Monday, May 16, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today you might be tempted to stop talking to someone just because they don't agree with you, or they tell you something you don't want to hear. In simpler terms, you might not want to ignore someone may because they don't automatically validate your bullshit.
Some people have arrived at the idea that being a friend means blindly supporting without question everything someone does. That's not a friend, that's an enabler and a sycophant.
It's hard to tell a harsh truth to someone you care about, but that's what real friends do. It usually gets you nothing but scorn, but that's the price of caring sometimes. We live in a world today where everyone wants to exist with the illusion of safety, afraid of criticism and confrontation.
You can cut people out of your life, or unfollow, or block them, but if you're doing it just because they don't agree with you, then you're cheating yourself and them.  Part of the reason you have people in your life is to challenge you. Input from trusted friends is one of the key components in life that helps you grow and learn.
Differing viewpoints are the lifeblood of civilization. Everything we know is because someone challenged what we thought we'd knew at some point, and was usually shouted down and demonized for simply upsetting the status quo. You're never going to find out who you really are if you don't open yourself up to other people's ideas and opinions.
It's one of the things that's tearing this country apart. Everyone is polarized and you're in one tribe or the other, and if you're in the wrong tribe nothing you say is valid. In this country, everyone is supposed to have a voice, whether you agree with it or not. Everyone gets a seat at the table, but most people want it all their way or no way at all.
When you just surround yourself with people you want to hear you find yourself living in a bubble, and that should not be something you strive for. Eventually, you are going to have to face the real world, and if your personal relationships didn't prepare you for that you are going to flounder, because people out there will have no time to coddle you.

Don't get me wrong, there are toxic people that should be cut out of your life. Just make sure when you do that you figure out if you're cutting out a cancer or healthy cells. If you're not paying close attention it's not always easy to tell the difference.

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