Tuesday, November 14, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to remember that nobody said it was easy. They also want you to remember the old adage that no one said life is fair. There are a lot of other trite sounding words of wisdom to that effect, and they are pretty much true.
Tired old sayings aside, nothing worth having comes without some kind of work involved. It's very rare life just hands you something you didn't have to struggle for, with no strings or responsibilities attached. The sad thing is that life itself doesn't usually make it that hard on you most of the time.
The things that stand in our way are often self-inflicted. We constantly let fear sabotage whatever it is we are trying to accomplish. Then we spend even more time and energy trying to convince ourselves that it isn't us, it's other people, or cruel and fickle fate.
Often we keep people in our lives that we shouldn't, and we claim that even though they treat us bad, that we love them. We make excuses for them all the time, and somehow convince ourselves that we are the noble ones and they are the screw ups. Often we keep them around because we need them there to feel better about ourselves and to shoulder the blame for our own bad decisions.
We let them drag us down with them, we let them treat us badly, we let them make our lives harder. Then we lament about how nothing is easy and nothing is fair, yet we are the ones making it that way. That is what codependency looks like, and you are getting the worst end of it.
It's not just other people, we sabotage ourselves with our actions on our own everyday. Then we convince ourselves that it wasn't us that made the choice. More time and energy wasted.
The stars want you to look at your life and examine the people in it and the choices you make. Not just now, but every day. It is so easy to mess your life up in an instant.
For most of us, life is never going to be easy. Very few of us are born into privilege, and even those that are seem to have a pretty bad track record of making good choices.
But it could be easier.

That's definitely something to shoot for, and it's all within your reach.

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