Today’s Horoscope
All Signs:
The stars know that we all have to deal with tragedy sometimes. No one can avoid it, whether in your immediate lives or a community or nationwide scale. It is part of being alive, and it is something you will have to cope with, or it can consume you.
The thing about tragedy is, you never really get over it, you get past it. You heal, you learn to live with it, but it has changed you and it will stay with you in some form or another for the rest of your life.
The stars want you to understand that you have a say in how it affects your life moving forward. Not at first, first you are awash in pain and grief and loss. That can last minutes or years, depending on the situation. Then, you will move to a point where it is up to you to decide how much it is going to take from you, how much it will dictate your actions and feelings from that moment on. How much control it has.
You can wallow for the rest of your life, you can use it as an excuse for your self-destructive behavior, or your bad attitude, or the way you treat others. You can let it consume you and drag you down, to fester and rot you away from the inside. You can find guilt and blame where there is none, and amplify any that might be justifiable. Redemption is always at hand if you strive for it.
Or you could take what lessons are available from it, learn from them, and refuse to let it have dominion over you. You can concentrate on the good, least of which is that you are lucky to be alive, and lucky to live in a world of infinite chances and opportunities rather than fixate on the one that might not be available to you anymore. You could help others going through the same thing, and make it easier on them. Perhaps you could help change regulations or society’s views regarding what you went through so it won’t happen to anyone else. You could celebrate the life of someone you lost, and take the positives from their existence rather than punish the world because of their demise, and live the way anyone that loved you would want you to live.
The stars need you to know that you can shape your life, and in turn your tragedies, into what you want it to be. You can’t always control what happened to you, but you can control how it affects you, and what it turns you into.
You can still be happy, after all this.
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