Wednesday, October 24, 2018


Today’s Horoscope

All Signs:
It’s Friday, and sometimes simply making it through the week is enough.
The stars know that a lot of people are wrapped up in their own issues, or bad at expressing themselves, or just generally obtuse. The people in your life sometimes don’t tell you the things you need to hear when you need to hear them most. So the stars will do that for you.
You are beautiful and unique and worthwhile.
You are interesting and sexy and comforting.
You are good at what you do, and you make a difference.
You are much better than you give yourself credit for, and not nearly as horrible as you feel at times.
Your pain is valid, and your frustration understandable, and you deserve to voice your feelings.
There are things about you that no other person alive brings to the table, and that’s one of the reasons that the people in your life are there. You are special. People are proud of you.
You are loved. You are admired. You are appreciated.
You are cherished, and the world would not be the same without you in it.
The stars could go on, but you get the point. You should have people in your life that tell you those things, and like the stars pointed out, some people are really bad at it.
So if you’re reading this, take a moment and ask yourself, do you tell the people who matter most to you how important they are and how much you love and appreciate them? Do you let them know how special they are?
You should, because one day you will find that they aren’t around to wonder about it anymore.

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