Today's Horoscope
All signs:
The stars want to tell you to be wary of resentment. Resentment is insidious, and can invade your life and ruin your happiness.
There are things that it makes perfect sense to resent. Sometimes we are treated badly and we become bitter about it. We can come to resent the unfairness in society or our political system. We can resent the way others take advantage of us, or use us as a doormat. As in many areas, there are plenty of bad situations to go around.
The thing is, you can soon find resentment creeping in where it doesn't belong. We fall in love and are deliriously happy, but soon we start to realize that commitment is a trade off. You give up a little bit of freedom for security. We are happy to do it at first, because when we were lonely all we wanted was someone to love us. Now we start resenting someone because we feel dependent or stifled. If we're not careful we will find that we've pushed them away, simply because we resented the fact that we needed them.
We can resent our siblings or parents for the way others treat them or you. Perceived favoritism or jealousy over achievements can breed resentment towards people that haven't done anything except exist and try to live their lives. A sister that gets a good job or a brother that gets a degree, and your petty mind turns your own disappointment in yourself into resentment when you should be happy for them. Or your parents get divorced, and one of them finds new love, and you take it as a personal affront and resentment grows because they want to be happy.
We even resent loved ones when they pass on. We are indignant, and feel betrayed by their death and let it sully the memory of all the good they brought to our lives.
There are a multitude of reasons why resentment infects your life, usually because other people aren't living their lives on your terms. We don't even see how unfair it is while we place blame and scorn where it doesn't belong.
Often when we find ourselves being argumentative it's because we are feeling resentment. The thing about resentment is that we know it's not valid most of the time, so we mask our real feelings and pick an unfair fight we often can't win, which only breeds more resentment.
So the stars want you examine your feelings, and where you find resentment, make sure it's justified. You just might find that you are tricking yourself into going down the path to self sabotage yet again, and that you should truly resent.