Monday, July 9, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
People often blame their mistakes on some battle between their head and their heart, the head being logical and smart, and the heart being impulsive and irresponsible. The stars love the poetic notion, but they want to remind you that it's all just your head.
We say things like “I can't help who I love”, or “the heart wants what the heart wants”, but that is just our reckless brains searching for dopamine or punishing us for what we feel we deserve.
If you want to call that part of your brain your heart, that's fine, but the stars think you should train it to actually love yourself, and do what is truly best for you. A good lover cares about your happiness and wellbeing. A loving partner strives to make your life better, not make you feel bad or guilty or controlled because of their insecurity or shame. Someone who love you wouldn't treat you badly and put you in harms way.
If your head isn't doing that for you, train it to be a better lover. After all, it's your heart.

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