Thursday, February 15, 2018

1/1/18 New Years Edition

Today's Horoscope New Years Edition

All signs:
The stars want you to know that the coming year might be horrible. It might be wonderful. You can't control the news, or other's actions, or random acts of violence. You can't control when a celebrity breathes their last, or what some politician does, or whether a natural disaster will hit. You can't control when loved ones die or walk out on you, or how people treat other people or animals or the environment.
You can't control much other than how you react to those situations. You can tally them up, keep track of every bit of misery, big or small. You keep a list of all the things that for some reason give you a morbid and grotesque sense of comfort.
Or you can counter them with all the good in your life. You can celebrate those that are gone, you can use injustice and corruption to motivate and fuel your resistance. You can choose to strike back in a positive way, with love and understanding and kindness and help to balance the scales.
You can make a difference, and make the world a better place, or you can just give in before you try.
The stars think you'll be much happier living in the light. Only you can choose how everything will make you feel and what your next course of action will be. The next 365 days aren't going to decide whether you come out ahead this year, you are.
Make 2018 the year of choosing wisely.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to wish you a happy new year, and give you a tip if you decided to make resolutions. They want you to realize how much of your happiness is dictated by your own ego. Our brains don't know any better, and tend to think that anything they detect involves ourselves to a much greater extent than it does most of the time.
Thus, we make everything about us, and that's not good. We ignore the people who are really suffering, we make ourselves look foolish with unnecessary drama, we blame ourselves for things we didn't do, and we generally allow our egos to run amok through our lives like the proverbial bull in a china shop. Your ego cuts both ways. Too much or too little and you're in trouble.
You are not the center of the universe. You should trust the stars in that, if anyone would know where the center of the universe is, they would. They are telling you that there is no center of the universe, that's an illusion.
We are all just a part of a huge puzzle, and all the pieces are just as important when it comes to putting the whole thing together. That doesn't mean you're not amazing or unique, or you don't have the capacity to be extraordinary, of course you do. We all do. That's why you need to get over yourself, and all the distractions and noise that your ego brings. Otherwise, all the time and energy you spend on yourself will be wasted on an illusion of who you think you are rather than who you really are.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to wish a happy new year. It's a time for celebration and renewal and for most people, resolutions. The stars think it's great if you want to reflect on your life and try to better yourself, it's kind of their thing.
All that being said, they want to remind you of the whole “life is a marathon, not a sprint” deal. When we slice our lives up into fragments like years or months or days, if might be easier to manage, but it isn't how life works. Basing when you decide to change or better yourself arbitrarily on a calendar year is probably not going to work out well for you.
Change when you are ready. Face your faults and fears when it makes sense for you, not in the motions of the stars or the planets. Maybe winter isn't your season, so you're starting out at a disadvantage. Maybe you've got other stuff more pressing right now. Maybe someone or something shattered your world, and you haven't processed that yet.
Point is, do things on your own timetable, when you have the space and strength and support to do them. Your life is long and complex, so if you're going to make any big resolutions, make one simple one: do the best you can, when you can. Never stop trying, and don't sabotage yourself from the get go by setting unreal expectations based on the calendar.
The new year might hold wonderful things for you, and it might hold devastating things. Like most years, it will have its good and bad. Don't dwell on the negative and dismiss the positive, and do the best with the things you can control.
The stars will be there with you, so go into 2018 fearlessly, like the strong, confident person you want to be. Ultimately, your year and your world is what you make it.
