Thursday, June 6, 2019


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Sometimes it might seem like the people in your life who claim to love you most will go out of their way to do things that show you that they could care less. In fact, it seems they they make a huge effort to illustrate how little effort they make.
People sometimes have a strange habit of asking what will make you happy, then pointedly not doing it.
Here is where the stars will usually tell you that sometimes people have baggage or damage from past experiences, or they might be dealing with things you can't imagine, or maybe it is a cry for help or attention, and that all might be true. The stars always stress empathy and compassion.
The stars also need to to understand that you don't deserve to be treated that way, and a lot of the time we let people do it to us who we really don't have a lot invested in. In fact, it's a manipulative thing they are doing, consciously or unconsciously, to draw us in. Good people have a tendency to want to help,just because they feel bad for the world. Insecure people have a tendency to want to help, because they feel it gives them control or creates a feeling of dependency in others. Predatory people don't want to help, they just want to prey on the weak.
At any rate, the stars want you to know the difference. They want you to figure out your motives; and we all have motives, be they good or bad. They want you to think about the people you give all your time and energy to, who never give back, and decide if they are worth it.
The stars want you to know that sometimes it's okay to tell people to go fuck themselves. You don't have to do it literally, but you can if you feel it's warranted. In fact, it's not really so much about telling them, but reminding yourself that there are not many, if any, good reasons to tolerate people who go out of their way to make your life miserable.
Perhaps they are making their own life miserable in the process, and that is sad, but that probably has nothing to do with you. You will usually just end up enabling them, and making you both miserable and sad at the same time.
The stars think you should give yourself permission to walk away from the abuse and the things that aren't your fault. Because if you stay too long, they will become your fault, and by that time you're so enmeshed it might take you years to get free.

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