Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that it all starts with you. You need to respect yourself. You need to fix the things in yourself that need fixing. You need to demand that the people in your life treat you the way you should be treated. You need make an effort to understand how your government works and how the actions of corporations and institutions affect you and the world around you. You need to ask the hard questions, of yourself, the people in your life, and of every politician, religious leader, news media outlet, spokesman, celebrity, every single thing in your life. You need to face the truth, even when it means you might lose that battle. You'll be armed that much better for the war.
You need to be informed, you need to be rational and realistic, you need to see the world around you and discern truth from fiction. You need to at peace with yourself, and have confidence in what you know to be right, and you can only know what it right by examination and reexamination. There are no shortcuts.
The stars know that all that stuff isn't easy, but in doing it, you are training yourself to think and react better, and it gets easier. You're never going to be happy or content or successful in your relationships or work or just sitting at home reading a book if you haven't achieved those things inside at your core.
The stars also know that most people live their whole lives never really understanding the most basic things about themselves and the universe. They just assume that torment and misery and bad breaks are just the way life goes. They tell themselves that no one is really happy, and the game is rigged. They will come up with a million reasons and excuses why they should never try or care or worry. They can deny and blame and pout.
It all starts with you, and if you're not careful, it can all go bad and you won't even see it.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want you to remember that sometimes when you are going through things, you are not the person you usually are. When your mind is filled with uncertainty and pain and loss and anger at cruel fate, you can sometimes lose yourself. Now matter how kind and caring and fair you think you might be, you’re not perfect, and you’re not always the best person you could be.
That’s life, and you shouldn’t punish yourself for it, you should just try to keep it at a minimum.
Remember that when people around you are dealing with things that are hurting or worrying or scaring them. You might not even know about it, but keep sight of who they are normally, and try to be there for them. Sometimes when the pain and fear is too great, it can leave lasting damage, so it is your obligation as a friend or family member to help them keep sight of what is good and right in their lives while they deal with whatever it is they are dealing with. Neither you or them can afford the luxury of hurt feelings.
That’s life, and you shouldn’t punish them for it either.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars get tired too. The stars sometimes feel like no one appreciates them, or that all their work and caring is wasted. We all feel like telling the world to go to hell at times, because it’s just too hard anymore, and it seems like there is no point. Kindness only allows people to take advantage of you, caring and sticking up for others just gets you a kick in the teeth instead, logic and reason only gets you scorn from the people who don’t want to see it.
Life is hard, for everyone. It can kick and beat you, it can heap misery and pain on you, it can wear you down slowly or devastate you in an instant. A lot of your life is spent simply recovering from life. It is work, it is effort, and it ceaseless in its cruelty.
It is worth it all, though. No matter how bad it gets, there are always enough good things to counteract that bad stuff.
It might be your family, it might be your kids, it might be the person you love. It could be your pet, it could be music or books or art. It could be nature, it could be science, it could be a hobby. There should be people and things in your life that when you look at them, it gives you strength and a reason to keep going. There is goodness all around, but we should all have things that encompass it all, and give our life meaning and our hearts strength.
The stars think that you should take a moment and think of those things now, and see if it doesn’t bring a smile to your face. See if it gives you a little boost and a feeling of security or peace. See if it gives you a sense of satisfaction and purpose. See if the things you think about provide a place in your heart and mind where you feel safe and happy. If you have that in your life, you can conquer anything. You can suffer the idiots and mayhem that come at you from all sides. You can point to something and say “It’s worth it.”
The stars know that some of you might not be able to come up with those things. They know some of us have driven the joy and love from their lives. They know some of us punish ourselves and deny us the things that matter because we think that’s what we deserve. The stars want you to know that it is never too late to find those things. There are people everywhere with the capacity to love. There are millions of things just waiting for you to see them. There is a world full of infinite possibilities and joy and exhilaration, and all you have to do is accept it.
The stars get tired too. Then they look out on the beauty of the universe, and draw their strength and courage from so many people who do amazing and wondrous things. People who think that all they do goes unnoticed and unappreciated, but it doesn’t. The people in your life and the stars see and appreciate it all, because chances are you are one of those special things that keeps them going.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars get sad sometimes when they watch us fail over and over again. We seem to keep trying losing strategies that never work. We go down the same roads over and over, expecting a better outcome, for some reason. We look for happiness in places that only bring us misery.
The problem is that our brains have not caught up evolutionarily with progress. Our brains are still under the assumption that we are fighting for a spot in the food chain. Many of our actions are based on outdated instincts and reactionary impulses based on our reptilian brainstem.
The good news is, our brains are highly adaptable and easily reprogrammed. Don't believe it? Your brain has been programmed and reprogrammed over and over already. By your parents, by theology, by school and organizations, by friends and lovers and advertising and pop culture. What do you think psychology, substance abuse programs, anger management, etc, is all about? Reprogramming your brain to think and react in ways that are better for you.
The thing is, reprogramming your own brain is the hardest way to do it. You're asking the very thing you're trying to change to help you do it, and brains by their nature resist change at all costs. It can be done, in fact it is done everyday, but it's so, so hard. That's why we fail most of the time.
Part of the trick is to get rid of the people and things in your life that are still providing you with faulty programming. When you're in toxic relationships and unhealthy environments, all the work you do on yourself will probably come to naught. Conflicting programming usually means that the bad influences will win out.
So the stars recommend that you fill your life with people and things that jibe with what you want in life. When the things that influence your life mesh with what you are trying to achieve, the programming will eventually take care of itself.

