Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Sometimes something really bad happens, and you suffer a great loss. It will stop you in your tracks. It will stop your life in its tracks.
Not that you'll die, no, it will seem your fate is worse than that. You will have to go on living with the pain, and the emptiness, and raging torment inside that no one seems to understand.
It feels so unfair, that you have to keep existing, waking up and brushing your teeth and going to work and feeding the cat, all the time feeling like nothing will ever be good again.
The stars want to remind you that living isn't a punishment, it's a gift. So eventually you're going to have to learn to move on. It might appear that it will be the hardest thing you'll ever do, but you can do it. You must do it.
And life wants you to. Fate wants you to. All the natural laws of the universe want you to. Everything is pushing you forward, everything is designed to keep things flowing, ever forward, ever onward.
You're the only thing pushing back, and that's not helping anything.

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