Monday, November 21, 2016


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to talk to you about hatred. There are always going to be some things in life that you hate, but when you find yourself hating a group of people, that's when there's a problem.
Hate is a very strong word, but it is a valid emotion and it is real and it does apply in very select circumstances. If you hate the things Kanye West says or does, that's one thing, if you hate all rappers or black people or culture based on that, then you're getting into dangerous territory.
Worse yet, people will tend to hate a certain race or religion or social status based on lies and misconceptions. When you get to that point, hate clouds your judgment and ends up hurting you in the end. You make bad choices, you leave your mind open to manipulation by others that have their own agenda.
Making a choice based on hatred is never good for anyone. And hatred is so insidious that many times people don't even realize that it is in fact hatred they are expressing. They have truly lost their way because hate has blinded them.
Hate is simply fear and insecurity and jealousy in yet another guise. It will take up more and more of your energy and time, and it will make you more unhappy everyday. It will happen in small increments and you won't even notice until one day you will wake up and look at yourself in the mirror and you will see what all people consumed by hatred have seen eventually.
The thing you truly hate is yourself.
The stars don't want to see that happen to you. They know we were not put here to hate, and they know that you know it too. So remember that where there is a chance to hate, there is always an equal chance to love.

Choose wisely, or someday you will forget that you even have a choice.

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