8/26/18 Special Sunday Targeted Edition

Today's Horoscope Special Sunday Targeted Edition

All signs:
The stars know we lose those we love along the way. They leave us with all kinds of things. Good memories, of the love and devotion and joy they brought us. Confusion and conflict and unresolved matters that we are saddled with, perhaps never getting closure. Lessons about life, about being courageous and following your dreams, or about how your life can go astray when you don't. Some gifts come wrapped up in pretty paper and bows, some don't seem like gifts at all.
Alas, that's human beings. None are perfect, and all are driven and influenced by a million things we can't even guess at. No matter how well you know someone, how wonderful and kind, or how selfish and distant, they will all leave you at some point.
Then you are left to grieve, and miss the good things and lament the bad. At times you don't think you will make it. You may have lost your confidant, your rock. You might have lost someone who let their issues become yours. You might have broke down and wailed uncontrollably because you lost your whole world, or you might have locked your feelings deep inside and not faced it, because that's what got you through life so far. The world didn't end. You survived, even though for vastly different reasons you couldn't see the point at times.
Humans have a way of marking time and giving anniversaries meaning, for good or bad. We can't help it, it's in our DNA. So when the anniversary of a great loss comes along, we tear open old wounds and repeat the process that nearly destroyed us when it first happened. That is how deep the mark we leave on the people around us is, that is how strong love is that lives inside us.
We hang onto our memories, and we hang onto the people we loved, protecting our vision of them and keeping them close. It's a process, and it goes on for the rest of your life, that's the reward for longevity.
So every year, celebrate the people you've lost when that anniversary comes along. Marvel at how much of them you still carry with you through life. Think about the good things they left you with that made you a better person, and try to pass those lessons along to those you love. Think about how you overcame some of the hard lessons they taught you, and the faults they couldn't overcome, and try not to emulate that.
Whether they achieved great things, or whether they came up short in some areas, or more likely both, reconcile it and make your peace with that.
Then celebrate them, and celebrate the fact that you had someone in your life that you cared about so much. Celebrate the fact that you are proud to be like them in some ways, and proud to handle some things better than they did because they illustrated how not to do it. Celebrate the very fact that you still grieve, because that means you are still capable of loving, and still capable of caring. Celebrate your heart along with theirs. Your heart that makes you capable of wonderful or terrible things, and those you loved who taught you the difference between the two.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Just because you're being positive doesn't mean the people around you will be anything but negative. Just because you are kind and caring doesn't mean people will extend you that same courtesy. Though you may be empathetic and understanding, that doesn't mean the world will give that to you in return.
Just because you love someone doesn't mean that they will love you back.
In fact, a lot of the time, being a shining example only makes other people focus on their faults. They take it as some sort of slight, and want to punish you as they spite themselves.
The stars see that many of the people in this world are damaged and confused, and spend huge chunks of their lives incapable of love and happiness. They in turn damage those around them. Their friends, their lovers, their children, you name it. They turn themselves into a wrecking ball, destroying everything good in their lives because they think that's what they deserve.
But back to you.
None of that should dictate how you present yourself to the world. The way dysfunctional people react to your good traits is not what you should be basing any opinions on, either about yourself or the world in general. All you can do is lead by your example, and if they are ready to have it take, it will take. If they aren't, continue on your journey and keep growing and loving and caring.
The stars want you to know that even though it can feel like the whole world has lost its mind and is against you for just being kind, that's not how it is. Along the way, the right people see who you are, and they cherish you. They know that you make the world better, and in turn, they are inspired to make the world better themselves. That's how you change the world, one person at a time, and it's slow but steady like a glacier, changing the landscape as it goes.
The stars see how beautiful and amazing you are, and they aren't the only ones, so don't give up being who you know you should be just because you're not getting the correct response from the wrong people.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars suggest you hold onto the things that make you happy. As we get older, we tend to get worn down. We give up on what we want more easily than before. We settle, and we tell ourselves whatever we need to believe because we can't always muster up the strength it takes to do it all over again.
We lose our passion, we become jaded, we convince ourselves that the things we once couldn't live without just aren't worth the effort anymore. That's when life begins to lose its magic.
Music and art doesn't inspire us like it used to. The sunrise and sunset and the beauty of nature go by unnoticed. The wonder of science and knowledge slip past us, as the universe loses some of its mystery. We no longer have romance and passion and long, intense kisses.
We lose so many of the things that kept us alive and vital, and we fool ourselves into believing it doesn't really matter.
The stars know better. The stars know that deep inside you that fire still burns, and how you ache for the things that are missing. The stars know how we can still drag ourselves through everyday, even though we are unsatisfied and unfulfilled. The stars know that can't be enough.
The stars need you to know that there is no reason to do that. Hold onto the things that make you happy, and when they seem out of reach or not worth the trouble, try all that much harder to get them.
When you stop caring and stop trying, you fail yourself, and your life descends into conflict and dissatisfaction. You can watch that light slowly die, or you can do something about it.
You can hold onto the things that make you happy.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Sometimes you don't need to know all the answers ahead of time. Instead of procrastinating or playing it safe every time, work on the tools it takes to figure things out on the fly.
We all encounter problems during the day, and we usually get through them with varying degrees of success. Pay attention, build on what works and abandon the things that get you nowhere. That breeds more success, and that in turn builds confidence.
We tend to fear the unknown, but you're not going to know everything, so you'll need to conquer that fear. Don't let it immobilize you. Don't let it keep you from trying. Don't let it make you settle.
The stars want you to realize that there's some simple things you can do to push the odds in your favor. It's not always about knowing all the answers, it's about trusting yourself to learn them as you go.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to warn you about a pitfall we all encounter all the time. We think we are open-minded, and we think we are impartial, but we go into almost every situation with preconceived notions and false expectations. We are prejudiced from the start.
Evolution has wired our brains to be wary. Every second, we are alert for danger; every new encounter or situation is scanned for trouble. In our more complex brain, that bleeds over into everything else. We wind up making our minds up before we start, and that influences how we view the world.
So if your first instinct is that someone looks or acts in a way that reminds you of someone who annoyed or hurt you, you are expecting to dislike someone you don't know at all. Your brain turns on a filter that will search for and amplify anything negative you associate with people who have let you down. You are programmed before you start.
This happens with everything you encounter. Movies, music, politics, dating, culture, diet, education, friendships, travel, you name it. We set out with our preconceptions, and we are rarely disappointed. This taints all our experiences.
The stars know that you are slaves to your brain and its evolutionary impulses. They know it's a normal and vital part of who we are. It protects us and saves us time and trouble, and is useful in many ways, so you're never going to be completely neutral in any situation, no matter how you like to think you are. You will never be able to turn it off.
They suggest instead that you actively see both sides of the coin. While you're imagining the bad outcomes and negative possibilities, train yourself to look for the positive ones as well. If you don't know what the good parts might look like, how are you ever going to recognize them when they come along?


