Today's Horoscope
All signs:
The stars suggest you hold onto the things that make you happy. As we get older, we tend to get worn down. We give up on what we want more easily than before. We settle, and we tell ourselves whatever we need to believe because we can't always muster up the strength it takes to do it all over again.
We lose our passion, we become jaded, we convince ourselves that the things we once couldn't live without just aren't worth the effort anymore. That's when life begins to lose its magic.
Music and art doesn't inspire us like it used to. The sunrise and sunset and the beauty of nature go by unnoticed. The wonder of science and knowledge slip past us, as the universe loses some of its mystery. We no longer have romance and passion and long, intense kisses.
We lose so many of the things that kept us alive and vital, and we fool ourselves into believing it doesn't really matter.
The stars know better. The stars know that deep inside you that fire still burns, and how you ache for the things that are missing. The stars know how we can still drag ourselves through everyday, even though we are unsatisfied and unfulfilled. The stars know that can't be enough.
The stars need you to know that there is no reason to do that. Hold onto the things that make you happy, and when they seem out of reach or not worth the trouble, try all that much harder to get them.
When you stop caring and stop trying, you fail yourself, and your life descends into conflict and dissatisfaction. You can watch that light slowly die, or you can do something about it.
You can hold onto the things that make you happy.
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