Tuesday, August 15, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to let you know that life never stops coming at you.  Life is full of pitfalls and challenges, trials and tribulations, that’s just the way it is.  
We often mistakenly think that once we conquer any of life’s little(or not so little) problems that it might be smooth sailing, at least for awhile.  Life is relentless, and there is always going to be something waiting in line to demand your attention or try your patience.  
So life doesn’t change and problems are plentiful, but that’s not the whole story.  As always, you have a choice as to how you react to trouble, and whether or not you even want it in your life.  The older we get, the more experience we have.  We get better at handling the things life throws at us.  We become more efficient in the way we prioritize dilemmas, and the way we solve them.  Every difficulty we face is a chance to learn and grow.
Growth also means that we can recognize patterns, and we can try to avoid the people and situations that keep popping up and dragging us down.  As you get older, you should be looking to get rid of the things in your life that hold you back, or take up precious time and energy with no reward.
So yes, life will keep putting obstacles in your way, it will keep offering you tough choices, it will break your heart.  
The stars want you to accept that fact, and then find better ways to deal with all of it.  Once you start dealing with the things life hands you more efficiently and without excess drama and worry, you will find that those problems aren’t the end of the world. You will feel better about yourself too, because you will marvel at how adept you have become at sidestepping unnecessary pitfalls, and overcoming the ones you can’t avoid.  You will be stronger and wiser, and have the confidence that comes with experience.

You will be that much closer to who you want to be.

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