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that some days, just holding on is enough. Put your head down and power forward, and before you know it, you'll be safe in your bed.
As always, if you're really having trouble, reach out. Friends and family can really surprise you with how willing they are to help. If it's more serious than that, there are numbers you can call and help available.
The stars can't stress enough, the world is a better place with you in it. So on the days when your only option seems to be that you just hang on tight and forge ahead, remember that a lot of people are doing just that every day. You're never alone, and better days are always waiting for you.

8/20/18 Monday Bonus

Today's Horoscope Monday Bonus

All signs:
The stars want to point out that many times when you're getting caught up in all the needless drama and problems, it's because you're avoiding the big ones that actually matter.
The stars advise you to pay attention to what you give your time and energy to.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want you to understand that wisdom is usually something you have to gain from experience. It is a long and painful process, accumulating knowledge. People are filled with doubt, even with things they see with their own eyes, and with what they experience with their own hearts.
The only time we attain wisdom is when we are finally ready to accept what our senses are telling us. Once we stop living the lie we have sold ourselves on, and reluctantly step back and see the whole picture.
Unfortunately, that's not how our brains are wired. We have to ability to shape our own reality, and that is a very dangerous and addictive tool. Wisdom comes at a price, and is often delivered with a sledgehammer. It is not some gentle and nicely wrapped gift, it is violent and crippling realization most of the time. It is reality smashing through all your defenses and leaving you nothing but the dark and bitter truth you've been running from for so long.
And that is how most people learn what is best for them. You can try to tell them, you can try to give them the benefit of your past experiences, but people need to learn on their own. They cannot trust something as important as what they see as their happiness and security on the words of someone else, no matter how close. We must all go get burned multiple times before we see the light.
Which is why the urge to say “I told you so” is so strong. The stars recommend that you refrain from doing that, though. It just makes people want to ignore good advice all the more. It is petty, and self serving, and it didn't feel good when others said it to you when you didn't listen on your way to attaining your own painful truth.

8/19/18 Sunday Evening Bonus

Today's Horoscope Sunday Evening Bonus

All signs:
As they have been doing with increasing frequency lately, the stars suggest you figure out who you are, and accept it or change it, depending on how that goes for you.
As amazing as we all are, the stars know how we often confuse strength for weakness and weakness for strength. They watch us convince ourselves we are wrong for our more beautiful traits. They see that we are in turmoil, plagued by indecision and fear, afraid to admit what is true and who we really are.
They are here to tell you that there is nothing to fear. Too often we try to convince ourselves that we are what we're not, and eventually, we start to believe it. People have a tendency to make us regret being kind and giving, by not seeing or appreciating our gifts, and taking advantage. We end up punishing ourselves because we feel foolish or weak, when in actuality we are strong enough to care.
Caring can be the scariest thing in the world, because it involves investing part of yourself in someone else's life. It means trusting, and sacrificing, and taking a chance, and a lot of people are just not cut out to accept that responsibility from someone.
So they make you feel like an idiot, or the bad guy for their own shortcomings. Too many incidents like that can make you hard, and turn you into someone you're not.
But here's a secret the stars want to share with you: it doesn't turn you into anything else. It's just you being conflicted, and that will just breed more internal conflict. It is you trying to reconcile some of the unfortunate aspects of the world with the good natured person you are. Sometimes it can make you spiral for years until you figure it out. Sometimes you never figure it out at all.
That's because you are in denial about who you are. You are not the cold, unfeeling, selfish person your fear and insecurity tries to convince you that you should become. You are just a caring, sensitive person trying to deal with the hurt that caring brings. You are confusing your strength with weakness, and trying to turn weakness into strength.
The stars know that you've already seen that doesn't work.
So the stars suggest that you realize what you already know, and that is who you are. Go forward with the knowledge that just because others can't see what you give them, that doesn't mean you should change. That just means you should find other people like you to give those gifts to.
And the people who can't appreciate you? Well, maybe your example will help them figure it out one day.
Just because someone doesn't appreciate your gift when they receive it, doesn't make it any less of a gift. They will still carry that around with them, and someday, they might find a use for it.
In the meantime, you can go on living your life unconflicted and confident. You can get more out of life once you unburden yourself with all the things you aren't. You will be too busy enjoying the gifts you've already given yourself.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that next time you get in a fight with a stranger on social media, you should remember that there is a while other lifetime shaping that person's opinion and attitude.
When you don't really know someone, you have no clue what words or actions can trigger them. Maybe they have grown up in an abusive household, maybe they are in an environment that stifles ideas and free thinking. Maybe they are handicapped or have lost a lot recently, loved ones, a job or their home. Perhaps they grew up with a lot of disadvantages you didn't have and can't comprehend. Maybe they are having a hard time of it right now, and feel that the world isn't fair and that life seems like it's not worth it. Perhaps they have some problems with mental illness or chronic pain. Maybe in real life, no one cares about them or takes them seriously, or bullies and mocks them.
A lot of people have the attitude that it's their problem, and they shouldn't be on social media if they can't handle it, but the stars think that's a pretty lousy attitude to have. Maybe social media is their one safe outlet, and they feel they need to defend what they consider attacks on them here in their sanctuary. Maybe they just have trouble relating to people because of whatever circumstances they live in, so they are just figuring it all out. Maybe they live in fear of confrontation or disagreements because they got smacked around if they opened their mouth, and here they can speak up without fear of violence.
The point the stars are making is that you never know, so before you resort to name calling and abuse, you should remember that you really have no idea who you're attacking, or why they say what they say. In fact, maybe you should look at your own life, and wonder why you are doing the same things you are yelling at someone else for doing. Most of our interactions with others is spent projecting, and often leads to misdirected anger or frustration.
So while yes, maybe you're not responsible for the bad actions of random people on Facebook, but you're always responsible for your own. If you want to feel superior to others, you have to act superior to others, and most of the time we act in the same manner as those we claim are the assholes.

