Monday, June 25, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Why do you care about some of the things you care about? Is it because some politician or person in your life has manipulated you into caring about something that doesn't affect you or isn't your fault? Is it because of jealousy or insecurity or simply because you can't be bothered learning the facts on both sides of whatever the issue is? Is it because you have been made to feel bad about certain aspects of your personality or how you feel or who you love by hypocrites and hate mongers?
Why do you not care about some of the things you can't care about? Is it because caring about them frightens you? Is because it will make you think about who you are, and you can't be bothered with that? Is it because caring will mean work and sacrifice, and you might be selfish or lazy? Is it more about you than the things you are trying to ignore?
The stars think you should care about that.

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