Wednesday, March 22, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Today the stars want to suggest you take inventory.
Take inventory of yourself first.  Are you still carrying around resentment and spite that you should have let go of a long time ago?  Are you still wasting time and energy on things you can’t control?  Are you paying attention to the things in your life that need paying attention to?  Are you taking care of your responsibilities?  Are you moving forward or sliding backwards?
What about the people in your life?  Are you devoting too much time to people that don’t give anything back?  Are you helping someone that really needs and appreciates your help and is trying to do better, or are you pouring resources down a hole that only gets bigger and brings you no return?  Are you taking the time to be there for the people that need you and deserve it?  Are you putting an effort into being around the people that are good for you and weeding the ones that are bad for you out of your life?
Are you keeping track of the good things in the world and not just focusing on the bad?  It’s easy to do.  Sometimes in trying to fight for the things that are right we tend to only see the things that are wrong.  Take a moment to lift your head out of the trenches and remind yourself what you are fighting for in the first place.
The stars want you to remember that there is more good than bad, and no matter how badly you may have screwed things up, there is always a path back to the light. They want you to know that there are people that will use you, manipulate you, and take way more than they give, but you are the one that ultimately has control over that and no matter how they may have fooled you at first, at some point it becomes your responsibility to put an end to it.
The stars want to remind you that you have control over so many things in the world affect you negatively, so why are you giving that control away?

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