8/17/18 Friday Bonus

Today’s Horoscope Friday Bonus

All Signs:
It’s Friday, you made it through another week! Congratulate yourself for just getting through the stuff that life throws at you on a daily basis.
Go into the weekend telling yourself that you deserve to be treated well. You deserve the things in life you have earned, and the things that just fell into your lap. Most likely, they didn’t just fall into your lap anyway. You put yourself in a position to receive them. Some people will always try to downplay your achievements or successes, but that’s their problem.
People born with a silver spoon in their mouth almost never question whether they deserve it or not. The fact that you might feel a twinge of shame, or that it’s unmerited, just means you have a conscience and a soul. Don’t let that feeling run away with itself and spoil the things that should bring you happiness.
The stars see all the things you have to deal with and overcome on a daily basis. They know that you sometimes ask too much of yourself, or let others make you feel bad about things that they shouldn’t. Don’t let yourself or anyone in your life take that away from you. Go out this weekend and enjoy everything you have a right to enjoy.
The stars are telling you that you deserve it, and the stars know what they are talking about.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Sometimes people can persuade themselves that they are being noble just to fool themselves. They think it's noble to be alone, or dedicated, or taken advantage of, because it's easier to accept than the fact that they are afraid to try, or to stand up for themselves.
They stay in unfulfilling relationships, they invalidate their own needs and desires, they miss out on the things that they really want to do, all because of fear and insecurity. They know this, so they make it more palatable by convincing themselves that they are sacrificing or not being frivolous. They tell themselves that they are happier this way, alone or serving others rather than really living.
Tales of heroes and martyrs and tortured artists have given us the idea that suffering is noble. While noble acts may include suffering at times, most of the positive things accomplished in the world were done without so much pain and sacrifice.
We hide behind false nobility, not so much from others, but from ourselves. Most of the time, others are unaware of our sacrifices and misery, because we are really waging war in our minds and in private. We are simply making ourselves feel better by making ourselves feel worse.
The stars think that you should learn to find happiness everywhere you can, even if it frightens you. There is no nobility in needless misery. In fact, it's the exact opposite. It's wasteful, petty, and sad. There is enough suffering in the world without creating your own.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars recommend that you be sure. Be sure of who you are, be sure of what you know. People will use every fear or doubt, or any insecurity you possess to fool you. They will destroy you on the slightest whim to get what they want.
They will make you wonder if up is down or left is right, and put questions in your mind where there should be none. Once they do that, they can make you think all kinds of things; about yourself, about those closest to you, about people you don't even know.
Most of the time it is because they don't even know themselves. So know who you are, for your own protection as well as the protection of the people you love. People who don't know who they are lose track of what's real, and they are be capable of anything, because they can't even trust themselves.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars hear all the promises we make. They know that most of the time, we really mean them. So many promises are hard to keep, through no fault of our own. We break promises all the time, or more accurately, we have them broken for us.
Fate and time have a way of scuttling our plans. No matter how hard we try, or whether we mean well, many of our vows fall by the wayside. We even break promises to ourselves, sometimes on a daily basis.
That's just the way of the world. Everything is in flux, and so many things are out off our control.
The flip side of all that is we begin to expect promises to be broken. They lose their value. When you assume that promises are not going to be kept, you disregard the ones that are.
The stars want to remind you that if you have someone in your life that actually strives to do the things they say they will, you should cherish them. More often than not, they might fail, but if they are making the effort, that should count for something.
The world seems driven to break our promises for us, and it will succeed a lot of the time. Don't let that diminish the promises that people who love you manage to keep.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you once again that it's all going to be alright. They have been around since the beginning of time, so they know what they're talking about.
There has always been hatred and greed, violence and mayhem, and nearly every moment can seem like a precarious, make or break point in your life or in history. It's scary at times. It's overwhelming at times. It can immobilize or suffocate you if you let it.
But you survived all that has come before. You have always found laughter after the pain. You have people who love and depend on you. There is always someone ready to help, even total strangers. You can always have a place to go and someone who loves you, if you choose it.
What's going to happen is going to happen. If you can change or affect it, stand up and do that. If you can't, stare it in the face as it tries to roll over you. You can't always control your fate, or the fate of the world, but you can decide how you will greet it, and what you'll accept.
The strange thing about the universe is that it works in such a way that we often feel like we're losing, when in fact, we are winning. The stars know that it is an illusion, created by faulty chemistry, unreliable interpretation, and ridiculous chance. Don't be fooled.
The stars think you should run towards what scares you sometimes. Often the thing you are afraid of is the thing you desire most.
The stars think you should get out ahead of some of the things that are barreling down on you. Putting yourself in a better position for the battle, or getting out of the way of combat altogether, is always best.
The stars think that you're going to come through whatever it is, just like always, so you might as well go through like a champion.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
How many times do you need to mess up before you learn? How many times do you need to be fooled before you don't get fooled anymore? How many times will you lie to yourself until you finally face that truth that scares you?
The answer is different for everyone. Some things hurt more than others, some people have better tools for handling it, some people are stronger or weaker. Some cuts run very deep, and inform every decision.
The stars want to remind you that most of us are trying, so it's not kind or healthy to hold others in contempt simply because they are at a different stage of their lives than you. They'll get there sooner if you don't knock them down or take advantage of them while they're vulnerable, so even if you don't want to help, don't make it harder.
And those people who have given up, in the world and themselves? At least have compassion. You giving up on them isn't showing the world that you're any better.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
It’s Friday, and sometimes simply making it through the week is enough.
The stars know that a lot of people are wrapped up in their own issues, or bad at expressing themselves, or just generally obtuse. The people in your life sometimes don’t tell you the things you need to hear when you need to hear them most. So the stars will do that for you.
You are beautiful and unique and worthwhile.
You are interesting and sexy and comforting.
You are good at what you do, and you make a difference.
You are much better than you give yourself credit for, and not nearly as horrible as you feel at times.
Your pain is valid, and your frustration understandable, and you deserve to voice your feelings.
There are things about you that no other person alive brings to the table, and that’s one of the reasons that the people in your life are there. You are special. People are proud of you.
You are loved. You are admired. You are appreciated.
You are cherished, and the world would not be the same without you in it.
The stars could go on, but you get the point. You should have people in your life that tell you those things, and like the stars pointed out, some people are really bad at it.
So if you’re reading this, take a moment and ask yourself, do you tell the people who matter most to you how important they are and how much you love and appreciate them? Do you let them know how special they are?
You should, because one day you will find that they aren’t around to wonder about it anymore.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want you to know that how much you sleep is a good indicator of what’s going on with your life.
These days it seems like everyone has trouble sleeping. There are medical conditions and physical reasons that people have trouble sleeping, but more often than not, that’s not the case. Anxiety and worry is usually the main culprit, and most of us just resign ourselves to some sleepless nights.
The thing is, if things are keeping you up at night, you have the same options you have in any other area of life. You can start to work to change the things that are worrying you. You can fix the things that are broken in your life, so they don’t keep you up at night.
If fixing them isn’t an option because they are things that are out of your control, then you need to learn to stop wasting time and energy on things you can’t do anything about. Worrying about things is often your brain trying to control the uncontrollable, and figuring out what things you can and can’t control is often the first step to a happier life.
The more messed up your sleeping patterns, the more messed up your mind and body are. Lack of sleep can mess with your body rhythms, your immune system, all kinds of things. Once that starts happening, you can get into a cycle where your health gets worse and makes it harder to sleep which makes your health get worse, and so on. Wild swings in your sleeping patterns are also signs of some mental illnesses. Bipolar, schizophrenia, paranoia, many times people afflicted with these ailments have serious problems when it comes to sleeping. Some don’t sleep for days because they are manic, and actually feel energized and wide awake, and it can result in a psychotic break eventually. On the other end of the spectrum, people suffering from depression can sleep all the time. Too little or too much sleep can be a problem.
Most people are just victims of anxiety and worry, though. There are many ways to help you fall asleep. Things like music or white noise, meditation, breathing exercises, or simply getting into a routine that helps you prepare for sleep. Sometimes it’s something in your diet that can keep you awake. There is always something new to try, and many resources to check.
But the stars are not sleep therapists. The thing the stars want you to be aware of is that if worries and fears are keeping you up at night, something in your life or the way you look at the world might be out of whack. If you’re sleeping too much or too little, there might be an underlying problem. Your mind and body are always doing what they are doing for a reason, and it’s always best to listen to them and figure out what that reason is.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that almost no loss is total. Neither are most wins. It's very rare that we get exactly what we want. In fact, sometimes things that seem like wins at the time end up turning into disasters, and losses wind up having unexpected benefits.
If you do come out on the losing end, always look to see what worked right. Keep that, and jettison the things that held you back. Take away everything positive you can from every setback, regroup, and keep trying.
The same holds true for the wins. Don't just be happy when you eke out a victory, examine it and see what worked and what made your life better. Get rid of the things that worked against you, so next time your victory is more complete.
What the stars want you to realize is that winning and losing is a state of mind more than anything. Two sides can claim victory, it depends on how exactly you define victory. Some people see only loses when they don't get everything they want, and as the stars said, almost no victory is 100%, so they are setting themselves up for failure.
No, you win some and you lose some, often at the very same time, it's what you do afterwards that really matters.

