Today’s Horoscope
All signs:
The stars want to talk to you about the world. More specifically, about humanity. They know everything seems crazy right now, but it has always been crazy, and always will be. Most people have a tendency to ignore the craziness as long as it isn’t affecting them directly, or in their face night and day. We are happy to overlook uncomfortable truths and distract ourselves with anything that brings us a moment of fleeting happiness.
Like most of the ways we handle problems, this only makes things worse. We do just enough to allay our fears, then hurriedly go back to our safe lives and tell ourselves everything’s okay. So we are surprised time and time again that situations and ideologies we thought were dead come back stronger and more malicious.
What the stars want to tell you is that the probability is very high that there will always be evil and stupidity in the world, and it will always seem crazy and on the brink of madness. So we will have to learn to live in a harsh and violent world, even though most of us can see that it needn’t be that way at all.
That does not mean we should stop fighting, on the contrary, it means we should fight even harder. Once you accept that the world contains darkness as well as light, you can actually see your enemy. Once you name it, look it in the face and grab it by the throat, you can do something about it. Then you can recognize it in all it’s guises, because evil is insidious and deceit is one of its most effective weapons. Evil counts on the fact that we do not want to see it.
Evil is relentless, and we must be too. Unfortunately, relentlessness is not something that most people possess. The universe realizes this, so while it made evil relentless, it made sure that there was a lot more good to balance the scales. If the good people work together, and each does a small part, the sheer volume will more than make up for the relentless advantage the darkness has.
Until then, the world is going to seem like madness. The reason is simple: Fear is our first response, and morality is ambiguous. There will forever be a struggle between right and wrong, and until we stop the cycle of denial and shock, we will be swimming in place.
The stars just want you to be aware of it, and to go into the fight with your eyes wide open and without fear, and win the battle yet again. In the end, good has always won out. If it hadn’t we would all be slaves, or refugees, or extinct. Sure some people are refugees or slaves, or were, but not forever. Good always triumphs in the end. Evil is fast and loud; good sometimes feels like it’s glacial slow, and that can be frustrating.
The stars want you to keep in mind that the landscape is carved by glaciers. It is carved by wind, and water, and tectonic forces, and that is what makes up the world. Sure, on occasion an explosion or an asteroid might leave a crater, but then the wind and the water and erosion slowly removes the scar from the surface of the earth and dictates what the landscape is once again.
That’s what we are. Sure, it takes a little longer, but isn’t it worth the extra time if it means we decide the landscape?
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