Thursday, February 15, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want to point out that it is a very human tendency to hang on to things long after we should let them go.
Often we can find ourselves still fighting for something that is long gone. We can find ourselves repeating the same behavior over and over again, either from habit or stubbornness. Be it from insecurity, guilt, addiction, whatever reason we keep banging our heads against the same wall or finding ourselves in the same losing situation again, something needs to change.
Change is something most people are terrible at, but it’s necessary, in every aspect of your life. Some change is harder than others, the stars realize that. You might need help from friends, or professionals.
Chances are though, there is a lot of positive change you can effect in yourself, and pretty quickly. Sometimes you can do that best by simply walking away from whatever it is that isn’t working anymore. Sometimes, it is that easy. It doesn’t seem easy, because your brain is telling you that any change is bad, but you can’t always trust what your brain is telling you. Think about it, though. If you keep doing the same thing or going to the same places, and nothing ever improves and you don’t get any happier, why do it?
The stars admire our tenacity. They marvel at how we can persevere in the face of adversity. They also shake their heads when we continually run ourselves in circles when we don’t even know what we’re fighting for. Often there is a time to cut and run, to stop throwing good money after bad. Usually we hang on way past that point, but it’s still never too late to just stop doing it.
Sometimes the stars want you to just walk away.

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