8/6/18 Monday Bonus

Today’s Horoscope Monday Bonus

All Signs:
The stars know Mondays can be tough. No matter how long it has been the norm, it probably isn’t natural or conducive to happiness or stress relief to have two days off and then back to work for the next five every week of your adult life. In short, it fucks with you.
Whatever the case may be, there is no point complaining about it. It is what it is. There are plenty of things in life that you just have to make the best out of, and keep going.
Maybe instead of looking at Monday as the end of the weekend, look at it as the beginning of whatever change or goal you want to accomplish. Perhaps it’s the first day you start really applying yourself to something you want that will make your life better. It could be the first day of working towards that project or promotion. Maybe it’s the first day of looking for a better job. Maybe it’s the start of your new diet or exercise program. It can be the first day of your recovery, or treating yourself or the people in your life better. It might be the first day of writing that story or novel, or making music or drawing or any other artistic endeavor.
It could just be the first day of your new attitude towards Monday. The point is, it’s one more chance to take a negative and turn it into a positive, and you can build on that as the week goes on. Then when the weekend comes, you will have the real satisfaction that comes with knowing you got some things accomplished, and it might leave you more time to enjoy yourself because you didn’t let everything go until the weekend.
Monday is always going to be Monday. How you react to that is up to you.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that it does no good to sit around and lament what might have been. Before any of it happened or didn't happen, it was what could have been. Just like the rest of your life. It's all there waiting for you, so shift your thoughts from the past to the future.
The stars implore you, learn to see that so much is in front of you, and what still could be.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you that people have issues. All of them. Those issues are going to dictate their behavior, towards you, towards themselves, towards to world.
You might find as you go through your life that people will come into it, and they might think you're great. They might respect you, or be amazed by you, or love you.
Then one day, their issues take ahold, and the things they loved about you become the things they resent. You are still the same person you were, but all those things they thought were so great about you now drive them crazy.
People constantly look for heroes, they crave people that they can look up to, they want to part of something bigger. They often want people that they respect more than themselves, because they are under the delusion that they are so terribly flawed. Then it suddenly gets overwhelming for them. The doubts and insecurities set in, and they look to tear you down. They don't want their heroes to be better than them, because it magnifies their faults. So yesterday's top box office star is today's overrated has-been.
The same thing can happen on a smaller scale. Now, instead of being someone they admire or love, you only remind them of what they feel they aren't. They put you on a pedestal, then they knock you off. Meanwhile, you are the exact same person you were when they met you. You scratch your head and wonder why the person you love is now someone who resents you and tries to tear you down every chance they get, looking for flaws and imperfections wherever they can.
This is one of those situations where the stars are at a loss at what exactly to tell you. People just have issues, and the only way you're going to find out what they are is to jump in the pool and check the water. Unfortunately, you're going to get hurt in the process. A lot.
All you can do is learn how to deal with the pain better and to try to spot the warning signs that people show you. We all have issues, but there are plenty of people with issues that won't make their issues your problem, and that's who you should look for, in your friends and lovers. Someone more complete, someone reasonably satisfied with who they are and what they have, someone who knows themselves and doesn't need heroes to make them happy. Because if most people are putting you up on that pedestal, they have to knock you back off soon enough, just so they can live with themselves and the choices they made.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Stop looking for things to piss you off.
If the stars can predict anything, it’s that there will always be something to annoy you. Finding more things to do it is the one area of your life you don’t have to put any more effort into. Most of the time we are just looking for things to take our frustration out on, so we seek out something to attack. Instead of looking for more negativity, put that energy into fixing the things that are really bothering you, or doing something more constructive.
Angry housework beats reading sensationalist news blogs or some idiot’s posts on social media every time.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars are very busy today, forming new solar systems, wiping out others, and they know that you’re busy too. They want you to know that the sooner you start, the sooner you finish, and putting things off to the last minute is not the best way to do things. We know that, and yet we still procrastinate and get easily distracted when we should be taking care of our responsibilities. Then we end up leaving things until it’s too late or doing a shoddy job at the last minute.
The universe works like clockwork, and that’s because the stars do what they have to when they have to. Order comes from everything doing what it’s supposed to when it’s supposed to, and when we mess that up we screw up the order in our own lives. So go get it done, you’ll be much more satisfied and your life will be better because of it.