Make it amazing.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Clumsy as they may be at it, let the people who love you do just that. We are sometimes critical or demanding when we should be appreciative. Rather than realizing how lucky we are, we compare and dissect, and we tear down what we should cherish because of unrealistic expectations.
The stars aren't telling you to settle or jettison your self respect, just to simply recognize that if you test the love and devotion of those around you over and over again, that they will eventually fail. Or they will just get tired of trying to figure out a test with no right answers.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to point out that a lot of the time you go about your life completely oblivious to some of the problems that you have had dominate your existence. You don't even think about them until something pops up to remind you, then you can't stop obsessing over it.
We have trouble letting things go, the stars have mentioned that many times. We always feel like we're not ready to move on. We feel as if we are betraying ourselves or someone else, or a memory.
No one else, not even the stars, can tell you exactly when it's time for you to let go and move on. What the stars can tell you, though, is that if you have to do a lot of the work reminding yourself about some trauma or something lost, then you're probably close. If you consciously interrupt your happiness time and again so you can drag yourself through the thing you've already gotten past, then you might need to do something about it.
When there's something bad in our past or that's bothering us, we often want to do something to take our minds off of it. Sometimes that something is self destructive, but that's how desperate we are to drown it out. Then one day we arrive at a point where it isn't hounding us every moment. It recedes, and we are finally granted a reprieve from the incessant torment. That is when, if we are not careful, we will start to miss it, and go searching it out. Actively straining to hear the very thing we tried to silence.
The stars want you to recognize when you've already won, and not to slip backwards. It's always those last few pounds, that last drink or cigarette that trips you up. It's the same with moving on from your pain.
When the time comes, open your hand, let your fingers unfurl, and let it slip silently from your grasp. And as simple as that, you're free.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that most of the things that cause you pain are personal. If you expect everyone to simply understand what you are going through, you will be disappointed most of the time.
Sometimes people being sympathetic doesn't seem like enough. That's why we tend to dwell on things longer than we should. That's why we often seem to wallow in our own misery and bludgeon others with our situation. We just can't accept that they can't feel exactly what we are feeling in the same level.
Most likely, they aren't going to, no matter what angle you come at it from. Repeating and reliving your trauma and heartbreak isn't going to get you much more in the way of sympathy or answers. We are unrealistic in the amount of closure and pampering we are going to receive.
There comes a time, sometimes quickly, sometimes a little longer, when we have to let go. Letting go is not something that comes natural. Our brain is hardwired to keep trying the same thing over and over. That's evolution at work. On a base level, nature wants us to try whatever we're doing over and over so we succeed or fall in the quickest amount of time, so it knows whether or not our specific traits get passed on. It doesn't recognize good or bad behavior, it just impels us to give in to whatever compulsion we have and see what happens.
The stars want you to know that system might be the most efficient and brutal tool for survival of a species, but it's no way to live your life. If you're going to be happy and well adjusted, you're just going to have to accept that it will take work and willpower.
That means that you are just going to have to trust that it will be okay, and that complete and thorough explanations are not coming your way. You are not going to get absolute closure most of the time, some of that closure is going to be on you.
That also means that you're going to have to come to terms that whether or not the people who care about you can completely wrap their heads around your personal and unique torment, you should just thank your lucky stars that they take the time to care at all. Your disappointment should in reality be sincere and utter gratitude that someone loves you enough to try.


