grand idea from centuries ago that might have worked had we adhered to our principles.
We did not, though. Little by little, unscrupulous men have perverted the truth, blinded themselves and the population to what's right, just to gain a little more.
Man's avarice has always been their downfall, and the people that should have been guarding against it have been bought off with trinkets. The nation's morale suffers, and the population falls into apathy.
We all fool ourselves into believing that someone else is watching out for us, but we are exposed and vulnerable.
The stars have seen civilizations fall again and again, and always it's the same. They end with a whimper, not a bang. A slow descent into a darker age.
The only bright spot they can offer is that something will eventually rise up to take its place, and there is a good chance that it will be better, at least until mankind infects it yet again.
The stars tell you this not to discourage you, but to let you know that any golden age doesn't have to end. It could last forever. That is entirely up to you, but you had better wake up and reverse the tide, or your chance and your children's chance will be lost forever.
As always, the choice is yours and only yours.
The stars are just here to guide you.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to understand that every single amazing thing humanity has achieved has been achieved by humanity.
That might sound obvious and redundant, but we need to be reminded of the obvious and redundant because our minds tend to jettison the positive and fixate on the negative. It's a survival instinct, ruled by primal fear, so please don't feel bad about it.
So back to the obvious. Human history is full of remarkable and seemingly magical and impossible victories and advances throughout.
We did that.
We are still doing that. Right now. This second, someone is achieving something that seemed impossible a second earlier.
Big things. Little things. Impossible things.
You are capable of achieving impossible things too.
Because that's one of the many reasons the stars love us so much that it hurts.
We forget all the time that nothing is impossible, yet we manage to achieve the impossible on a fairly regular basis.

So the stars want you to get it through your head once more, and go out and fulfill your destiny and do the impossible all over again.