Friday, April 21, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Today is Friday, so the stars hope you get a well deserved break this weekend.  Maybe you have plans for something special, a show or a nice dinner out, or a little getaway.  They also want to remind you that we’re all just trying to get through this life with as little heartbreak and stumbling blocks as we can.  It’s not always easy for most people, just by virtue of the world we live in.  
We can sometimes take the frustration we feel out on those around us, when all they’re doing is trying to cope and make it through the day like we are.
Make a conscious effort not to take your stuff out on others.  Don’t go looking for a reason to criticize or attack another person because you’re not happy with your own situation at the moment.  
Don’t be a jerk, and by the same token, don’t put up with jerks.  People can be jerky every now and then, but if it becomes a habit, it needs to stop.  
The stars wish you all the happiness and comfort you can find, and as always, they hope you have a jerk-free weekend.

Thursday, April 20, 2017


Today's Horoscope
All signs:
The stars often tell you about how everything will work out. They speak of how you have allies you probably aren't even aware of, and the good in people, and how all the wonders in the world can bring you back from the edge.
They tell you how, even when you're adrift in the void, that there are still good things you can salvage, and how the stars are always there to light your way home. 
That's all true, but you have to want to find your way home. There are some people out there that don't. They are so confused, or so damaged, or so ill that they can't or won't follow the light you offer them.
They hate who they think they are, and they will simply punish themselves and anyone that dares to love them, all the time thinking that it's the only path they have.
The stars know better, but all they can do is to continue to try to help, and to love, and to be there.
But sometimes it's not enough. These are the people that deserve your pity, because they don't see the same world you do, and the stars mean nothing to them. It is a horrible situation, and it will only bring you heartache and despair, but still you will fight because how can you do otherwise when someone you love is in so much pain?
The stars will weep for you, too, and they will continue to shine for you, and to keep you tethered as you as maintain your lonely vigil for the one you love, as they pray that it doesn't break you too.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars know things may look really bad for you right now.   You may feel like there is no way out, and that whatever you are dealing with is insurmountable.  Chances are, it’s not.  Chances are, like most times you felt this way, that you will pull it out at the last minute, or get aid and comfort from a place you never expected.
The problem is, right now you are seeing it from within the midst of everything that is seemingly going wrong.  Even the things that are going right are hard to notice. The weight of everything bearing down on you might seem suffocating, it might feel like no light can get in, it may make you despair that you will ever feel good again.
The stars want to tell you that all you need to do is to keep pushing forward.  Before you know it, you will start to see the light and feel the sun as you come out of the woods.  Soon you will see it all from the other side, the safe and secure side where you are looking back and marveling how you once again surprised yourself and came out stronger than when you went in.
Maybe you can’t see it now, but you are on the road to recovery.  Trust the stars, they know where you’ve been, and they can see where you’re going, and whether your destination is days or years away, you will get there.
We will all get there, to whatever home we are seeking, and find comfort and peace in the embrace of those who love us.

Monday, April 17, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Sometimes you fail. Sometimes you give it everything you have, and you end up with nothing, worse than when you started.
No matter what you do, no matter how much you gave, no matter how much you wanted it and needed to be there for the people you loved, you fell short.
Maybe you bit off more than you could chew, maybe you were in an unwinnable situation, but either way it shook you to your core, and it broke you.
Maybe now you can't see a way out. Perhaps now you are the unwinnable situation. Now it's you that needs help.
Help is there. Most of the time when we fail those we love, it's not really us that fails. Many times we try to help people that are not ready to help themselves. Sometimes these people are never ready. They are incapable of seeing the world as it really is, and they are working against you, even as you try to save them.
That is where you are in a better position than they ever were. You want to be saved. You want to claw your way back. You know you deserve love.
The stars want to remind you that even when things seem their worst, the only magic the world has to offer you is love. All the effort you gave to whatever it was that didn't work out… well, there is a whole world full of other people willing to give that effort to save you. Sometimes that's hard to see from whatever rabbithole you have disappeared into.
All the love and energy you put into the world will come back to you if you let it. That might sound like some new age, hippie mumbo jumbo, but it's not. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed; only transformed from one form to another.
When that energy comes back to you, you can either transform it into a positive or a negative, the choice is yours.
And so the stars give you the same advice that they find themselves giving you time and time again: choose wisely.