Today's Horoscope Christmas Eve edition

All signs:
Christmas is a time for family, and friends, and celebrating. For gifts and traditions and peace and love.
The stars want to remind you that there are plenty of people out there who have none of that. For whatever reason, they will spend Christmas Eve alone, except for memories of loved ones gone, and a hole in their lives. Perhaps it is their first Christmas without their mother or father, or their child. Maybe their family is scattered around the country. Perhaps they are afflicted with depression, or mental illness, and have isolated themselves. Maybe they have even driven the people who love them out of their lives. Maybe tragedy has taken so much away from them, and they feel like there's no point. Some people will spend it thinking of what might have been. Some will go to sleep tonight knowing that tomorrow will be just like any other day.
That's it, really. The stars give you that information for you to do with what you will. In fact, they assume you're already aware of it. They assume that you know people in that situation, and you knowingly respond to it every year in your own manner.
If you are one of those people that are alone, you know it too. You don't need the stars to point it out to you, and make you feel worse.
The stars simply want you to look at it, from whatever vantage point you have. Then you can decide what you want to do about it, either way. You can be okay with it. With watching others struggle, or with struggling yourself. You can decide that it's not how you want it, and do something to change it. There's always something you can do to change your world. It's your decision to make.
As always, that's all up to you.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to warn you about the people in your life. If you choose to surround yourself with people who treat others badly, you're eventually going to be treated badly. It seems pretty obvious, yet we all have people in our lives that we make excuses for. Perhaps we want to believe that we are different than the other people in their lives. Maybe we think we can save them, or that it's not really their fault,or it would be too much work trying to get rid of them. Perhaps we feel some false sense of loyalty that we owe them for making our lives harder.
The truth is, you can't save someone that doesn't want to be saved, and even if it's not their fault, they doesn't mean it's okay to treat you like that. Just because they might actually care about you in some twisted, convoluted way, that doesn't matter one bit if they lie to you, steal from you, or abuse you in any way.
All that aside, you might tell yourself that you they aren't really hurting you, or that they aren't taking anything you're not willing to give, but that's dead wrong. When you fill your life with liars and thieves, you end up having no room in your life for the people that would care about you. You end up viewing everyone you meet through a dirty lens, always keeping them at bay because they might just end up treating you like the people you already know. Sadly, you end up staying friends with the devils you know, rather than taking a chance on the people you don't.
The stars want you to understand that everything in your life has an effect on you, whether you see it or not. As always, the stars think you should examine and evaluate all the things that make you who you are, or who you are will be something that doesn't make you happy.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to warn you that everybody lies. Big lies and small lies. People that mean you harm and want to rob or ruin you, as well as people who love you and only want to do good things. The government, Madison Avenue, Hollywood, religion, the media, businesses and charities alike, all will lie to you. Constantly.
Some lie to fool you, some lie to protect you. We even lie to ourselves on a daily basis. We can’t help it. It seems that lying is hardwired in us, and we can’t stop even if we wanted to.
The stars want you to understand that while that’s not a great scenario, it still doesn’t mean that the world is a horrible place and we are all doomed. You just need to understand what the rules are, and then adjust accordingly.
It also means you have to be smart, and figure out which lies are acceptable and which are deal breakers. The same applies to the lies you tell yourself. Some you tell yourself to justify your actions, some you tell yourself because you don’t want to face the truth, and some you tell yourself just so you can get out of bed in the morning. Everyone you know is dealing with those lies too. Until we figure out how to read minds, every relationship you have will involve a leap of faith.
The stars want you to be sure that you are putting your faith in the right people.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to point out that a lot of the things we obsess about don't really matter. They might have mattered at some point, but they probably ceased having any impact on your life long ago, save the power you give it.
The stars want to warn you to always examine the things in your life you give your energy to, or trauma and heartache can simply turn into anchors and excuses.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that there's enough misery in the world, and more than enough people that are happy to punish you. Why dwell on it, and why punish yourself?
So even if it sometimes feels like the world won't give you a break, give yourself one. Ease up on the dramatics, the self-flagellation, the ceaseless worry and doubt, and simply be good to yourself, whether you think you deserve it or not.
The stars want to know what you're afraid of? With all the challenges you stare down everyday, the uncertain situations you eventually conquer, the riddles you've already figured out; why are you simply afraid to be happy?


