Monday, August 28, 2017


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars often tell you that life is a marathon, not a sprint. By that, they mean you have plenty of time to figure things out and do a lot of tiny and huge course corrections. Don't get too focused on the little things and waste your time stalled and second and third guessing yourself.  You have time.
They want you to also keep in mind that a marathon is still a race. Slow and steady is what keeps you in the game, but weigh yourself down and wander aimlessly, and you will find yourself behind, staring ahead at an empty road, wondering where everyone has gone.
You have plenty of time, but that time is precious, and in many ways fleeting. Like everything else in life, it's a dichotomy. Two completely opposite things that happen to be true at the same time.
That's why life is all about balance. We may not always realize it, but at all times we are deftly performing a high wire act just getting through our day. Luckily, there are multiple safety nets, because we will fall, but live to get right back up there again.
Life is very delicate, and you can sabotage yourself with a the simplest thing, yet you have a wide berth to mess it all up and pull it back together again. Another kind of dichotomy.
A marathon can be grueling, it can be monotonous at times, the track can be full of pitfalls and obstacles. It can also be euphoric. It is infinite small legs of an overall epic journey, populated by all the joy and love and the people closest to you and everything that makes the race worth continuing.
So pace yourself, but get everything out of yourself and life that you can. You only get one chance to run it.
The stars want to remind you that like a marathon, it's good to have people on the sidelines cheering you on, not people throwing bricks in the road to trip you up. Be careful who you invite to the race.  All marathons start out as a race to happiness, but some people turn it into a slog to hell, so try to stay on course as much as you can.

The most important thing in any marathon is to just keep moving forward. That's the momentum the universe starts you off with, don't slow it down any more than you have to.

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