Monday, June 11, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars often tell you how we are all unique and amazing in our own way. We all have talents and gifts, and we all have a different view of the world which informs our thoughts and actions. Like everything else, that comes with good and bad.
While some might praise your genius, some will vilify you for it. Some people will celebrate your individuality, others will attack you for it. If you bring happiness or comfort to people, they will come to expect that of you, and that's a heavy responsibility. For anyone that gets you, there will be a thousand who don't. The thing that makes people love you will also be the thing that makes people hate or fear you.
To put yourself out there is to invite criticism and scorn more often than it is to garner you fame and accolades. People generally reward compliance, and anything new and different takes time to get any kind of foothold.
Often the mere thought of the bad side of it all is enough to keep us from trying, to cause us to keep what makes us special locked away and under wraps. That is an unsatisfying way to live. You will forever have a voice inside you that's dying to be heard, and later in life that voice will switch from possibilities to regret.
The stars suggest that you listen to that voice now, and be who you really want to be. They also suggest that you prepare yourself to be misunderstood, to be questioned and doubted, and to resolve to not let it deter you. In the end, the simple act of living life on your own terms will be enough. That's where anything unique and amazing about you begins.

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