Thursday, February 15, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to wish a happy new year. It's a time for celebration and renewal and for most people, resolutions. The stars think it's great if you want to reflect on your life and try to better yourself, it's kind of their thing.
All that being said, they want to remind you of the whole “life is a marathon, not a sprint” deal. When we slice our lives up into fragments like years or months or days, if might be easier to manage, but it isn't how life works. Basing when you decide to change or better yourself arbitrarily on a calendar year is probably not going to work out well for you.
Change when you are ready. Face your faults and fears when it makes sense for you, not in the motions of the stars or the planets. Maybe winter isn't your season, so you're starting out at a disadvantage. Maybe you've got other stuff more pressing right now. Maybe someone or something shattered your world, and you haven't processed that yet.
Point is, do things on your own timetable, when you have the space and strength and support to do them. Your life is long and complex, so if you're going to make any big resolutions, make one simple one: do the best you can, when you can. Never stop trying, and don't sabotage yourself from the get go by setting unreal expectations based on the calendar.
The new year might hold wonderful things for you, and it might hold devastating things. Like most years, it will have its good and bad. Don't dwell on the negative and dismiss the positive, and do the best with the things you can control.
The stars will be there with you, so go into 2018 fearlessly, like the strong, confident person you want to be. Ultimately, your year and your world is what you make it.
Make it amazing.

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