Today's Horoscope
All Signs:
The stars just want you to know that you're doing better than you think.
There is a lot of good and beauty in the world, but most times it seems like it's meted out in small doses. In between you have trying times, overwhelming pain, suffer losses, and learn to live with things you don't want to.
The horrors of living always seem close at hand.
Yet, you smiled or laughed today. You chose to be kind when you could have taken your frustration out on someone else. You sacrificed a tiny bit of your time or happiness to make someone else's life better.
You found a little joy in a song, or a movie, or something someone told you, or just seeing a child or a pet do something joyous themselves. Someone smiled and you smiled back, in spite of yourself.
You accomplished something, no matter how small, that moved you closer to your goals and who you want to be.
You discovered something new that you never knew before, and that knowledge helped you make sense of the world, or at least gave you some perspective or a thirst for more knowledge.
You did something silly, without even thinking, simply for the reason that it made you happy, and you forgot all the guilt and fear and regret you've been hauling around with you for just a moment or two.
You asked for a hug, and got one, because no matter how bad you tell yourself life is and how terrible you know people can be, there is always someone that will give you a hug if you ask them for it.
And if you failed to do any of those things… well, there's tomorrow, when you'll do better than you think you will.
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