Today's Horoscope
All signs:
The stars want you to notice something about society and how we react to the problems we face.
People tend to get motivated and angry about sensational events and hyperbole. You will see uproar all the time about crimes committed by immigrants, kneeling football players, cakes for gay weddings, whether someone says the correct holiday greeting. You see overreaction to a shoe bomb on an airplane, something a comedian says, or welfare and voter fraud.
More time and outrage is wasted on non-issues than is spent focusing on actual problems. It seems we can't move forward on important and widespread problems like sexual abuse, drugs, gun violence, racial issues, poverty and the wealth gap, education, workers rights, or climate change, just to name a few. In fact, we spend more time trying to deny that there's a problem than trying to address it seriously and constructively.
That's because most people are hardwired to ignore the things that scare or affect them. To admit that there is a real problem is to alter how you view it forever. That would mean it suddenly requires work, and thought, and facing unpleasant facts, and maybe sacrificing, and taking some personal responsibility, all things that people have made an art out of ignoring.
By ignoring these issues, we are further damaging ourselves and our country, and make it even harder to correct. It is a cycle of defeat. You can see it happening on a global scale every day.
Now the stars are not bringing that up to get political. Politics and the power you give to the people who govern you is your concern, although the stars have noticed that since civilization began, humans have been astoundingly bad at it.
The stars are concerned with you on a personal level. Do you see any parallels with how society reacts to its problems and faults, and the way you react to yours? We tend to look for quick fixes for superficial issues, and ignore the big ones in our own lives. We will try fad diets and take useless supplements rather than just eat healthy and exercise. We deny our addictions or self destructive tendencies, we shift blame and responsibility, and we keep engaging in the same behavior we know doesn't work and doesn't bring fulfillment. We will spend money and over extend our credit rather than just do without some consumer goods that we think will bring us a brief moment of happiness. We will complicate our lives trying to fill the holes rather than just fix the holes in the first place.
Even if we are brave and passionate and engaged in trying to fix society, we still tend to ignore ourselves in the process. In fact, a lot of the time the thing that's so appealing about attacking the things wrong with society, whether you attack the real problems or the phoney ones, is that it takes the spotlight off of our own issues and culpability.
The stars just want you to be aware that by nature you are an expert at denial and avoidance. We are adept at pointing fingers at everything but ourselves. Your life is complex and has many fronts, and you can be woke and asleep at the same time.
The stars suggest you learn to make a habit out of looking at the things you most want to look away from, and staring down the things that frighten you, otherwise a lot of what you do and who you are will be wasted running in circles.
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