Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The Stars know. The Stars know that no matter what, some dreams die. It doesn't matter how much you put into it, that sometimes there's still a little piece of you that ends up getting lost in the shuffle, and you aren't sure if it'll ever come back.
You don't even know what it is, but you're not the same, and you can't be entirely sure that you ever will be again. Maybe you'll end up different, a little wiser, a little stronger. But maybe you'll end up a little colder, with a little less hope and a little less light than you had before. Maybe this time the blow will be too great, and it will stagger you, and you won't get up this time.
So you sit in the dark, waiting for that little thing inside you to spark again. You wait to feel the ember that always warmed you from the inside, and ponder how long it will take, afraid to really think about it too much, lest you scare it off.
The stars know how the world seems to play cruel tricks sometimes, how people can play with your heart, and scatter your gifts and love to the wind. They know the pettiness that lurks in human’s hearts, the anger and fear that makes them lash out.
They know how fate can take everything from you at a whim, and how harshly you can learn that there is no such thing as forever. They know your loved ones will pass on and leave you, they know that there are a million things that can kill any magic you might find.
The stars also know that there is no quick remedy when you are gutted, no easy solution to numb the pain, not for long. It seems like no one understands, and there is no solace to be found anywhere when your core is broken. Only slow realization and acceptance, the long trudge back to the light, can heal you and return some semblance of normalcy and peace. The long days and weeks and years as you bide your time and do your work and pray that it will all be bearable once more.
It has to be, just one more time for the heavens and earth to put you back together.
The stars know how you sit and wait, nervous and wondering if time will bring whatever it is that's missing back to you, and if your precious heart will ever be whole again. 

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