Today’s Horoscope
All Signs:
The stars want to remind you that everything in life is give and take. Sometimes you end up with more, sometimes you go home empty handed.
So everything has its good and bad sides, but what you have to remember is that with some effort you can usually change those percentages. You can also control how you react to those results. You can let it define you, or you can glean information from the experience so it does or doesn’t happen again.
So many of us were never given the tools to cope with a lot of the adversity and bad breaks we get from time to time. The thing you have to realize is that you can still gain those tools later in life. Like learning anything new, it is harder to do when you’re older, but it is possible. People do it every day.
Yes, in a circuitous way the world is usually to blame, but blaming it over and over is not going to accomplish anything. You can’t always change THE world, but you can usually change YOUR world, if you stop assigning blame over and over, and let go of things you are never going to get an answer for.
There is always a positive way and a negative way of looking at any situation. True, sometimes it is hard to find the positive, and sometimes the positive seems like the lesser of two evils, but don’t kid yourself, that is still a positive.
The point the stars want to make is that there is always something you can take away from life if you have the right attitude, and always more of it you can take away if you’re willing to work at it.
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