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to point out that it is a very human tendency to hang on to things long after we should let them go.
Often we can find ourselves still fighting for something that is long gone. We can find ourselves repeating the same behavior over and over again, either from habit or stubbornness. Be it from insecurity, guilt, addiction, whatever reason we keep banging our heads against the same wall or finding ourselves in the same losing situation again, something needs to change.
Change is something most people are terrible at, but it’s necessary, in every aspect of your life. Some change is harder than others, the stars realize that. You might need help from friends, or professionals.
Chances are though, there is a lot of positive change you can effect in yourself, and pretty quickly. Sometimes you can do that best by simply walking away from whatever it is that isn’t working anymore. Sometimes, it is that easy. It doesn’t seem easy, because your brain is telling you that any change is bad, but you can’t always trust what your brain is telling you. Think about it, though. If you keep doing the same thing or going to the same places, and nothing ever improves and you don’t get any happier, why do it?
The stars admire our tenacity. They marvel at how we can persevere in the face of adversity. They also shake their heads when we continually run ourselves in circles when we don’t even know what we’re fighting for. Often there is a time to cut and run, to stop throwing good money after bad. Usually we hang on way past that point, but it’s still never too late to just stop doing it.
Sometimes the stars want you to just walk away.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that we all have our own set of circumstances. We all see things through different filters and experiences. We all have varied backstories and wins and losses informing our decisions.
So next time someone disappoints you or makes you mad with their choices, take a second and try to see it from their point of view.
The stars think a little understanding on all sides would go a long way. Then you can be a part of what informs their decision the next time.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to know you can't win every time. You're going to have setbacks, you're going to have missteps, you're going to have a couple of catastrophic failures along the way. What defines you is how you let these moments dictate your next move.
Life is scary, and nothing is scarier than the unknown. Every little bump in the road can shake you if you let it. You can then spend your days bemoaning your fate, or playing it safe, or simply giving up. You can become bitter, or apathetic, or take it out on people close to you. You can see it as an excuse to stop trying, proof that all is lost, and you can retreat into the shadows like a coward.
The stars think that you're better off strengthening your resolve and moving forward. When you hit the occasional setback, reset and regroup, and hurl yourself at the problem again. Devise a new method of attack. That might mean brute force, or it might mean tact. It could involve anger and venom, or it might just take love and kindness. Just don't throw in the towel and go home.
Nothing worth doing has ever been easy, or without some losses along the way. You've lost before. You've been hurt before. You've lived through it every time. The lies, the insults, the betrayals, the inhumanity people can inflict on each other.
Still, the darkness didn't swallow us whole then, and it won't now. You control how you will react. You control how the world controls you. You are the final say in what you will accept, and how gentle you will go into that good night.
You can lick your wounds, and then get back to it, or you can go lay down and die. The stars recommend that you get back up, stand tall, and make them sorry that they ever counted you out at all.
Now go get your win.