4/1617 Easter

Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today is Easter, and while the stars don't put a lot of stock in traditions or religious celebration, (after all, they oversee an entire universe full of infinite civilizations) they would like you to take one thing from this one.
Be it the rebirth of your Lord or just the rebirth that comes with spring, take a moment to apply that to yourself.
If there is anything, big or small, that you are unhappy with about yourself, take a cue from Easter and change it. Remake whatever part of you needs remaking. You can be reborn any way you see fit.
Give yourself a clean slate and stop letting those same old fears and guilt hold you back. Reinvent your sorry old story and get busy writing a new one, the way you want it to be told.
The stars want you to understand that it's never too late to be reborn, and it's not something that's reserved for deities and nature. Anyone can do it. Any time they want to.
So go get yourself reborn.

4/14/17 Bonus

Today's Bonus Horoscope

All signs:
The world is harsh and painful sometimes. People let you down and unimaginable horrors can pop up out of nowhere.
So you can dwell on that or be with the people you love and do the things that bring you happiness instead.
And if you can't think of anything that brings you happiness, go out and find something that does. The important thing is, don't stay with the people and things that don't make you happy. No one is making you do that but yourself.
Treat yourself better than that, for God's sake. And if you can't, you should really figure out why you don't like yourself and think you deserve all that misery, and change it.
Happiness starts with you.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that you know the things and people they are bad for you. You know what's right and what's wrong.
For some reason, we are drawn to the things that negatively affect our lives. We go back again and again, driven by some compulsion from your stupid brain. There is nothing good for us, just more self destructive behavior and confirmation of all your negative feelings about yourself.
The only recourse you have is to stay away from those things and people. It's that simple. Walk away while you can and realize that there's no way to make it turn out okay. Let go of your ego and your hurt feelings and futile attempts at validation.
Have your friends help you, have your family hold you down if you must, get professional help. The simplest thing and hardest thing in the world is to just let it go. All of it.
The stars want you to know, like all things, you knew the answer all along.

Now let it go and get on with your better life.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The other day the stars mentioned the vast distances of empty space between the stars and galaxies, and how it sometimes feels like we are caught floating through them.
The stars want to clarify that a lot of that emptiness is just stuff we can’t see.  Nature abhors a vacuum.  There are dark stars and rogue planets and matter and energy we can’t even detect.
When you find yourself in these dark places, remember that there are still good things to be found when you least expect it.
Almost every time those good things are your friends and family, and you will be surprised how much they care and are willing to help, and bring you back from that place.  
The stars want to implore you: let them.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to point out that you’re beautiful.  
One problem with beauty is that there are so many different opinions on what it is.  Society’s ideal of beauty changes on a whim it seems.  But who cares?
The real problem with beauty is that we very seldom see it in ourselves.  We feel embarrassed when others point it out in us and that sometimes makes us focus on negative aspects of ourselves to justify some weird misconception that we are not the person that others think we are.
We tend to be so hard on ourselves that we end up damaging our own self image because we think we are being noble and facing reality in our strange twisted way, and even that is sad, tragic beauty.
The stars want you to know that you’re beautiful, goddamit, whether you like it or not.  We can’t help it.  So just go let yourself be beautiful.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars know that the universe is a huge place, with vast sections of empty space between stars and galaxies. Millions of light years of complete desolation and nothingness.
Sometimes it feels like we are in those voids, lost and alone, and we'll never make it to the next safe haven.
The stars want you to remember that you're never truly lost because the stars in your life are still there, guiding you to them with their light that reaches through the seemingly endless expanse, calling you home.
You simply need to follow the light and go to them.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars predict that you will soon suffer one of life's huge catastrophes. Maybe not today, maybe not this week, or even this year, but soon enough. They pop up like mileposts along your lifetime, grim markers of times you thought your world would end.
Losing a loved one, a job, your home, a relationship you thought would last forever. Disease, family turmoil, mental illness, a million things that threaten to tear your world apart.
When these events occur, they usually come with a bunch of other smaller problems. Changes in your comfortable life, be they minor annoyances and new responsibilities you have thrust upon you, or wholesale changes in your accustomed lifestyle and routine.
They can also leave you questioning the other parts of your life. Earthquakes leave scars, and reconfigure the surface of the planet, and you're no different.
You are left with no other option than to face these challenges and keep moving. As always in these situations, you should cling to those who love you, and let them help carry the load. You might think that you have no one to help you, but you would be surprised how others step up and stand with you, if only you'll ask. So ask.
Though it might not seem like it now, chances are very good that you will survive, and though you might get set back for a while, you will conquer and grow and heal. Like you always have.
Even in the worst situations, there is always something good to take away, even if it's the memory or legacy of someone you lose.
So the stars want to remind you to persevere through the storm, hold on tight to yourself, and climb to that place at the other end, because it's there waiting for you.
While our life might be marked along the way by those tragic signposts, keep in mind that there are so many better moments packed into the miles in between.