Monday, July 9, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that it's not okay to lie. Lying to people is wrong, we all know that. Sure, a little white lie to spare someone's feelings can be justified, the problem is that the definition of what constitutes a “white lie” can become very broad when the need arises. You aren't doing your friends any favors when you skirt the hard or awkward issues anyway.
It's really bad when you lie in a relationship, about important things. You run the risk of destroying trust when you get caught, and you will get caught. You end up damaging yourself just as much, because you will find that living with a lie eats away at your own self worth.
But that's not the lies the stars are concerned with today. So much more damaging are the lies we tell ourselves. The warning signs we ignore, the things are our conscious tells us are right, but we shut out. The awful truths we don't want to face. We even lie to ourselves about the lies other people tell us. We lie to ourselves about what we want, we lie to ourselves about the things we hate, we lie to ourselves about what we really need to fulfill us because we think that we're not worthy enough to deserve it. We lie about who we are.
All those things continue to exist, whether you acknowledge them or not, and they all continue to do damage. The best thing to do is to confront your fears, stare directly at the things you are uncomfortable with, and tackle those issues sooner, rather than later.
The stars need you to understand that lying to yourself might seem comforting, but it is killing you from the inside out.

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