Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you to keep your mind open to new things. People tend to experience arrested development when it comes to a lot of things. They believe that their music was the best and new music is horrible. They decide that they hate certain foods when they are young and never try them again. They think their generation was the best, and younger people are ruining the world.
They fight progress, simply because it seems different.
Well, your parents thought the same thing of your generation. And their parents before them. Instead of stalling your own personal growth and simply criticizing what you don't understand, try to use the extra time you've had on this planet to grow, and perhaps help younger generations make things better.
The stars also want you to go try new foods and retry the foods you disliked as a kid. Your tastes change as you get older, and you might find that you've been depriving yourself of some things you will really enjoy.

Don't fear or resist change, because change is the only constant there is. You will find yourself swimming against the current and going nowhere.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want you to know that they look down on the earth and see everyone and everything.  The problems you have are usually dwarfed by many of the things they see.  They don’t tell you this to try to shame you or invalidate your problems, your pain and struggle is valid.  You have every right to bemoan your circumstance and the whims of cruel fate from time to time.  
They tell you this simply because most of the time the solution to our problems is not an easy one or a quick fix.  This means we have a lot of free time in between the steps we take to solve the problems in our lives. Often we spend that free time worrying about our problems needlessly, and being frustrated and impatient.
You don’t need to be a star in the heavens to find other people with problems of their own.  They are in your life, in your hometown.  You pass them on the street everyday, you see them on the news.   You probably see impassioned pleas from people everyday trying to get people to help other people, or animals, or your community.  
Instead of spending your free time worrying, donate a bit of it to helping to solve other people’s problems if you can.  That can mean volunteering, donating goods or money, fostering or feeding rescue pets, manning phone lines, or even just picking up trash on your daily walk.  Everything you do that helps means you’re not hurting the world.
It will also make the time go faster in between the steps you are taking to solve your own problems, and perhaps you will get some help back in those areas from the people you are helping.  If nothing else, you will be doing something positive, and although the stars don’t believe in some cosmic positive energy storage tank that influences the universe, positive actions and thoughts lead to more positive thinking and action in your own life, and sometimes in those around you.
You can make the world a better place, or you can make the world more difficult for you and the next person, that choice is yours.  But if you choose to spend your time fixating on your problems in a nonproductive, negative funk while ignoring the rest of the world, the stars have a hard time feeling bad for you.  

No matter how you try to spin it, in the end you often get out of this life what you put into it.


Today's Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you to tell the people you love that you love them once in awhile.
It doesn't even have to be some earnest declaration of love, just a quick “I love you” before you hang up the phone or they leave your house. You can love a lot of different people in a lot of different ways, so let your friends and family know it. It can make a little or a lot of difference.
Maybe you have a problem saying it. Maybe you think it will lose its significance if you say it too often, or you don't feel comfortable expressing it. Fix that. It's not healthy.

And if you know someone that doesn't like hearing you say it? It makes them resentful or they feel they don't deserve it? Then love them all the more, because they are the ones that really need to hear it.


Today's Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to let you know that maybe there is no point. Perhaps there are no great answers.
So what?
It's Friday, so just let the search for answers go for a couple of days and just go out and find a little bit of joy and maybe make someone else smile while you're at it.

Maybe that's the point after all.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to ask you:
Did you ever notice that the most beautiful and romantic poems and passages are written by the broken hearted?  
Do you realize that the most inspiring things in life often come from people that started at rock bottom or overcame unimaginable tragedy or obstacles?
That you learn to appreciate what you have when you hear about the things people have lost?
That without the adversity and the sorrow and the loss you might not ever triumph; you may never learn to love the things you are blessed with because they wouldn’t seem like blessings without the people that reminded you how much worse off you could have been?
There is a gift in everything, in everyone, although it may not always seem like it at the time.  A lesson, motivation, inspiration, or just enough to make you resolve to make your life and the world a little bit better.

The stars want you to recognize your gifts and to make the most of them, or they might as well not  be gifts at all.