12/15/17 Friday Bonus

Today’s Horoscope Friday Bonus

All Signs:
It’s Friday, and that means you made it through another week, probably all the more hectic because of the holidays. Congratulations!
The stars want to remind you that we all sometimes berate ourselves and don’t give ourselves enough credit for all the good things we do. We are trained to be humble and not get all full of ourselves, but it gets out of hand. We should be proud of the things about us that we like and not beat ourselves up so badly about the things we don’t. Like most things, moderation is the key.
So celebrate you as you celebrate the season. Let the world see the good things you bring while you try to be a little more careful about the things you’re not so fond of.
Most importantly, learn the difference between the two.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to warn you that although you might be selfless and caring, your brain often is not. Your brain’s job is to get you whatever you train it to make it think you need. It is a mass of chemicals and electricity that has a few base functions that affect everything else it does. Everything you do is because somewhere your brain is getting you something it thinks you need. There are very few truly selfless acts.
Perhaps you've trained your brain into releasing endorphins when you do unselfish and loving things, and that's good. Your brain gets what it wants and you get to help others. Helping others simply makes you happy, and that's a very fair trade off.
You need to be aware of your motivations though. Sometimes we try to help others, but our brain has a sinister motive. Maybe you are helping because your brain thinks there's a chance of a sexual or romantic reward, when the person you're helping isn't even ready the something like that. You may end up getting what you think you want, but you will hurt them more on the long run and sabotage any relationship you think you will gain. You might think that you're helping when you're simply enabling.
Sometimes we use unselfish behavior and the fact that we helped someone to justify our own bad behavior. We deserve a reward, so we eat a high calorie meal when we're trying to lose weight. We have a drink because we deserve it, even though alcohol is affecting our life and we're trying to slow down. We ignore other responsibilities because we think we should get a break, but it will only taint our good deeds and leave you worse off in the end.
The brain is clever and resourceful, and will work nonstop to get you the things it thinks you need. It will even keep you in the dark about what's going on, destroying you because it thinks it's helping. Your brain only knows what you tell it, so be aware and be careful of how you present yourself and the world to it.
All this does not mean that the stars want you to be selfish, or stop helping people. The stars want you to keep doing good things, just examine why you do them and how it effects your own life. You're not helping anyone if you're only hurting yourself in the long run.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars are busy today, creating elements and solar systems and such, a giving life to a trillion planets, but they just want to tell you that it’s never as bad as it seems. Even though that old axiom is so often proven right, we still tend to think that this will be the time it will fail.
Don’t plan for failure. Don’t be afraid to be happy. Don’t let fear keep you from expecting the best out of life.
Life is full of little victories and small moments of joy. Don’t let fear of the unknown keep you from enjoying them to the fullest. Embrace happiness, and don’t make your happiness dependant on things that are almost completely out of your control or don’t have a direct effect on you in the first place.
We are human, so we tend to make some things bigger and grander than they really are and give them power over us, all the time diminishing the things we should be focusing on.
The stars have to go now, but trust them. Trust your fellow man. Trust yourself.
And just be happy.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars need to remind you that there's always going to be disappointment and bad news. They can't lie, they have to warn you about the crushing defeats and the long, cold nights spent afraid and full of apprehension and worry. They wouldn't feel right about not being honest and letting you know that there will be times when you might think that all hope is lost.
But so what? You can wallow in that misery, and you can let the fear paralyze you and overshadow all the joy in life. You could, but you can look it in the eye and defy it. You can stand up to it, and hold your ideals and your dreams close to your heart, and refuse to let it bury you.
There are some tough lessons in your future, the stars see it, but it's not as bad as you think. At least it won't be, if you only have faith, and you get up off your knees and find that resolve that's always gotten you through before.
It's darkest just before the dawn, that's true. The darkness is so complete, and so overpowering at times. It holds you down, and it suffocates you, and it tries to fill every tiny bit of you until there's no light left.
The stars know that part of it, they do.
The stars will never leave you in that darkness for long, they will burn through it, searing the landscape with light and warmth and the energy only they can bring. So the stars know about the fear and the worry and the dark.
But then… The dawn.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars notice that some people don't seem to like the holiday season. They gripe about everything, from commercialism, annoyance at Christmas songs, decorations being put out too early, you name it.
Although some of their points could be justified, ultimately some people just like to complain. The world has made them cynical, or they may have developed some misanthropic tendencies, or maybe they just like busting people's chops. Maybe they are just afraid to be happy because it hasn't worked out well for them in the past.
Don't let those people ruin your fun. The stars always preach about how much good there is in the world, and that's true, but we seem to get that good doled out to us on a very infrequent basis. So if one of those good things for you is the holidays, enjoy it to the fullest.
Play your songs and decorate your home and wear some ugly sweater. Be as sappy and dorky as you like watching Christmas specials from your youth. Celebrate your religious traditions, or buy too much consumer goods, the choice is yours. No one has the right to make you feel bad about it.
Also, keep in mind that often those people that like to be all “bah, humbug” about the holidays sometimes have underlying reasons. Maybe they are alone for the holidays. Maybe they have unpleasant memories about them. Maybe they just got old and forgot how to have fun. So give them a break too. People didn't even give up on Scrooge, and he found his Christmas spirit before it was too late. There are no ghosts coming to save them, so maybe a little kindness and sympathy on your part might make a difference.
The holidays are supposed to be about peace and love and goodwill and all that, so remember to keep that part of it in sight, too. The stars want you to enjoy this holiday time, because life is short and you don't get too many chances where the whole world is trying to be merry. You're foolish if you waste it.