Today’s Horoscope
All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that if you’ve ever been the victim of physical or sexual violence that it is not your fault.
Unless you were trying to inflict grievous harm on someone else in some extreme case, there is no excuse for it. It doesn’t matter if you lied or cheated or stole. It doesn’t matter if you were drunk or dressed provocatively or in the wrong place at the wrong time. It doesn’t matter if your opinion is different or if you made someone feel foolish or uncomfortable. It doesn’t matter at all. Nothing excuses another person hitting or belittling or taking advantage of or raping anyone. Not just women, anyone.
Violence is pretty much everywhere these days, and people have just come to take it as a part of life. This is unacceptable.
People hit their kids and teach them that violence is the answer to life’s problems. People see action stars and super heroes punching and killing their foes, and it reinforces the notion that might is right. People see celebrities and rich people getting away with sexual abuse and domestic violence because of their position in society and they start to think that maybe it’s okay.
It is not okay.
Not by a longshot.
When you commit abuse against another person you take something away from them that they may never get back. You doom them to a life of reliving trauma, questioning their self worth and ruining any chance they might have of happiness. They might spend the rest of their days not trusting anyone, always wondering when they might turn on them too, feeling like they disserved whatever evil befell them.
You doom them to a half life, scared and unsure and unable to grow.
The stars are here to tell you that you didn’t deserve any of it. You are just as beautiful and pure and lovely as you were before anything bad every happened at all. Just because that beauty is now hidden away from the world and yourself does not mean it isn’t there and that no one can see it.
People can, and the stars can, and they know that it might be a long, hard climb back to the light, but remember that the light will always be there waiting for you.
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