8/1/18 End Of July Bonus

Horoscope End Of July Bonus

All Signs:
The stars just want to point out that it’s August already. The summer will be over soon enough, so if there is anything you were planning to do, you better get busy doing it.
The older we get, the faster time seems to fly. It seems like not long ago we were complaining about the cold. Life can really get away from you if you let it, so the stars think you should pay attention a little harder and work a little extra to make the time to do the things that make you happy. Before you know it, the time has past and you’ve missed your chance.
The stars have existed for billions of years, almost all eternity, and still it’s never enough time. Don’t waste yours.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Sometimes the day can wear you down. Often we end up agitated or defeated or despondent because of a thousand little cuts. There’s not any one big thing that is causing you strife, but there it is. We let all the little things add up and give it much more power and control than it deserves. The best thing to do is flush all that accumulated garbage out of your mind and let it go.
The stars recommend you take a break from all of it and reset yourself. Listen to your favorite songs or read a book or watch a movie. Do some housework or finish up something you’ve been putting off and should really get to. Do something positive that makes you feel better about yourself and the world, instead of staying in your lousy mood and finding things to make it worse.
The stars want to remind you that there are always good and positive things to outweigh the little bad things that populate your day, you just have to choose to see them sometimes.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
You can spend all your time arguing with yourself and debating the merits of everything you or everyone else does, but you're also going to have to just get stuff done. What good is all the self examination and personal growth if you never put it into action?
The stars want to make sure you realize that you can only think about something for so long before you have to put some kind plan in motion. If not, you will find yourself in an endless loop, paralyzed by indecision and over thinking a problem you already solved. Part of the solution is taking what you've learned outside your mind and just doing it, or else what's the point?


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
It's Sunday. Take the day off from beating yourself up or trying to hold the world together by controlling the uncontrollable. Take a break from second guessing the past and fretting about the future.
Just go do something for the sheer joy of it, and damn anyone who looks at you crooked, or tries to make you feel guilty or doubt yourself.
The stars want you to know that the present is all you have to work with right now, and the future is unwritten. Today, you decide what you want to write on that page.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Nearly everything you do in life is in response to fear, whether you realize it or not. Fear turns us into people we don't want to be.
Just as bad is the fact that fear holds us back. We end up not doing or saying the things we want because we are afraid of failing or looking foolish.
The stars want you to think back on all the times fear has entered your life. How many times did the thing you fear turn out to be as bad as you imagined? Even if it did, did spending all that time worrying and afraid help you one bit?
How many times did you overcome fear and do what you wanted, damn the consequences? You survived every time, and you'll survive again.
Don't be afraid to try, don't let fear dictate who you are. Don't be afraid to love, and don't be afraid to be alone or move on. Don't be afraid of things that don't actually affect your life in the least, don't give in to blind panic and hysteria. Don't be afraid of what the future might hold, enjoy the present and learn from the past.
The stars want you to be as close to fearless as you can whenever you can. You've done it before, you know how. Don't be afraid to be unafraid. Don't be afraid to be you.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
In these days when we are becoming more and more used to instant gratification, the stars recommend that you work on your patience.
In these days of bitter division where we expect to get everything we want, the stars recommend you learn compromise.
In these days of stress and anxiety where everything seems to need our immediate attention, the stars recommend you learn to prioritize and pace yourself.
In these days of manipulation and greed, con artists and thieves, the stars recommend that you think before you act.
In these days of anger and tension, derision and scorn, the stars recommend that you choose your words carefully.
In these days when there are a lot of things that seem overwhelming, and it feels like bad news and misery is waiting around every corner, the stars recommend you keep sight of all the good things that come your way.
The stars recommend that you should remind yourself of everything you have achieved in the face of adversity so far. The stars recommend you always hold onto who you are, because who you are has gotten you this far, and you still have a long way to go.
You’re going to make it.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars always urge you to be kind. There is enough hatred and cruelty in the world. But they want you to understand that you you can be kind but strong. You can be kind, but remain firm, and take a stand.
When they tell you to be kind, they say it realizing that there are times when you have to fight back. There is a difference between being cruel and defending yourself or resisting evil. You can go on the offensive, and attack injustice and wrongdoing without being cruel and hateful.
Being kind does not entitle others to treat you like a doormat or abuse you. It doesn’t mean you have to endure insults and give in, or that you have to accept things as they are. Some people will try to make you feel like you are a hypocrite, or that you have forfeited your right to defend yourself. They will pretend to have hurt feelings, or try to claim the moral high ground with specious reasoning. That is just a trick that people play on others and themselves. Often, they are the ones that were cruel in the first place, and don’t even see the difference between hate and protest, or abuse and resistance.
The stars expect you to be as kind as the situation warrants, and to know the difference being standing up for something and being mean. So be kind, yes, but don’t be afraid to hit back when need be.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want you to remember that reality is relative, and we all have our own to a large extent. A lot of people and organizations and corporations want to impose their reality, or a reality that they created on you, to influence you in a multitude of ways. We end up having a lot of opinions on things that don’t concern us and that we know nothing about. We end up wanting things that we didn’t know existed, and that only disappoint us when we get them. We end up judging ourselves on ideals and images that aren’t real or attainable.
The most important thing you can do is figure out what your own reality is, and why it is that way. Is it based on how you truly feel, or things others do or say that have influenced it? Is your reality based on negative or positive input and actions? What things can you change about it, and what things do you have to accept?
A large part of who we are and how we view the world is something we have control over. Don’t let something as important as who you are be dictated to you. Find out just who the hell you really are, and be it.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
The stars want you to stop thinking of everything on a personal level. There are some things you have to think about that way, of course, but we tend to think of everything in those terms, and that’s not healthy or realistic.
We tend to think of big things that affect a lot of people in that way, that have little to do with us in the first place. We should be thinking on a societal scale, or national scale, even a global scale. Instead, we get annoyed and frustrated because we think a lot of the world’s problems can be solved with what seems to us to be common sense, or simple solutions. We get angry at people’s decisions and lifestyles, without really understanding their circumstances and viewpoint. We only think about how we wouldn’t do it that way, therefore we discount it as wrong.
It doesn’t work that way. Once a problem affects more than a few people, the logistics involved can quickly escalate into a nightmare. You can’t change one thing without it influencing another. You can’t dictate your morality or priviledge or discriminations on others. It’s all give and take, and most of the time you don’t even know the people involved and what things will be given or taken away. Most of the time, we fixate on one small aspect of a complex situation, and demand something be done. We end up frustrated and angry about issues and people we don’t really understand fully, and wind up being counterproductive or creating even more problems.
The stars think you should really take the time to think about everyone and everything your “solutions” would affect, and how to come up with reasonable and fair resolutions instead of knee jerk reactions. It would help you along with helping the rest of the world, and that seems like such a better use of your time.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
There's a middle ground for just about everything. You're never going to agree on everything with everyone, but there is usually some place to meet in between.
These days, so many people are on edge and divided that we forget that, and we start dealing in absolutes when there's no need for it. There is a need for absolutes, make no mistake, but it seems more and more we are looking for them in everything. We try to trace any disagreement back to a reason or motive that warrants isolation or scorched earth policy.
The stars recommend that for every fault you find in someone in your zeal to jettison people from your life, you try to find something worthwhile. If the scales still don't balance, then fine, but isn't it worth finding the humanity in someone rather than trying to dehumanize and dismiss them all?

