Today's Horoscope
All signs:
The stars want to remind you that while they have no need for any particular belief system, blaming religion for the world's atrocities is as convenient as using religion to incite violence.
True, many religions have blood on their hands, the same as most ideologies, governments, movements and revolutions.
Terrorists are able to recruit people to their cause because those people have been displaced, have watched their homeland destroyed, have seen their children wiped out by bombs and violence by forces that care only about the strategic value or resources their land represents. They see terrorism as the only way they have to strike back at the people they feel are destroying everything they hold dear.
This does not excuse their actions in any way, the stars just want to point out why they are ripe to be exploited by some lunatic under the guise of religion.
There are more peaceful practitioners of religion than there are violent fanatics, much more. Most of the people in the world follow some religion, and they are good, decent people, not crazed militants or suicide bombers or blowing up clinics or committing genocide.
Condemning all the people of a certain religion is ridiculous, and a sure fire way to alienate the very people you should be inclusive of. Yet, leaders will use any terrorist attack as a rallying cry to ban and denigrate, and to persecute people on the grounds of their religion, the very thing America is supposed to stand against.
Instead of coming together in the face of tragedy, and holding to our beliefs, we will be further divided, and religious affiliation will be exploited by lunatics under the guise of patriotism. To gain more power, to get more votes, and to rob you blind of your money and your freedom and your birthright as you froth at the mouth.
The stars want to let you know that you don't need to be a star to foresee that.