Wednesday, April 12, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars predict that you will soon suffer one of life's huge catastrophes. Maybe not today, maybe not this week, or even this year, but soon enough. They pop up like mileposts along your lifetime, grim markers of times you thought your world would end.
Losing a loved one, a job, your home, a relationship you thought would last forever. Disease, family turmoil, mental illness, a million things that threaten to tear your world apart.
When these events occur, they usually come with a bunch of other smaller problems. Changes in your comfortable life, be they minor annoyances and new responsibilities you have thrust upon you, or wholesale changes in your accustomed lifestyle and routine.
They can also leave you questioning the other parts of your life. Earthquakes leave scars, and reconfigure the surface of the planet, and you're no different.
You are left with no other option than to face these challenges and keep moving. As always in these situations, you should cling to those who love you, and let them help carry the load. You might think that you have no one to help you, but you would be surprised how others step up and stand with you, if only you'll ask. So ask.
Though it might not seem like it now, chances are very good that you will survive, and though you might get set back for a while, you will conquer and grow and heal. Like you always have.
Even in the worst situations, there is always something good to take away, even if it's the memory or legacy of someone you lose.
So the stars want to remind you to persevere through the storm, hold on tight to yourself, and climb to that place at the other end, because it's there waiting for you.
While our life might be marked along the way by those tragic signposts, keep in mind that there are so many better moments packed into the miles in between.

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