7/20/18 Friday Bonus

Today’s Horoscope Friday Bonus

All Signs:
It’s Friday, so congratulations on making it through another week in this crazy world.
The stars want you to remember that sometimes it seems like no one really cares or gives you or your stuff enough attention, but that’s not any reflection on you. Everyone has a lot of the same things going on that you do, and sometimes it overwhelms them as well. They just don’t always have the time or patience to notice the things you hoped they would.
So if there’s something you really need, ask for it, and if it’s just you feeling like you aren’t being admired or appreciated enough, deal with it. It’s nice to have people tell you how wonderful you are and how proud they are of you, but other people can’t be counted on to do that all the time.
That’s why you have to learn to be proud of yourself, and sometimes that has to be enough.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to take a moment to tell you that they are proud of you. They want to tell you what a good job you're doing. They see how hard you're trying, and they know how hard it is.
Most of us don't hear that enough. People tend to go by what they know, and most of the time what they know is very limited. They judge your actions based on their reality, or progress by their own circumstances. They don't see you achieving anything because they only look at it from their perspective.
Everyone has different advantages and disadvantages, and everyone seems to forget that. People are quick to dismiss your achievements because they never had to overcome the things you had to overcome. They think you're not trying, or not getting it done fast enough, but they have no clue where you are in your development or what you're dealing with.
If people aren't going to empathize with you, then you need to empathize with them. Understanding can't come without empathy, and it doesn't matter where it comes from, it's not a competition. In this case, if you understand that some people are self centered and judgmental, then it frees you from the guilt and feelings of inferiority. Empathy is not a weakness, it is not the blind acceptance of everyone's faults. It is a tool, and in many cases it can help you understand why people behave badly and to dismiss that behavior as having nothing to do with who you are. Empathy can be altruistic or selfish, often at the same time, and each way can be the correct way.
So the stars want to tell you that they are indeed proud of you, for doing what you need to do despite all the obstacles you encounter and the damage you've received along the way. They know that we all grow and learn at our own pace, and that we are all dealing with things that no one can even guess at. There are a lot of different paths that arrive at the same place, and just because they may lose sight of you from their path from time to time doesn't mean they won't see you again at a better destination.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Practice makes perfect, so practice being kind. Practice loving yourself, and doing the right things so you can be proud of who you are. Practice understanding, and empathy and compassion. Practice being a good friend or parent or child. Practice being a good partner. Practice being tolerant and open-minded. Practice thinking the best of someone rather than thinking the worst. Practice respect.
Practice doing all the things that make you a better person and the world a better place, because those two things are usually linked closely together.
The stars realize that nothing is perfect, and no one expects you to be either. Doing things over and over does become the norm, though, and the more you do them the more proficient you get at it and the easier it is. If you’re going to be doing something over and over, why not do something that’s good for you?