Today's Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that it's the little things. We sometimes don't notice that over the long arc of our lives that it is made up of small moments, all woven together and making up a balance sheet where we never see the totals, we just feel them.
Joy and happiness is usually meted out in small doses, and is fleeting. Often it is disappointing, and that is caused by our own impatience and unrealistic expectations.
Pain and sorrow is dealt out in tiny rations too, most of the time. In most cases, life is not as horror filled as you perceive it to be.
People tend to dwell on the bad and discount the good. That is evolution, putting an importance on survival, where pain or hardship is imprinted deeply.
We tend to give less power to our happy moments, instead longing for Hollywood style declarations and grand gestures. Most people are not going to make those grand gestures, not on a regular basis, nor should they. That's not real life. I'm fact, when they do, others tend to feel uncomfortable because it's not something they are used to, so we find ourselves longing for something we can't appreciate or process.
We continue on, discounting the good and magnifying the bad, it's our nature. Our brains are amazing things, the world's most complex and powerful supercomputer.
The problem is, that computer is wide open, prone to getting programmed by so many outside sources. Parents, friends, spouses, school, religion, government, advertising, Hollywood, anything you come in contact with, really.
You are at the mercy of your brain, your greatest asset and your worst enemy at times. The thing is, your brain can be programmed by you, too. It takes some work, but you can take back control of it, and have it working for you.
And like everything else, you do that little by little. If you pinpoint the things that bring you happiness, then demand that your brain engages in more activities that bring you happiness or fulfillment, then you will quickly notice the scales tip and that balance sheet will shift to the good slightly. Let the emotional side of your brain free to enjoy the things you find pleasurable.
If you demand that your brain look upon the bad and painful moments and dissect them and wring experience from them, it will. Demand it make you smarter and stronger and more cognizant of the fact that you survived it, and let it make you more rational and fearless when you experience it again rather than frighten you back to square one. Teach it to make you recognize the same mistakes you keep making, and tell you not to make them anymore. Let the logical side of your brain free to make you wise and efficient and keep you safe.
We often get this simple formula backwards, and it is simply because of the outside programming, put there by a lifetime of the fear and control and greed of others.
So reprogram your brain, a little bit at a time, and you will see your life start to get better, a little bit at a time.

You'll find that a little bit is enough.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that everything in life is give and take. Sometimes you end up with more, sometimes you go home empty handed.
So everything has its good and bad sides, but what you have to remember is that with some effort you can usually change those percentages.  You can also control how you react to those results. You can let it define you, or you can glean information from the experience so it does or doesn’t happen again.  
So many of us were never given the tools to cope with a lot of the adversity and bad breaks we get from time to time.  The thing you have to realize is that you can still gain those tools later in life.  Like learning anything new, it is harder to do when you’re older, but it is possible.  People do it every day.  
Yes, in a circuitous way the world is usually to blame, but blaming it over and over is not going to accomplish anything.  You can’t always change THE world, but you can usually change YOUR world, if you stop assigning blame over and over, and let go of things you are never going to get an answer for.
There is always a positive way and a negative way of looking at any situation.  True, sometimes it is hard to find the positive, and sometimes the positive seems like the lesser of two evils, but don’t kid yourself, that is still a positive.

The point the stars want to make is that there is always something you can take away from life if you have the right attitude, and always more of it you can take away if you’re willing to work at it.  


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind that when hard times hit, look back on all you’ve accomplished.  Take an inventory of all the things you’ve been through before this, and how you’ve triumphed.  At times maybe you just managed to live through it, but that is a triumph just the same.
Rally your friends and family around you, and find strength in them.  Find strength also in the gifts that friends and family left behind, because even though some of the people you counted on might be gone, their spirit and lessons they taught you are still in you.  Use that legacy.
Think of the people that depend on you.  Sometimes you can find vast reserves of strength when you think about those that need you, count on you, whether they are a child, your parents, a spouse or lover, a friend, or even a pet.  We have a hard time motivating ourselves for us, but we can sometimes find extra motivation if we think about the impact things will have on those we care about.
And if you don’t have all that many friends, and your family can’t help, and there is no one depending on you?  As hard as that is to believe, you can still overcome whatever it is.  You still have you, the same you that has gotten yourself this far.  Furthermore, you have the freedom to take more chances, to live a little dangerously to make your dreams come true.  You are playing with house money.
Don’t live in fear of the world.  Don’t live in fear of other people.  Don’t live expecting the worse and never trying, because there are a whole lot of people out there that are counting on you doing just that.

If nothing else, get to work and overcome it to prove them wrong, and prove something to yourself in the process.  Just like you’ve already proved it a hundred times before.


