Monday, April 17, 2017

4/1617 Easter

Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today is Easter, and while the stars don't put a lot of stock in traditions or religious celebration, (after all, they oversee an entire universe full of infinite civilizations) they would like you to take one thing from this one.
Be it the rebirth of your Lord or just the rebirth that comes with spring, take a moment to apply that to yourself.
If there is anything, big or small, that you are unhappy with about yourself, take a cue from Easter and change it. Remake whatever part of you needs remaking. You can be reborn any way you see fit.
Give yourself a clean slate and stop letting those same old fears and guilt hold you back. Reinvent your sorry old story and get busy writing a new one, the way you want it to be told.
The stars want you to understand that it's never too late to be reborn, and it's not something that's reserved for deities and nature. Anyone can do it. Any time they want to.
So go get yourself reborn.

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