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Learn to commit. To whatever it is you want, commit. We are often afraid to commit to most anything, because our brains tell us that we are limiting ourselves, or we are settling. That is fear. Fear of failure, fear of success, fear of missing out. The stars aren’t talking about just committing to another person. They are talking about committing to anything. A diet or workout routine, counseling, quitting a habit, completing a task, changing your life in any way for the better. Resolutions are only good if you commit to them.
The stars suggest that you keep that word at the forefront of your mind whenever you are trying to accomplish something. Whenever you are tempted to quit or cheat on your task at hand, whenever you feel your resolve weakening, remember the word “commit”.
Only when you fully commit to something can you achieve it. Only when you achieve what you set out to achieve can you better yourself and gain pride and self worth. Only you get to a point that you are proud of who you are and respect and love yourself can you really begin to be happy. It all starts with commitment.
Learn to commit.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Next time someone attacks you, or you attack someone else, stop and think. Many of the times we get mad or frustrated with people is because we see ourselves in them. We get mad at traits in them that we share, or we see things that make us notice our own insecurities or jealousies. Most of ways you see others are a reflection of how you see yourself. It’s like we are looking in a mirror at times, and what we see isn’t pleasant.
The thing is, mirrors are not a trustworthy as you think. Everything you see in a mirror is backwards. Most of the time, it isn’t even a good mirror you’re looking at. You are looking at the equivalent of the surface of rippling water or the back of a dull spoon. Reflections are often distorted, so it's hard to see clearly. What you are looking at most likely has nothing to do with reality. It is what you are seeing after it gets bounced around through a series of funhouse mirrors, and your mind is making up most of an incomplete picture.
Next time someone is giving you a bunch of crap, instead of taking it personally and letting it bother you, think about what they are saying and how it relates to them. Are they attacking you because they feel inferior, or because you remind them of their own lousy behavior? Are they being hypocrites? Are they angry about things that you have no control over? Do they feel that you are getting something that they feel they deserve, even if they didn’t do or know of any of the work you put in to get it? Are they really railing at themselves, or taking out some frustrations on you rather than the real target because it’s easier and safer?
The same goes for you, when you feel the need to attack someone else. Are any of those things true of your motives? Remember, people who care about you and want to offer constructive criticism don’t usually do it in an angry or abusive way.
The stars know that even the best of us get fooled. Even the best of us misdirect our anger and frustration. That said, often the damage it does is real, so we need to as careful and in control as we can be. Otherwise it might become habit, and we might hurt ourselves and others beyond repair.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
To recap:
You're never as bad or as wonderful as you think you are.
The world contains evil and good, as do people, but in almost every case, there is much more good than evil.
We are all unique, yet all so much alike in so many ways.
We are harder on ourselves than others will ever be, and harder on others than we ever need to be.
The more we try to control something, the less control we will have and more we will create whatever it is we are trying to stop.
Many of the things we obsess over don't really matter that much, and most of the things we try to ignore matter more than we can imagine.
The stars want you to realize that almost everything in life is dichotomy. Everything seems to contradict everything else, but it really doesn't. It's just very complex and all intertwined. One of the main goals in life should be examining yourself and the world to figure out how it all fits together without letting it drive you crazy. You need patience and empathy to develop a deep understanding of the world, and to then adjust your expectations and reactions to what the world hands you.
Only when you figure out where you fit in between all these opposite ends of the spectrum will you see that they are spectrums, and that you can find a place on them where you feel at home. Then you can start to free yourself of all the chains and anchors you've been accumulating all these years.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Many times we feel like we don't fit in. We feel that others won't understand us, so we sometimes tell ourselves that we must be broken or weird or silly. We find all kinds of faults and conditions to apply to ourselves, simply because we are unique individuals living with other people with many of the same traits. There is a primal need to conform, and ironically that can lead to us feeling alone and distant.
The thing is, if we all feel that way at times, it's one more area where we are all the same. We want to belong, and we want to believe that we don't, and it's all an endless game, a simple trick our brain plays on us. The only answer is to learn to appreciate the bonds we all share, and to celebrate the things that make us unique.
The only way to do that is to figure out who you are, and accept it. Unapologetically, fearless and free from the negative connotations you've invented to try to make yourself feel bad about it. Then go fit in with all the things you like about the world, and do it as you, a you who isn't afraid to appear different or strange to those who don't get it.
The stars want you to understand that we are all weird, and we all fit in, because no one has a monopoly on being different.


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
There is a universe inside you. There are arguments and wars and love and euphoria, all swirling around inside your head, while you go about your day and present your outside face to the world.
No one else could ever guess how you go from content to terrified, from secure to barely holding it together, then repeat the whole cycle all over again, a hundred times a day. No one sees how the same thing will fill you with love and dread at the same time, yet inside our own universes, these things play out with all of us.
This universe goes on even when you aren't conscious of it; and then in a quiet moment, it all comes crashing back into existence. It's not an easy thing, running a universe. It's a delicate trick to pull off, and we're unsuccessful a lot of the time. Fortunately, these universes are often self correcting, and we can shake off a lot and keep it going.
The stars know a thing or two about running the universe. They know that there's an order to it, and there are limitless possibilities and an infinite number of outcomes. They know that even though the universe can knock you for a loop, at times people will see you smiling to yourself, in a way that makes them jealous. Smiling because of something only you can see in your vast and glorious private universe, and it makes all the trouble worthwhile.


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
Some days, everyone seems to annoy us. It feels like everything everyone does gets on our nerves. We say “we woke up on the wrong side of bed”, and just figure we are in a bad mood for no reason, or that people are acting particularly moronic today.
The thing is, it’s not that common to have wild mood swings, and if you think about it, the people in your life probably aren’t doing anything different than they always have. Now, the things they do is making you angry and petulant. The only thing that has changed is you.
A lot of the time we get annoyed at people we love because we are mad at something else. The thing that upsets us a lot of the time is things we can’t strike back at, not in an immediate, satisfying way. Maybe it’s your job or your boss, maybe it’s financial woes or uncertainty about the future, or relationship drama or insecurities. It might just be the state of the world in general, and the helplessness you feel when you see how overwhelming it all is. You can’t really yell at those things, or even see a tangible target at times.
So you look around for a target, and you usually see your friends and family. You become hypercritical, and find anything to take your rage out on. True, most of that rage is probably inside your head, but it feels good to think that everyone else is stupid sometimes. It is a strange thing that we feel like we are getting positive reinforcement from negative action. We aren’t, of course. It doesn’t really solve anything, and it usually leaves you feeling empty and ashamed.
Many times though, when we find ourselves picking apart everyone we know and finding things to be upset about, it’s because we are really upset or disappointed in ourselves. We might be mad at ourselves for something totally unrelated, or we might be jealous, or ashamed at some way we handled things, so we get mad at people who are just simply living their lives. We see them happy, and it annoys us because we aren’t happy right now, or because they are being happy without including us. We hear them mention something that we don’t agree with, and we instantly decide that they are morons and wonder what we ever saw in them. We look for any reason to get upset at anyone else rather than face what is bothering us about ourselves.
The stars want you to know that we all have these days from time to time. We all misplace our anger in an attempt to avoid the truth. And truthfully, no matter how much you love someone, sometimes people are just really annoying. In the end, as always, it is on us to figure out what is the driving force behind our own actions. It will save a lot of hurt feelings, and it will save a lot of negative and unproductive energy, and when you realize what’s really bothering you, you can start fixing it, and one day you might wake up to find that you don’t have to be mad at anyone at all.