Monday, September 11, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that it's okay to be selfish at times. The word selfish carries a lot of negative connotations, and that's understandable, but sometimes it is necessary.
At some point in your life, you are going to have to come to terms with the fact that you can’t save everyone.  You can’t do the hard stuff for other people all the time, it takes away from your life and it robs them of important growth and lessons.  At some point, you are enabling, not helping.
The stars aren’t saying that you shouldn’t help people that need it.  You should be encouraging and supportive, you should lend a hand, or money, or whatever you can afford when you can.  You shouldn’t solve everyone’s problems for them though, you should help them solve their own problems.  
If you constantly take everything on yourself, even the most well meaning people can come to expect you to bail them out every time, or overlook some inconsiderate or damaging behavior.  Then it is on you as much as it is on them.  If there is no reason for someone to grow or change, why would they?
You are also hurting yourself.  You can get into a situation where you are living your life for others and not getting anything you want out of it. We tend to fall into one of two roles:  Giver or taker.  Give too much, and you have nothing left for yourself, take  too much and you become dependant and stifle your own growth.
So when the stars tell you to be selfish, they don’t mean abandon anyone that needs you. They aren’t telling you ignore the plight of the poor or tragedy stricken.  They don’t want you to turn your back on your friends and loved ones.  

They just want you to remember not to give away more than you can afford to lose.  They want you to help others, but not to the extent that your own happiness suffers.  They want you to understand that if you give everything you have to someone that squanders it, then both of you will have nothing, and then you can’t help anyone at all. That includes yourself.

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