Today’s Horoscope
All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that it’s Friday, and you made it through another week. They also want to remind you to stay positive.
They want you to understand that being positive does not affect fate or destiny, it is not magic or spiritual. It’s not going to jinx you either. It is just a healthier way to look at the world. Things are going to work out the way they are going to work out regardless of your mood, so why choose a negative one?
That’s not entirely true, though. It is a little magical.
The way thinking positive helps shape your future is that you are not miserable and looking for ways to defeat yourself, you are open minded and looking for ways to win. When you can see the things that can go right, you have something to work towards. When you can only see the things that can go wrong, you don’t even try.
It affects others, too. No one has ever been motivated by or wants to work with someone that sees only failure.
So go have a great weekend, and try to envision positive outcomes for all your situations and work towards them. You just might find it works.
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