Today's Horoscope
All signs:
The stars want you to be prepared to deal with a lot of bitterness in the world. It seems like it's everywhere some days.
There are a lot of people in the world that have given in to bitterness. They find blame in everything but themselves, and they rail against everything because they are unhappy. Sometimes it is justified, but rarely. Even when the world lets you down, even when circumstance or cruelty knocks you back, you always have a choice. You can let it form your worldview, and sulk and bemoan your lot, or you could stop wallowing and get back up and keep going.
Sadly, too many people simply give up. They lose faith in themselves, they let others grind them down. They look for misery everywhere to justify their bleak outlook. They are jealous of anyone that seems to have something they do not, and they mock what they don't understand.
Some have truly suffered, at the hands of abusive family or lovers. Some have lost so much, and they have been damaged, but then they continue the work started by others or the world. Now most of the bad breaks they complain about are their own fault. To them, it seems safer and makes them feel better about themselves to believe that everything else is responsible for the way their lives turned out.
So they go on, day by day, listing the reasons they can't catch a break, and trying to tear down everything good, because it makes them feel bad about who they are. Hearing them everyday can drag you down with them. As harsh and petty as they are, it can prove seductive. The constant barrage can change you. It wears on you, and it infects your life with negativity. If you're not careful, it can make you bitter too. Bitterness is at once an easy way out while also being the hard way to go through life.
The stars implore you to avoid the bitterness. Shield yourself from the acidity and venom these people spew. There is nothing good there for you, and it is not your job to listen to their diatribes.
About the only thing you can do is lead by example. Match their bitter mood with positivity and enthusiasm. They won't like that either, but not because you are wrong to feel that way, because they are envious of you. Maybe after seeing your happiness, it might make them strive for a little of their own. What's the point of being a star if you can't at least shine a little light on those stuck in the darkness?
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