Today's Horoscope

All Signs:
Sometimes other people hurt us or do wrong by us and we try to justify it by making it our fault. Perhaps we can't understand why someone we love would do something so bad and betray us when all we want is to make them happy.
We don't deserve to be treated that way, and nothing that we do means that we should be lied to, or met with such cruelty. Nothing.
Maybe they acted the way they did and went out of their way to devastate us because we didn't pay enough attention, or try hard enough. Maybe we could have anticipated their mood and have tread lightly around their feelings, unfair as they might have seemed.
Perhaps we could have done something differently and avoided making them feel like they had to do whatever spiteful and malicious thing they did to cause us pain. If only we had done things differently, they wouldn't have had to lie, or cheat, or manipulate or use us. Who’s to say that one person is at fault? It takes two, doesn't it?
Maybe we should have been the adult and taken their immaturity or mental condition into account. After all, we let them do it.
You see how easy it is to shift that blame? These are the games some people play to try to justify their horrible actions.
The stars want you to understand how important it is to examine your actions and learn about who you are. If you know that you're a bad person, you wouldn't be struggling with why someone did something unspeakable to you.
If you know you're a good person, you shouldn't let cruel or damaged people make you question that, but sadly, being a good person usually allows them to do that to you in a regular basis.
The stars advise you to get to a point where you no longer let them make you question who you are, and then you can demand that someone treat you as well as you treat them.

Imagine that!


Today's Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars just want you to know that you're doing better than you think.
There is a lot of good and beauty in the world, but most times it seems like it's meted out in small doses. In between you have trying times, overwhelming pain, suffer losses, and learn to live with things you don't want to.
The horrors of living always seem close at hand.
Yet, you smiled or laughed today. You chose to be kind when you could have taken your frustration out on someone else. You sacrificed a tiny bit of your time or happiness to make someone else's life better.
You found a little joy in a song, or a movie, or something someone told you, or just seeing a child or a pet do something joyous themselves. Someone smiled and you smiled back, in spite of yourself.
You accomplished something, no matter how small, that moved you closer to your goals and who you want to be.
You discovered something new that you never knew before, and that knowledge helped you make sense of the world, or at least gave you some perspective or a thirst for more knowledge.
You did something silly, without even thinking, simply for the reason that it made you happy, and you forgot all the guilt and fear and regret you've been hauling around with you for just a moment or two.
You asked for a hug, and got one, because no matter how bad you tell yourself life is and how terrible you know people can be, there is always someone that will give you a hug if you ask them for it.

And if you failed to do any of those things… well, there's tomorrow, when you'll do better than you think you will.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to know what you were so worried about last week. Or how about last month?  Or last year?  Okay, yesterday?
Did everything work out?  Did the world shatter?  Do you even remember?  
If you look back, you just might find that you don’t even recall most of the things you were worried about then.  Sometimes we worry about things that don’t even exist.  
Now of course there are legitimate things in life to worry about, but how often do you find yourself worrying about the same things, over and over?  If that’s the case, you should either stop worrying, or do something to change your life so those things aren't a concern anymore.
Many times we worry about things that we have already overcome, but we are just so used to worrying that we can’t help but forget that we have already been through it and come out on top.  The voices whisper “what if we don’t get through it this time?”  
We just have to have faith in ourselves and the people we love that everything will be okay.  And if that turns out not to be the case on those very rare occasions?
Well, the stars want you to remember that we lived through that too.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Just do your best.
The universe will make sure the earth keeps spinning, the sun comes up and the stars still shine at night.  The government isn’t going to collapse this week, the Third World War isn’t starting.  The economy won’t fall apart today, there’s no epidemic waiting to infect half the population.
The people in your life that are wild cards are going to do what they want whether you worry or  cajole or threaten them.  The people that you know and trust are still going to be those people tomorrow, also pretty much regardless of what you do.  
So the stars want you to understand that much of the things you waste your energies and anxieties and fear on, as well as your love, are not going anywhere.  The control you think you gain by worrying is an illusion, and in most cases keeps you from actually realizing the things you can control, and affecting the change you want. That isn’t to say you shouldn’t care, but the old adage of “life is a marathon, not a sprint” is a true one.  
Slow down.
Let go.

