Monday, August 28, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to demand better for yourself. Let others know that they need to treat you with the respect you deserve.
Whether it's something as simple as being inconsiderate, or if someone is using you or taking advantage, or if someone is abusive and using you as their punching bag, refuse to accept it. Don't let others make you live your life feeling uncomfortable and unsure, walking on eggshells or enduring misery or tedium.
Demand respect. Demand consideration. Demand equal footing. Demand to be heard, not just spoken to and ignored. Demand better.
To accomplish this, first you must demand better OF yourself. You cannot demand respect from others until you first get it from yourself.
Once you clean up your own life and learn to respect yourself, you will expect the same from the people around you. The reason you let others treat you badly is because somewhere inside you, you feel that you don't deserve any better.

Respect yourself by being someone that you feel deserves respect, and watch the people in your life fall in line.

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