Today's Horoscope
All signs:
The stars want to remind you that you are better looking than you think you are. You are smarter and more interesting than you think your are. You are probably better than you think you are about any given matter. We tend to be much too hard on ourselves.
We talk to people all the time about their fears and insecurities, and we are constantly reassuring them that they are not nearly as bad as they think they are regarding a million different things. We are usually surprised at how little some people think of themselves, and how little credit they extend to themselves. People who amaze us with what they do and who they are. People who inspire us, people who we are in love with. Still, they can't always see the person we see.
Realize that is you. You are that amazing, loved, and respected person, regardless of what your fears tell you. In fact, people are probably reassuring you about how great you are all the time.
The stars want to remind you that are amazing as well, so own that shit.
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