And just do your best.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want you to know that you should take it easy on yourself sometimes. We tend to miss the amazing little things we do everyday and beat ourselves up over trivial matters.
Even if you messed something huge up, even if you set yourself or someone else back a step or two or ten, there are a million reasons why someone as spectacular as you can make those strides up again.
Don't block yourself, don't let guilt or fear stand in your way. Don't let yourself be beholden to anyone or thing that is holding you back from getting what you want from life.
Let yourself make a mistake now and then, let yourself love, or take care of you for once, let everything go and just have fun without regret. Be free, even if it's only for a little while at first.
You deserve it. The stars know you do.
So tell the universe to fuck off just one day, and be yourself and don't apologize for it.

The stars have got your back.


Today's Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars know. They know that when you're smart, or beautiful, or amazing, or just so filled with humanity, that even the greatest gifts only feel like torture.
They know that so many things you feel and understand do you no good; that you will never be able to explain them or tell the world your story.
And just like all that, they can't help you either. They can just let you know that they do understand, and that when you're all alone at night, rest assured that you've gotten it right, even if it everything else seems wrong.
So live your life and find your happiness where you can, because it is there. You might just have to work at it a little more, but that's how it is, because all those gifts aren't free.

But only you can decide how to use them.

6/30/17 bonus

Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that it’s Friday, and you made it through another week. They also want to remind you to stay positive.
They want you to understand that being positive does not affect fate or destiny, it is not magic or spiritual.  It’s not going to jinx you either.   It is just a healthier way to look at the world.  Things are going to work out the way they are going to work out regardless of your mood, so why choose a negative one?
That’s not entirely true, though. It is a little magical.
The way thinking positive helps shape your future is that you are not miserable and looking for ways to defeat yourself, you are open minded and looking for ways to win.  When you can see the things that can go right, you have something to work towards.  When you can only see the things that can go wrong, you don’t even try.
It affects others, too.  No one has ever been motivated by or wants to work with someone that sees only failure.  

So go have a great weekend, and try to envision positive outcomes for all your situations and work towards them.   You just might find it works.


Today's Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want you to understand that there are people that don't think that they deserve love or kindness. Other people have broken them before you got there, and they didn't have any support system to tell them that it wasn't normal or right, so they never learned.
So they live their days wanting love so badly, but not knowing what it looks like. The things they call love are usually abuse, and that's what they feel they deserve, so that's what they gravitate towards.
Nothing can fix them but themselves and a lot of hard work, but most of these people don't possess the tools or strength to do it. So they go on living a half life, never feeling loved, never feeling complete, and sabotaging themselves at every turn.
If you are one of these people, God help you. The only thing the stars can do is tell you that you have it wrong. They are sorry for what happened to you. They are sorry you view the world and yourself the way you do, but again, you're not seeing things as they are.
If you end up loving one of these people, it will most likely not end well for you. Even if at first they respond to your love and kindness, it won't last. They will test everything you say and do until they find any small chink in the armor, and then it will all come tumbling down as they delude themselves into thinking their worldview has been validated.
When this happens, don't respond with anger and hurtful words, it only makes them feel they were right all along. They shouldn't be hated, they should be pitied. Don't let them ruin your humanity too.
The stars want you to know, that while they have empathy and understanding beyond your comprehension, they have no use for the people that take advantage of these lost souls. They look down with scorn at anyone that manipulates these broken people, and uses and discards them. They are the true monsters of your world, and they should be treated as such.
Sometimes the stars can only see monsters, and it breaks their hearts. So many of us are just dead, broken stars, looking back at the heavens and seeing what could have been.
Always remember though, if you can still see it, you can still be it. Work back towards the light.



Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want you to know that it’s a shame you need to look to the stars for help.  Not that there is any shame in it personally.  We all need help, or encouragement, or just a kind word now and then.
The shame is that we have everything we need right here, but greed, selfishness, and ultimately fear make people do the things they know they shouldn’t.  Everything we need is right in front of us, but we are as imperfect and cruel as we are amazing and kind.  
The stars tell you this simply to remind you that we all have room to do better, and just as in all cases, we can’t control the actions of others, but we can control what we do and the choices we make.
Choose wisely, and try to make the world end the day with a net gain instead of a loss.  Then you can lead by example.  More often than not, that is simply a way of saying that you are shaming someone else into doing the right thing, but that’s fine.  Maybe by getting them to do the right thing will make them feel better about themselves, and want to continue doing the right thing.
Then kindness and selflessness will radiate out, like ripples on the water’s surface. Before you know it, you will have changed the world for the better, and the stars will have had nothing to do with it.

Then you will be the stars.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that the world is a harsh, unforgiving place at times.  It can break you in all manner of ways.  There is suffering and pain, loneliness and sorrow, and terrible things that happen to you and your loved ones on an epic scale.
The stars want to implore you to not let any of that make you cold.  Don’t let the horrors of living make you lose your compassion and your capacity to forgive.  Don’t let it dull your empathy.  
Don’t let it take away your humanity, any of it, because it it humanity that makes us better than all the storms we face and all the evil that causes them.  The world is in short supply of humanity these days, and it needs all the help it can get.

So hold onto it with all your might, because you will find living without it is crippling.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Today the stars want to tell you to let it go.  All of it.
Let go of all the things you can’t change and can’t control.
Let go of all the all the pain and the apologies that will never come.
Let go of all the jealousy and the anger and the resentment.
Let go of anything that is holding you back and dragging you down and sapping your energy.
The stars know that it’s easier said than done, but it needs to be done nonetheless, or you will never move forward, not dragging all those anchors behind you.
Maybe you didn’t attach them.  Maybe it was a parent or a lover or some horrible person did an unspeakable thing to you.  Maybe it is not your fault that you have all this dead weight, maybe it was given to you without choice.  Even though it wasn’t your choice then, it is up to you to decide if you want to keep holding onto it, and bringing it with you wherever you are.

Or you can choose to let it go.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to know that there is beauty and order to the universe that is beyond our comprehension. We are blind to it, even though it is tantalizingly close, surrounding us, permeating us.
There are times we get a glimpse of it, and there are some of us that can see a tiny bit that others can't. That does not help us, it doesn't make things better; it only serves to drive us mad and doom us to a life spent chasing something we can't get back or trying to describe something indescribable. A secret you long to share, but cannot even explain to anyone else.
If you don't understand, then the stars are not speaking to you, at least not yet.
They are speaking to the dreamers, the loners, the artists, perhaps the insane, and the people that intimidate and confuse the rest of us, because they possess something that does not feel like a gift in many ways, yet still it is a gift beyond compare.

The stars want you to know that you are not alone, but you will be lonely, and that is the price you pay for something you don't even want, but that you can now never let go.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
It’s hard being kind all the time.  That’s why most people don’t do it.
It’s hard to love our enemies, forgive those that have wronged us, and to be a positive force in the world rather than succumb to negativity.
It’s hard to keep shining a light in the darkness.  It’s hard to make a difference, and to create something beautiful and awe inspiring and to change the world.
Again, that’s why most people don’t do it.
Most people are works in progress, and they might be wrong about a lot of things at any particular moment,so you can’t just fall in behind them blindly.
The stars want to remind you that you shouldn’t want to be like most people.
You should want to be better.

You should want to be you, and that might be one of the hardest things in the world.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Today someone will annoy you with their lack of knowledge.  They will completely miss the point on something, big or small, and it will make you miserable and angry and incredulous.  You might be tempted to explain to them why they are wrong, or educate them on the subject, but most likely that will only make you feel worse.
People are ruled by ego and fear, and they will resist because they see it as an attack or an attempt to make them feel stupid or belittle them.  You can’t blame them in some ways, because making someone feel stupid is a go to move many people use to try to gain control over others.  The survival instinct in people’s brains is constantly on guard for that and will trigger the fight or flight mode at a second’s notice.
Sadly, that same ego and fear will drive most people to press on and try to explain it anyway, and nothing at all is gained.  The division widens and the dysfunction grows.
The stars are not telling you this to try to get you to stop attempting to change the world, one mind at a time.  They are telling you this because they want you to be thoughtful about it.  They want you to chose your methods carefully, and make sure your reasons for doing it are pure.  Make sure the person you are trying to convince is receptive to it, and make sure you acknowledge what they have to say on the subject.  You can respect a person’s position without agreeing on it.
These simple things are usually beyond us, and it holds us all back.  Even though we foul it up time and time again, there is no need to worry because you will have another chance to get it right soon enough.  

If the stars know one thing, they know that there is no shortage of differing opinions in this world.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that sometimes the good things outweigh the bad things in your life, and sometimes the bad things outweigh the good things.

The point is, there are still always good things in your life.